  • Grandmother Malanya

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game is a joke, It is based on the folk poteshka, which is played out in motion. The task of the child is to come up with or choose interesting movements to this poteshke.

    Participating in previous games, children have already acquired quite a diverse motor experience, which now, when you need to figure out what to show the participants of the dance, it will be very useful. Solving such a task requires the child creative initiative, resourcefulness and, of course, independence. The participants of the game are given complete freedom-everyone can choose the movement that he likes best. The game contributes to the formation of such important qualities, personality, as creative activity, resourcefulness, ability to concentrate.

    A child performing the main role in the center of a round dance becomes a role model. This not only increases his responsibility when performing movements, but also gives a special pleasure, elevates in his own eyes. The rest of the children, imitating their peer, not the educator, as they used to, acquire a new experience of gaming cooperation, when not only consistency in movements is achieved, but also unity in creating the image.

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    This game gives the child complete freedom in expressing emotions, gives way to fun, spontaneity and even pranks.

    Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct. Initially, the main role is played by the educator.

    He offers children to play in a very fun game-round dance. At the same time he warns that the children will lead the dance by themselves. Children hold hands, and the adult becomes in a circle and begins to hum the song, accompanying it with expressive movements.


    Malanya, old woman

    Lived in a small hut

    Seven daughters,

    Seven sons,

    All without eyebrows.

    With such eyes,

    With such ears,

    With such noses,

    With such a mustache,

    With such a head,

    With such a beard. ..

    Nothing, did not eat,

    All day long,

    On her) looked,

    Did it like this. ..


    Children move around in one direction, holding hands. They stop and use gestures and facial expressions to represent what is said in the text: they close their brows with their hands, make "round eyes" and "big nose", etc.

    They squat down and with one hand, prop their chin.

    Repeat for the leader of any funny movement.

    The movements that children repeat for adults should be varied: you can, for example, shake your finger at jokingly, make horns, wave your arm, jump, dance, swing, bow, clap, put your hands behind your back, rock on two legs and tThey can be accompanied by sounds or exclamations. There is only one limitation in this game: all movements must be aesthetic. Children should not be bullied. Each movement must be repeated several times so that the guys can enter the image and enjoy the game.

    Only after the tutor gives the children some examples of doing the role, the presenter, he suggests that one of the children take this place and try to cheer all the participants of the game.

    Rules of the game.

    1. The one who stands in the center of the dance, should figure out how to portray the children of Grandma Malanya.

    2. It is allowed to show any movement, but you can not be twisted or fooled.

    3. All participants, dances, repeat the movements of the presenter.

    Tips for the educator. Prepare a few movements in advance for characterizing the nursery rhymes. Immediately before the game, create in the group such an atmosphere that would have a fun-a joke. Such an emotional background will promote the manifestation of creative initiative and resourcefulness. Due to the change in roles, each child will have an opportunity to think up funny movements and reproduce them, forgiving the children who perform the main role, you activate the creative initiative of the others. But if one of the pupils starts to yell, you need to stop it and say that we will not do that.

    It is very important to help those children who are embarrassed to speak to everyone or can not come up with a move. In these cases, you can tell the child any suitable movement( but only in a whisper, in the ear), but you can also help directly: enter the circle, dance or jump with it.