  • Carousel

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game has long enjoyed great popularity among preschool children. The content of the game reminds children of riding on the carousel. The success of the game is due to the unique game situation, a successful combination of such important elements as movement, figurative word and the way of interaction between all its participants. Twisting simultaneously in the tempo, which is set by the text, children collectively create an image of a carousel, the movement of which is accelerated, then slowed down, and together they experience the sensations of such a ride. This general experience causes a genuine surge of fun, which, of course, brings children together. The game not only amuses children, but also teaches to coordinate their movements with each other and with the rhythm of the text, which is very useful for the development of auditory attention and control of their movements.

    The simplicity and brevity of this game gives the child the opportunity to mentally present the content as a whole and to foresee a repetition.

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    Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct. As in the previous game, it all starts with an invitation. Turning to the most bold and active child, the teacher invites him along with him to invite children to play a new game. The teacher takes the kid by the hand, puts it in front of him and begins to collect together with him in a chain all those who want to play. The selected child, along with the tutor, comes in turn to each of the children, calls him by name and asks: "Sasha, will she play with us?"Then attach yourself to us! "Sasha gives the hand to the educator, and the three of them approach the next child. So all the participants of the game gather in a common chain. The chain closes and forms a circle.

    "Now we will ride the carousel," says the tutor. "Repeat the words for me and move in a circle, so that the carousel does not break."

    Holding hands, the children, along with the tutor, move in a circle and say the following words:

    Words Hardly crouched. And then, then, then All of the running, running, running! They ran, ran, ran, ran! Hush, hush, do not rush, Carousel os-ta-no-v-te. One-two, one-two( pause), That's the end of the game.

    Movements The carousel moves slowly to the right side. The pace of speech and movements is gradually accelerating. The word "ran" carousel changes direction.

    The pace of movements is gradually slowing down, and the words "one-two" all stop and bow to each other.

    The game ends with the children clapping their hands and running. Then they again gather in a circle and the game begins again.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Hold each other's arms tightly so that the circle does not break during movements.

    2. Turn face in the direction of movement of the carousel.

    3. To obey the general rate of movements and amicably, to say the words in chorus.

    .Advice to the educator. Beforehand, you need to learn the text well and learn how to pronounce it according to the movements. This is important, since the educator gives children a pattern of movement and behavior in the collective game.

    The success of this lively, fun game depends on whether the pupils know how to hold hands tightly and turn in the course of the "carousel" movement( i.e., observe the first and second rules).If the group has sluggish, low-active children, put them closer to themselves or between active peers, instructing them to care for the weak( "Keep Misha from falling down from the carousel").

    This game is useful to conduct in a different age group, where the elders can patronize the younger ones, and the kids can hold on to the elders and be proud of their participation in the common game. Such intergenerational contacts contribute to the development of humane relations between children.

    If children do not yet know how to walk in a circle, special attention should be paid to the implementation of the first two rules. Use a carousel playing image that can break. It happens that only some players violate the rules. In this case, teach them individually, so as not to disrupt the course of the game.

    Before starting the game, be sure to check that the children hold hands tightly.

    To ensure that students do not quarrel because of the place in the circle, you need to give everyone the opportunity to choose it, provided that in the future this place will not change,