
Useful and medicinal properties of cocklebur cocklebur

  • Useful and medicinal properties of cocklebur cocklebur

    This weed grass is easily recognized by large, three-pointed, needle-like yellowish thorns, sitting at the base of the leaves. Flowers are greenish, unobtrusive, same-sex and monoecious. Stamen flowers sit in the form of dense globular baskets at the ends of the stems. Pestle flowers are located in the axils of the leaves. Stem is straight, strongly branched, glossy, with

    covered with hairs, 25-60 cm tall. Leaves are short-deciduous, trilobate, small, bright green on top, whitish below. Blooms from July to autumn. When the fruit ripens, the wrapper of pistillate flowers grows and forms a solid false fruit( turnips) covered with hooked spines 8-12 mm in length, 4-5 mm in width. The fruit of the cocklebur is firmly attached to the clothes of passers-by or the animal's fur and is carried far away.

    Grows on the streets, pastures, weedy places, in crops.

    For therapeutic purposes, grass, seeds and roots are used. Both kinds of cocklebur, especially prickly, are rich in iodine.

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    Preparations from these plants in folk medicine are successfully used to treat the thyroid gland, take cocklebur during diarrhea( even bloody).

    Application of

    Fresh juice of grass in the form of tincture gives patients with hives: children from 2 to 10 drops, depending on age and individual sensitivity, adults - 15-20 drops per reception. Fresh juice - with tumors in the throat, urticaria, lichen.

    Tincture of the whole plant on vodka is drunk with goiter, the whole plant is brewed as tea and drunk with cancer, root broth - with skin diseases, the whole plant - with hives.

    Decoction: 1 tbsp.a spoonful of herbs on a glass of boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes, ingested 1 glass 3 times a day. With diarrhea and dysentery, even bloody diarrhea, it is better to take a decoction of the root and seeds.

    Outwardly: for skin diseases( eczema, lichen, scrofulous scabs, rashes and fungal lesions) rub the fresh leaves of cocklebur( but without spines) and smear them with affected areas. In winter, you can use a decoction of the root or the whole plant. The broth of the cocklebur is washed( in the people) after shaving, especially if there are pimples and lichens on the face. The broth from cocklebur does cause burning, so its use requires some caution.