  • Cosmetic application of citrus fruits

    With the extracts of fruits and citrus peel, a wide variety of perfumes and cosmetics are produced:

    toilet water,


    skin tonics,

    scrubs( exfoliating, cleansers for face and body),

    cosmetic masks,

    moisturizing, nourishing andregenerating creams.

    On citrus juices, you can build a unique system of home beauty treatments for the face, neck and whole body. Especially beneficial is their effect on the skin of fatty and mixed types, but for dry, sensitive skin they will prove useful in a number of cases.

    Cosmetic effect from the use of citrus fruits is determined by the presence in their juice and peel of a large number of biologically active substances: fruit acids( AGC), essential oils, enzymes, vitamins( antioxidants).

    Antioxidants( antioxidants) play an important role in the metabolism, prevent the oxidation of skin lipids, leading to its premature aging. They also neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals caused by sunlight, pollution, cigarette smoke. By destroying cells at the molecular level, free radicals can cause serious damage to both the skin and the entire body;lead to heart disease and cancer. Under their action, cell membranes are destroyed, collagen, much needed by the skin, collapses, the fibers that support the skin lose elasticity. Deprived of its firming foundation, the skin begins to weaken and sag, that is, to grow old.

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    Carotene, which contains citrus fruits, perfectly restores skin cells, reduces wrinkles.

    Vitamin C is also a strong antioxidant;stimulates the synthesis of collagen and gives the skin softness and elasticity;however, vitamin C, unfortunately, is rapidly destroyed, and this complicates its use in industrial cosmetics. Vitamin C( ascorbic acid) - promotes the regeneration of tissues, affects the biosynthesis of collagen and intercellular substance - hyaluronic acid, necessary for the preservation of youthful skin.

    Essential oils well moisturize and nourish the skin, stimulate the growth of fibroblasts. Cells of connective tissue, fibroblasts, in turn, provide the work of elastin and collagen - these substances make our skin supple and soft.

    There are other healing properties of essential oils. With their help, you can protect yourself from infections, reduce stress, improve immunity, improve mood and well-being in general. In addition, penetrating through the organs of smell in certain parts of the brain, natural flavors can regulate the human eating habits, and therefore, affect the metabolism in the body, and the state of our skin. Some smells depress digestion, others, on the contrary, arouse a feeling of hunger. The fragrance of citrus is peculiar to dull the feeling of hunger, to get rid of the need for sweet. True, serious research in this area is still ahead.