  • Pumpkin seeds are good and bad

    People have long felt the power of eating pumpkin seeds. For the treatment of , pumpkin seeds should be used only in raw form and in no case fried. Of the seeds still squeeze pumpkin oil, which is also used to treat many diseases.
    To get the most benefit from pumpkin seeds:
    1. Clean them from the covering yellow( white) husks, if any, as some pumpkin varieties give seeds immediately without this husk;
    2. Soak the received nucleoli in water for 6 to 12 hours, so that the green film softens and all nucleoli can be fully absorbed.

    Caloric content

    Below is the content of nutrients( calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible part of pumpkin.
    Nutritional value
    Caloric value 541 kcal
    Proteins 24.54 g
    Fats 45.85 g
    Carbohydrates 13.91 g
    Dietary fiber 3.9 g
    Ash 4.88 g
    Water 6.92 g
    Mono and disaccharides 1g
    Saturated fatty acids 8,674 g

    Beta-carotene 0.228 mg
    Vitamin A( RE) 19 μg
    Vitamin B1( thiamine) 0.21 mg
    Vitamin B2( riboflavin) 0.32 mg

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    Vitamin B3( pantothenic) 0.333mg
    Vitamin B6( pyridoxine) 0.224 mg
    Vitamin B9( folic) 58 μg
    Vitamin C 1.9 mg
    Vitamin K( phylloquinone) 51.4 μg
    Vitamin PP( Niacin equivalentribbons) 1,745 mg
    Choline 63 mg
    Calcium 43 mg
    Magnesium 535 mg
    Sodium 18 mg
    Potassium 807 mg
    Phosphorus 1174 mg

    Trace Elements
    Iron 14.97 mg
    Zinc 7.46 mg
    Copper 1387 μg
    Manganese3,021 mg
    Selenium 5.6 μg

    Energy value The core of pumpkin seed and pumpkin is large-bodied, the dried is 541 kcal.

    Use of

    Yes, in pumpkin seeds there is protein, iron, fiber, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and manganese, a large number of amino acids - arginine and glutamic acid. And also in a large amount contains zinc, potassium and calcium, niacin and selenium, folic and linoleic acid, which helps strengthen the arteries.
    Pumpkin seeds are an effective diuretic, and zinc strengthens the functioning of the brain, improves memory, reduces the overall fatigue of the human body. And yet, due to the large content of zinc in them, the condition of the skin with acne is greatly improved. To the skin of the face shone, eat a day for fifty or sixty seeds of a pumpkin and you say goodbye to eels.
    Increase hemoglobin in iron deficiency anemia is also able to pumpkin seeds, because they contain a lot of iron. Using 50-60 grams of this product, you can significantly improve the blood formula.

    They have magnesium and potassium, useful for the work and life of the heart muscle. Even a few pieces of pumpkin seeds a day improve the work of the heart.
    You can apply pumpkin seeds to diabetics, as they effectively reduce blood sugar levels.
    With persistent constipation, you can help yourself by eating pumpkin seeds. They remove harmful lead and cadmium from the human body.

    It is better to consume them after a meal, this allows you to improve the performance of the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Especially beneficial effect on our kidneys, as well as on our liver. With an exacerbation of kidney diseases, you can prepare the next broth. It is necessary to take a thermos and fill it, peeled, 4 full tablespoons of seeds. Pour there 0.5 liters of hot water and, tightly closing the lid, let it brew for 12 to 14 hours. And further, preferably between the main meals or in the morning on an empty stomach, drink this decoction for 14 days.
    When pregnant, eat a handful of sunflower seeds in the morning and forget about the nausea throughout the day. This method will help you and with heartburn.

    Pumpkin seeds are considered an excellent treatment for depression. After the beginning of the use of pumpkin seeds, the person relaxes, calms down, thoughts become light.

    For men this is just a find, because it is a proven remedy against prostatitis. To prevent this disease, it is enough to eat sixty seeds a day. This will not only reduce the possibility of prostatitis, but also reduce the risk of cancer of the prostate.
    Take 500 grams of seeds, peel them from the shell and twist them in a meat grinder. Add to them 300 grams of fresh honey, mix. Store the mass in the refrigerator. In the morning, on an empty stomach, eat a tablespoon, drink 1/2 cup of water. Eat after that in just an hour.

    More pumpkin seeds are an excellent anthelmintic. In them there is such acid as cucurbitin - this is a kind of poison for worms, which prevents the absorption of ribbon worms to the walls of the intestine and is absolutely harmless to humans. And it is desirable for everyone, because approximately fifty percent of the entire population walks with parasites in the gallbladder. So, to get rid of worms, it will be enough for you to eat for breakfast three hundred grams of pumpkin seeds for three days, washing them with any liquid.


    Pumpkin seeds are very caloric, so that anyone with problems with excess weight - do not get carried away.

    Fried sunflower seeds, as well as salted, do not eat at all, they practically do not have vitamins and they can lead to the deposition of salts in the body, and hence to diseases such as arthritis and gout.

    Take care of tooth enamel, clean seeds by hand.