  • Therapeutic cocktails from juices

    Natural juices are obtained by letting fruit, berries, vegetables, and sometimes leaves, grass and other plant parts through a juicer, meat grinder or special press. Use juices better with pulp, because they contain more fiber, ballast substances, necessary for digestion.

    All fruit and berry juices are an excellent remedy for the prevention of diseases of the circulatory system. Together with vegetable juices, these drinks stimulate metabolism, promote the removal of toxins from the body and usually have dehydratical properties, which is especially useful for nursing mothers.

    The course of treatment with juices is 1,5 months. Take them should be 2-3 meals before meals and it is desirable that the daily dose does not exceed 0.5 liters.

    Therapeutic are not only monosoki - drinks that have been squeezed out from one type of plant, but also cocktails, i.e., a mixture of juices. Juices, squeezed from one type of vegetable, fruit or berry, contain almost all nutritional and biologically active substances. The main thing is do not add sugar or other substances in them, so as not to lose vitamins. Mixtures of different juices help with a variety of wits and ailments.

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    Iron salts, which are abundant in juice, participate in the creation of the main element of blood - hemoglobin.

    It is advisable to drink fresh, that is, immediately after pressing. Even short-term storage in the refrigerator speeds up fermentation and spoilage of the healing agent.

    As a fortifying agent, improving metabolism, use a mixture of beetroot juice, taken in equal parts with carrot and carrot. It helps with anemia.

    With nervous disorders it is useful to drink a cocktail, prepared in a blender of 230 ml of carrot juice and 30 g of parsley greens. The second option: in equal proportions a mixture of potato and carrot juice.

    From a migraine, prepare a mixture of 250 ml of carrot juice and 30 g of spinach greens in a blender.

    With constant headaches, you need to make a cocktail of 230 ml of carrot juice, 140 ml of apple and 50 g of green spinach.

    When insomnia should drink a mixture of 280 ml of carrot juice and 40 g of herring green.

    For cardiovascular diseases, a mixture of 200 ml of carrot juice and a small amount of celery, parsley, spinach in equal amounts should be included in the menu more often in the menu.

    With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to drink a cocktail more often, consisting of beet and cucumber juice, taken in 85 ml, adding 280 ml of carrot juice to the mixture.

    With stomach ulcer, a mixture of 220 ml of carrot juice, 110 ml of cabbage and 50 g of ground celery greens is useful.

    In colitis, you can prepare a drink from apple and carrot juice, taken in equal proportions, for example 250 ml.

    For asthma, arthritis and allergies, a mixture of 200 ml of carrot juice, 150 ml of beet juice, 150 ml of cucumber juice will help.

    For arthritis and arthrosis, in the morning, you should regularly drink a mixture consisting of equal parts( for example, 50 ml) of grapefruit, carrot and apple juices. Another option: 75 ml of birch, grapefruit and apple juice.

    For general sclerosis, a drink made of 250 ml of carrot juice, 80 ml of cabbage and 40 ml of beet juice will help.

    In diabetics, a cocktail mixed from an equal number of Brussels sprouts, carrots, and potatoes is very useful. For 1 serving you can take 50 ml of each juice.

    The following mixtures of fruit juices are recommended for those who want to lose weight: orange and cherry,

    orange and black currant, orange and blackberry, apricot and cherry, cherry and peach, apple and blackcurrant.

    For rheumatism and for its prevention, it is recommended to take a drink mixed from 150 ml of carrot juice, 50 ml of beetroot and 100 ml of potato juice.

    With sinusitis, you should drink a cocktail made from 250 ml of carrot juice, 50 ml of beetroot and 50 ml of cucumber juice.

    From hay fever prepare a cocktail of 50 ml of beetroot and 150 ml of carrot juice, 150 ml of cucumber juice.

    For constipation, a mixture of 200 ml of carrot juice, 100 ml of apple juice and 100 ml of cucumber juice will help.

    From hemorrhoids will help a mixture of 200 ml of carrot juice and 150 ml of apple juice.

    With acne, a mixture prepared in a blender that includes 250 ml of carrot juice and 50 g of spinach is useful.