Flaxseed oil application
Linseed oil can be refined and unrefined.
Refined is obtained by pressing and extraction, unrefined - only by pressing.
Refined oil should be clean, clear, free of sediment, greenish-yellow in color, poorly expressed taste and odor.
Unrefined oil is divided into two grades: 1 st and 2 nd. The taste and smell are clean, without bitterness, it is allowed to sludge( by weight): in the first grade, not more than 0.05%, in the second - 0.1%.The moisture content and volatile substances in both grades are not more than 0.3%.
The oil must be stored in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
As a medicine it is necessary to use only pharmaceutical preparations of linseed oil and flax seeds.
Avoid fakes and surrogate drugs - they can disrupt your health! Chemical Composition. Seeds of flax seed contain mucus( up to 12%), fatty oil( 30-48%), which includes glycerides linolenic( 35-40%), linoleic( 25-35%), oleic( 15-20%), palmiticand stearic acid. Seeds contain proteins( up to 24%), as well as glycoside linamarin, carbohydrates, organic acids, enzymes, ascorbic acid and carotene.
Glycoside, linamarin forms a hydrocyanic acid upon decomposition. This requires caution( !) When using flax seed in medical practice.
Mucous substances of flax in hot water swell, acquire the ability to envelop inflamed mucous membranes and soften the action of various stimuli.
In linseed oil there are also vitamins A, E and enzymes.
Flax seeds contain a fairly large amount of copper, manganese, zinc, which makes it possible to obtain these trace elements in sufficient quantities from 20 to 30 g of raw materials.
On the healing properties of flax oil was known to the inhabitants of ancient Colchis. It is known that Hippocrates, the "father of medicine," used flaxseed oil to relieve the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, with pain and burns.
In ancient Egypt, flaxseed oil was widely used in cosmetology.
In the northwestern part of Russia, the Polesie regions of Ukraine and Belarus, flaxseed oil was considered not only a curative, but also a necessary product of daily food.
As the civilization developed, flaxseed oil was replaced by cheaper and more simple in production - sunflower, corn, soybean. Only in recent years, linseed oil again attracted the attention of researchers.
It is no accident that in developed countries, whose population is concerned with the problem of preserving health and active longevity, the consumption of flaxseed oil is experiencing a real boom. In the US, salad dressings based on linseed oil are widely promoted, and flax seeds are mandatory in the diet of school meals. In Germany, vegetable salads are poured with linseed oil, season with cottage cheese, adding salt and cumin. In Canada, flaxseed oil is used in the production of margarine.
An increasing number of nutritionists in the world are coming to the conclusion that flaxseed oil makes a significant step towards a healthy diet.
What is so attractive about linseed oil? What is so unusual about him?
First of all its composition. The main components of flax oil are unsaturated fatty acids( alpha-linolenic and linoleic), which are absolutely necessary for the life of the human body from birth and throughout life. These acids are found in considerable quantities in the human brain, and the products of their transformation are contained in human milk. Linoleic acid is an essential component of cell membranes.
Studies of scientists from different countries indicate that linseed oil, affecting the level of cholesterol and triglycerides( the main "culprits" of atherosclerosis) reduces the risk of blood clots. For example, the consumption of dietary bread with the addition of flaxseed for 8 months reduces the level of cholesterol and thus the risk of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction. There were no side effects.
Overdosage of flaxseed oil is also impossible: with excess oil it is simply eliminated from the body naturally. An important factor is also cheap: linseed oil is 10-15 times cheaper, for example, fish oil.
Flaxseed oil and preparations from flax seeds are used in the prevention of cancer. It has long been recognized that the main thing in the fight against this scourge of the century is prevention, and first of all, the normalization of metabolic processes. The necessary balance of metabolism is created by lignans - photochemical substances, which are also contained in food additives, created on the basis of flax seeds. In addition to its main function, lignans have an extremely wide range of action, antibacterial and antifungal effect. According to the results of the most complicated scientific research conducted in the USA, it has been proved that lignans help to slow down the processes of cell division in some tumors, neutralize the estrogen receptors, the excess of which causes the development of breast cancer in women.
The most abundant source of plant lignans is flaxseed fiber. Moreover, and alpha-linolenic acid, contained in linseed oil, has anticarcinogenic properties.
It is difficult to overestimate the value of the curative components of flaxseed oil.
Clinical studies have demonstrated the therapeutic effect of the inclusion in the daily diet of flaxseed oil in the treatment of type 2 diabetes( insulin-independent), sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, eczema, psoriasis and many other chronic inflammatory processes. The kidneys and urinary system as a whole are noticeably improving. Scientists believe that 30 - 40 g of flaxseed oil a day fully satisfy the body's need for fatty acids.
For preventive maintenance, flaxseed oil can be taken in smaller quantities: on a tea or dessert spoon daily. Given, for example, such data: the intake of one tablespoon of linseed oil helps to lower the blood pressure level by 9 mm Hg. Art.
The production of flaxseed oil is complicated by a number of problems. First, the oil can only be squeezed out of the seeds of plants grown without the use of pesticides or fertilizers containing heavy metals. This increases the labor intensity of cultivating the crop.
Secondly, the technology of oil production requires strict compliance with the temperature regime to the detriment of labor productivity, the use of expensive equipment, etc. This is due to the fact that during chemical reactions when heating the distillation unit is above 35 degrees in the presence of oxygen, alpha-linoleic acid loses itsbeneficial features.
Currently, Russia has a federal program "Flax - in the goods of Russia", which is actively engaged in the production and processing of this important technical culture.
In the network of pharmacies and food stores are increasingly appear products from flaxseed oil and flax seeds.
It should be noted that the therapeutic activity of flax seeds is due to the content of mucus and linamarin glycoside in them.
Due to the presence of mucus, flax seeds belong to mildly acting laxatives. After swelling in the gastrointestinal tract, flax seeds irritate the intestinal mucosa and thereby increase peristalsis.
The speed of promoting the contents of the intestine also activates fatty oil.
Along with this, preparations from flax seeds have an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect. Slime of flax seeds is prescribed inside as an expectorant for inflammation of the respiratory tract, digestive tract, organs of urination, with exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with food poisoning, as well as with constipation. In colitis, mucus is also used in the form of medical enemas.
Fresh linseed oil is used for many diseases. In particular, it is necessary to distinguish such diseases as cholelithiasis and nephrolithiasis, hemorrhoids, dysentery, spastic colitis.
Linate oil is synthesized from linseed oil. It is used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, obesity and other diseases that lead to pathological disturbances of lipid metabolism, hypercholesterolemia.
Widely used flaxseed with skin diseases, both inflammatory and dystrophic, allergic, with burns. In folk medicine, flax grass is also used, taking it as infusion, etc.
Flaxseed powder is used for compresses for burns and skin diseases, inflammatory processes on the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The effectiveness of the oil is explained by the significant content of carotene and alpha-tocopherol in it, essential fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, etc.
Flaxseed oil is used for the preparation of ointments and emulsions, which are used for skin diseases, burns, including sun and radiation.
Fatty oil from flax seeds favorably affects the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, enveloping it in a thin layer, thus contributing to the slipping of stools, contributing to the healing of erosions and ulcers, facilitating defecation.
Flaxseed oil is prepared with green soap, soap alcohol, which are used externally for skin diseases.
It is important to emphasize that linseed oil has a pronounced anti-sclerotic effect.
The current pharmacy and food market of the CIS countries is occupied mainly with linseed oil produced by the Tver firm Ecolen. This company produces linseed oil by cold pressing. Flax seeds are pressed at a temperature of no more than 40 - 45 ° C, while all useful biologically active substances, vitamins, phospholipids, unsaturated fatty acids retain their structure and functions. That's why you should not subject linseed oil to heat treatment.
It is known that with the old "hot" method of producing flax seed oil, the flax seeds were preliminarily heat treated, calcined, and then pressed at high temperatures. Of course, the yield of oil with this method increases. This oil has a taste that is close to unrefined sunflower oil and almost the same smell.
However, the "hot" method of cooking leads to the destruction of the most valuable components of flaxseed oil, which are polyunsaturated fatty acids: linolenic( OMEGA-3) and linoleic( OMEGA-6).These substances are not synthesized in the human body, which is why they are called irreplaceable( they are also called "plant vitamins" F ").In the human body, there must be a balance of OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 acids, which, as scientists have proved, is necessary for normal metabolism.
It should be remembered that OMEGA-6 is available, in addition to linseed, in sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, mustard, olive oil( insignificant amount), and OMEGA-3 is found in sufficient quantities only in fish oil. In linseed oil, the OMEGA-3 content is almost twice as high as in fish oil.
To store linseed oil is necessary, protecting from direct sunlight and heat. At the chemist's spill, the oil is stored in bottles of dark color, in a cool place, otherwise it will lose its useful qualities.
We reiterate that the main value of flax oil lies in the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, which in this oil is greater than in any of the known vegetable oils. The content of linolenic acid exceeds 60%, and linoleic acid - more than 14%.
Indications for the use of linseed oil and flax seeds for medicinal purposes are very extensive for both prevention and immediate treatment: atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, diabetes mellitus and many other diseases.
Independent researchers emphasize that the consumption of OMEGA-3 interferes with the development of cancer of the rectum and mammary glands, as well as cancer of other localizations.
One of the diseases of the century is diabetes. The basis of the method of treatment of this disease is a diet that limits the consumption of carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, preference should be given to the consumption of unsaturated fats, such as flaxseed oil. In patients with diabetes who regularly consume flaxseed oil, the incidence of diabetic neuropathy is reduced. This is what gives grounds for recommending flaxseed oil for feeding diabetics.
The substances contained in linseed oil have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, promote the healing of damaged tissues.
It is important to emphasize that the impact of flax oil components occurs not only with the use of pure linseed oil preparation, but also with the use of ground and whole flax seeds. Because many recipes for the use of flaxseed are effective in a number of complex diseases.
Flaxseed oil has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism. Many people, especially women, are fond of various fat-free diets, try to stop using fat, but often this does not give the expected result because the restriction of fat does not rebuild fat metabolism. Such a patient with obesity should establish a balance of consumed fats, preferring unsaturated fats, for example, flaxseed oil.
Flaxseed oil is also very important and useful for vegetarians and people in whose diet there is no fish, the fat of which contains unsaturated fatty acids. According to the content of unsaturated fatty acids, flaxseed oil is twice as much as fish oil, having this specific odor characteristic of fish oil.
In a cold form, linseed oil is especially good for fresh salads and vinaigrettes. It can be mixed with sour cream, mayonnaise or other ingredients for making sauces.
Flaxseed oil can be filled with any porridge, boiled potatoes, add it to the first and second dishes. Very tasty and useful to fill with linseed oil cottage cheese with greens.
Only 1 - 2 tablespoons of linseed oil provides our daily requirement for unsaturated fatty acids.
In Russia, the preparation is also UBIKATOLEN.In its composition: linseed oil, vitamin E( 120 IU / 100 g), beta-carotene( 0.03%), coenzyme Ku( 0.05%).
How to use. Use with food, adding to ready meals immediately before consumption or during meals. Do not heat-treat! The daily dose is 2 teaspoons a day.
Note: Do not take simultaneously with multivitamins containing vitamins E and A.
Take 1 month for 2 to 3 courses a year.
Storage: in a cool, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C.After opening the bottle of oil stored in the refrigerator.
Manufacturer of the drug - Institute of Biomedical Chemistry RAMS, ZAO "Firm Amex", Moscow.,
It is produced in bottles of dark color in volume of 100 and 250 ml.
Shelf life 6 months.
Treatment of atherosclerosis
Previously believed that the main mechanism of development of atherosclerosis is associated with age-related lesions of the walls of blood vessels with hypercholesterolemia. In the light of modern concepts, atherosclerosis is linked to autoimmune processes that can occur at any age.
In recent years, atherosclerosis has engulfed a wide population, including young people. However, mainly the disease occurs in men aged 50 - 60 years, and in women - after 60 years.
The most characteristic development of atherosclerosis for residents of countries with a highly developed economy. At the same time, atherosclerosis increasingly affects the vital organs - the heart and the brain, which can lead to serious complications( heart attack, stroke, limb ischemia, etc.) or even premature death.
Pathological features of the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and fat-protein complexes are very significant in the development of atherosclerosis. As studies show, atherosclerosis in tissues decreases the amount of macroergic phosphorus compounds, copper, manganese, iodine, cobalt, and there is a deficiency of vitamins, oxidative processes decrease and changes occur in the connective, glandular and muscular tissues. It is also important that there is a violation of the functional and structural integrity of the inner shell of the arteries.
The development of atherosclerosis is associated with a number of factors, the nature and influence of which have not been fully studied to date. In a number of these factors, hereditary predisposition plays a very significant role. However, the manifestation of the disease itself is possible with a certain combination of adverse factors acting on the body from outside: psychoemotional stress( stress), smoking, overeating, excessive consumption of animal fats, decreased physical activity, etc.
Atherosclerotic changes occur in various organs and tissues. In this case, the patient's complaints are very diverse. Thus, with sclerosis of the cerebral vessels, symptoms may be absent at first, and then irritability, depressed mood, memory loss, sleep disturbance, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus and head, sleepiness during the day and sleeplessness at night, decreased performance, both mental,both physical and physical.
In atherosclerotic lesions of renal vessels, renal dysfunction occurs, resulting in the retention of toxic substances in the body, which leads to its self-poisoning.
One of the factors in the development of atherosclerosis is hypodynamia. The lower the physical activity of a person, the more likely the development of atherosclerosis. If a person leads an active lifestyle, engaged in physical labor or physical education, then even with excessive intake of animal fats, the development of atherosclerosis slows down.
The state of the liver also affects the rate of atherosclerosis. Bile excretory liver function in atherosclerosis, as a rule, is broken, which leads to an increase in the level of cholesterol.
In the treatment of atherosclerosis, its prevention is of primary importance: regular muscular activity is commensurate with the age, sex and physical capabilities of the patient, combating smoking and overeating, limiting consumption of animal fats, alcohol, nicotine. It is also necessary to reduce the intake of easily assimilated carbohydrates, especially sugars, as they contribute to the processes of thrombosis. However, complex carbohydrates containing a large amount of pectin( vegetables, cereals, fruits), should be consumed, since they contribute to the release of excess cholesterol from the body, reduce blood clotting and the formation of thrombi. It is necessary to completely exclude alcohol and smoking, which destroy vitamins and also contribute to the development of an atherosclerotic process.
The elements of the prevention of atherosclerosis should also include weight control. It is important to monitor and regularity of the stool, as it also contributes to the evacuation of cholesterol from the body. It is in the regulation of lipid levels and the regularity of the stool that flaxseed oil and flax seeds can be used as one of the best and most effective means of combating the atherosclerotic process.
A patient with atherosclerosis must follow a certain diet!
It is necessary to reduce the calorie content of dishes by reducing the first dish to a half-size, reducing the consumption of bread and sugar.
The food should be prepared completely without salt, if necessary, slightly dosal at the table. The total amount of salt consumed per day should not exceed 4 to 5 grams. Sugar, jam, honey, syrups, sweet juices, other sweets, bread, biscuits, cakes, cakes, semolina and rice cereals are sharply limited. The diet includes a large number of vegetables and fruits, berries, buckwheat and oatmeal.
Vegetables and greens( cabbage, soy, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, dill, parsley, celery) should be dominant in the diet, filled with vegetable oil. It is necessary to monitor the amount of vitamins, which in a normal ratio and intake into the body normalize the metabolism, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the deposition of cholesterol in their walls. It is especially important to regulate the intake of vitamins C, groups B, P and PP, E. Seafood is very necessary, which contain iodine, essential amino acids, B vitamins and other antisclerotic components. In a row of such products there is also linseed oil, which has both curative and nutritional value.
The medical treatment of atherosclerosis is problematic both because of the poor tolerance of medicines to older people and their inefficiency. Competent use of medicinal herbs in most cases is more effective.
Effective herbal remedies for the treatment of atherosclerosis are flaxseed oil and preparations from it! !!
Recipes for the treatment of atherosclerosis.
1. Flaxseed oil( drugstore) 200.0 ml.
Take a dessert spoon on an empty stomach and 1 hour after dinner with atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, obliterating endarteritis. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks, then after 2 weeks of break the course can be repeated.
Caution in prescribing flaxseed oil should be shown in cases of violations of liver function, bile stasis and diarrhea.
Contraindicated in the failure of the lipolytic function of the pancreas.
2. Litinol is synthesized from linseed oil, which is used to prevent and treat atherosclerosis.
LINETOL is a slightly yellowish oily, mobile liquid of bitter taste, consisting of a mixture of ethyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids. This is a recognized anti-sclerotic and wound-healing agent. The standard dosage of the drug: 15 - 20 ml( 1 - 1/2 tablespoons) 1 time per day before or during meals. The general course of treatment is up to one and a half months at intervals of 2-4 weeks.
It should be noted that the taste and smell of the drug is not always pleasant to patients, and therefore often failures of long-term treatment courses are followed.
The tolerability of a pure linseed oil preparation is somewhat better, but the supply of pure oil is still not enough.
In patients with atherosclerosis, LITENOL lowers cholesterol, increases the level of phospholipids and reduces the cholesterol phospholipid coefficient. The decrease in the content of beta-lipoproteins, globulins, increases the level of albumin in the blood serum. Treatment with LITENOL is effective in the long-term continuous use of linethol or its appointment for 1 to 1.5 months with a break between courses of 2-4 weeks.
LITENOL is also used externally for radiation injuries of the skin, thermal burns. The drug has analgesic effect and accelerates the regeneration of the affected tissues. In case of diffuse desquamation( debridement) of the epidermis( the uppermost layer of the skin) on individual parts of the skin, LITENOL is applied evenly every day, followed by the application of a dressing with an emulsion of fish oil. The dressings are changed daily, removing the top layers of the gauze. Lower 1 - 2 layers are not removed to avoid injury to the epithelium. These layers are daily impregnated with a new portion of LITENOL, and the top is updated with new layers of clean gauze.
With islet desquamation, the surface of the skin is smeared with an even layer of LITENOL 1 time a day without applying bandages.
Side effects. Sometimes when ingested, dyspeptic phenomena are observed( nausea, sometimes even the urge to vomit), and in the first days of reception - a mushy stool.
Contraindications: acute violations of bowel function( diarrhea), pain intensification with concomitant cholecystitis.
We note that after 4-5 courses of treatment with LITENOL in patients the level of cholesterol and blood lipids decreases, the general condition improves, the pain in the heart area disappears or decreases, the blood supply of the brain improves, the noise in the head and ears disappears, memory improves.
Many patients with satisfaction and gratitude perceive the course treatment with LITENOL and, despite some rejection of the taste of the drug, they ask for a repeat of the course of treatment with this drug. In this, they should not be limited, following the rules of taking the drug, as well as taking into account contraindications and side effects when using LITENOL.
It should be emphasized that the described phenomena can also be when using pure linseed oil.
Use only pharmaceutical preparations of flaxseed oil! !!
Homemade linseed oil can contain harmful impurities, which makes a useful medicine if not a poison, then a rather dangerous product.
Given the fact that pure flaxseed oil is a concentrated fat, albeit of vegetable origin, the tolerance of the drug can be reduced, as we have already pointed out, and manifests itself in various side effects. Therefore, it is important to understand that the extracted linseed oil is present in every grain of flax seeds and it is easier to transfer plant preparations with the inclusion of flaxseeds. Such drugs create less stress on the digestive tract, and also due to the presence of other components have a more complete and multilateral impact on the patient's body.
Atherosclerosis is often combined with pathology of the liver and biliary tract, motor bowel function, with sleep disorders. With the selection of medicines of vegetable origin, it was expedient to use, along with linseed oil( and often even with flaxseed), fresh juice of the leaves and roots of dandelion medicinal. A mixture of flaxseed oil with juice from the leaves and dandelion roots at a mass ratio of 1: 3 is an active antisclerotic, choleretic and immunostimulating agent.
How to get juice from a dandelion? The leaves and roots of the dandelion are thoroughly washed, allowed to drain, then finely chopped and passed through a meat grinder or juicer. The resulting gruel is squeezed. The remainder is mixed with a small amount of water and pressed again. The juice thus obtained contains all water-soluble constituents of the plant.
One tablespoon of flaxseed oil is mixed with 3 tablespoons of freshly made dandelion juice and taken 2 times a day for 20 to 30 minutes before meals. The bitterness in the juice stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, activates the appetite, stimulates the intestinal peristalsis.
Both flaxseed oil and dandelion juice act cholagogically and indulgently, which facilitates rapid removal of cholesterol from the intestine, and hence, a decrease in its concentration in the blood. In addition to these effects, fresh juice from dandelion improves blood composition, increasing the number of white blood cells, improves the spleen, kidney and bladder, removes insomnia.
Just two weeks after receiving the dandelion juice, the majority of patients have memory recovery and increased efficiency, reduced fatigue and the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms from the heart.
The pure juice of dandelion and juice mixed with flaxseed oil should be consumed throughout the spring period of time. We did not observe any complications from taking this mixture.
If you can not get juice from a dandelion( for example, even with ordinary everyday laziness!), You can use the healing properties of flax and dandelion in such a way: to prepare the leaves of the dandelion and fill it with linseed oil.
Salad of dandelion leaves with linseed oil
Fresh dandelion leaves are thoroughly washed, finely chopped, salted to taste and season with linseed oil.
Dandelion leaves 100 g,
linseed oil 10 g,
salt to taste.
Salad from dandelion leaves with linseed oil and egg
Fresh dandelion leaves are washed, finely chopped, salted to taste, season with linseed oil and cover with grated steeply boiled egg.
Dandelion leaves 100 g,
linseed oil 10 g,
egg 1 pc.,
salt to taste.
External applications of
Flaxseed oil is widely used externally for the treatment of burns, superficial wounds, allergic dermatitis, eczema and pustular diseases. Flaxseed oil is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. The presence of vitamin A, alpha-tocopherol, essential fatty acids( linoleic, linolenic) in linseed oil determines the activity of topical medications. Most often linseed oil is prepared with liquid ointments and emulsions. When flax oil is combined with the juices of a number of plants that promote regeneration, it is possible to obtain effective healing of wound, burn and inflammatory processes.
1. Flaxseed oil 100 ml
Sea buckthorn oil 50 ml
Shake the mixture of oils thoroughly before use and apply a thin layer on the burnt surfaces or moisten the oil mixture with a sterile cloth and apply it to the burn or wound surface. Used until the wound surface is healed.
2. Flaxseed oil 100 ml
Juice of plantain large 30 g
Before use mix fresh plantain juice with an equal part of linseed oil, shake well and use to apply an ointment oil dressing on the burn or wound surface. The frequency of dressings is 1 time per day. The course of treatment is until the wound surface is healed.
3. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Crushed fresh plantain leaves 50 g
Before use, carefully mix the mush from the pounded fresh leaves of plantain of large and flaxseed oil. Apply the mixture to the burn surface. The frequency of dressings is 1 time per day. The course of treatment is until the wound surface is healed.
4. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Shredded fresh leaves of yarrow 30 g
Before use carefully mix the mush from fresh yarrow leaves with linseed oil. Apply to the surface of bleeding abrasions or a layer of gauze, adjacent to the wound. Change dressings - 1 time per day. The course of treatment is until the wound surface is healed.
5. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Hypericum oil 30 ml
Seabuckthorn oil 70 ml
Stir thoroughly the powder and oil, then apply emulsion to the skin areas with a pust rash for 2 hours. After that, the skin is cleaned with cucumber lotion. The procedure is carried out twice: in the morning and before bedtime. Extrude pustules, contraindicated! The course of treatment - before skin cleansing.
8. Flaxseed oil 30 ml
Sea-buckthorn oil 30 ml
Anestezin powder 1 g
Calendula ointment medicinal 50 g
Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply the mixture to a sterile swab or a sterile napkin and apply to the hemorrhoids before bed, reinforcing the T-bandage. The course of treatment is up to 1 week.
9. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Goat milk boiled 50 ml
Shake the mixture of butter and milk vigorously until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. Wet the napkin and apply to the inflamed parts of the body for allergic rashes, psoriatic rashes, abrasions. The lotions are used before healing.
10. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Ointment solcoseryl 50 g
Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous emulsion is applied on the burn surface, abrasions that slowly heal the wound areas of the skin. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.
11. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Iruksol ointment 50 g
Thoroughly grind the ointment with oil until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained, which is applied to poorly healing wounds, burns, abrasions, eczematous and psoriatic skin areas.
Contraindicated in excess granulations on wound surfaces.
12. Flaxseed oil 30 g
Ointment "Wundehil" 50 g
Thoroughly rub the ointment and oil in a mortar, previously treated with boiling water and rubbed alcohol, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Ointment is applied with a thin layer to areas with trophic ulcers on the background of thrombophlebitic changes in the extremities or in the region of inflamed hemorrhoids. The course of treatment is 1 - 2 weeks.
13. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Troxevasin ointment 50 g
Carefully mix the ointment with oil until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. Used for ointment dressings and compresses on the area of trophic ulcerative surfaces and on psoriatic eruptions. The course of treatment is up to 3 weeks, then the remedy is changed.
Use the emulsion once a day, after cleaning the surface after the previous day's dressing, using hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate solution, furacillin solution.
14. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Grits garlic seed 5 g
Carefully mix the oil with mashed garlic and apply a thin layer on purulent wounds. Use until the wound surface is cleaned and healed. The course of treatment 1 - 2 weeks.
15. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Onion juice 10 ml.
Mix juice and oil thoroughly until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. Used to lubricate the skin's calluses on the feet. Before rubbing the emulsion, make a bath in warm soapy water, rinse the feet, wipe dry and rub the emulsion into the skin. Wear dry soft woolen socks. The procedures are performed every other day for 2-3 weeks until the normal condition of the skin is restored and the disappearance of the calluses.
16. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Juice of garlic seed 7 ml
Shake the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous condition is obtained. Used to lubricate the nasal mucosa in the common cold and sinusitis. Use until the state is normal.
17. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Nettle oil 30 ml
Mix the oils by shaking them thoroughly and use to lubricate areas with an allergic rash for 3-4 days until the sensation of itching and skin irritation is removed.
18. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Glycerin 30 ml
Shake well until a homogeneous mass is obtained and rubbed into the roots of the hair with dry hair and scalp. After two days of rubbing, the head is washed with infusion from the leaves of a large burdock and again repeating the rubbing. After rubbing his head for the night wrapped in a fluffy kerchief. The procedures are carried out for 2-4 weeks to strengthen the hair and improve the trophism of hair and scalp.
How is gallstone disease manifested?
Often after eating, there is pain in the right upper quadrant. Initially, the pain can be moderate, unstable, associated with the intake of certain foods( fried meat, pork, beef, mutton fat, smoked meat, pickles, marinades, concentrated tea or coffee, alcoholic drinks, etc.).Sometimes the pain is paroxysmal, irradiates( gives) the right shoulder blade, shoulder. Sometimes there is a constant sense of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, which is considered the equivalent of pain.
The development of pain in the right upper quadrant is associated with the presence in the gallbladder of stones that can irritate the nerve endings that are present in the mucosa of the gallbladder. Moving along the biliary tract, stones can provoke and cause an attack of pain, the so-called hepatic colic. The emergence of pain, in addition to bias in the diet, is associated with alcohol abuse, physical and emotional overexertion, "jolting" driving, hypothermia or overheating of the body. There were cases when an attack of hepatic colic occurred after prolonged and intensive smoking of tobacco.
At the time of an attack of hepatic colic, the patient's behavior is restless. Most of them lie on their backs. Sometimes the patients rush about trying to find a position that alleviates their condition. The attack resembles pain as from a blow with a "dagger in the stomach", there may be a strong, tearing pain, often in the form of fights, with localization in the right hypochondrium, with irradiation into the right shoulder, right shoulder blade, supraclavicular region, loin. Occasionally, pain can be given to the heart area, which simulates an attack of angina or myocardial infarction.
At first the face of the patient is crimson, then, as the pathological process develops, it becomes pale. Cyanosis of the tips of the ears, neck, ear shells, frightened, strained eyes can be noted.
If the stone prevents the passage of bile to the duodenum, signs of mechanical jaundice appear: yellowing of the sclera of the eyeballs, dark color of urine( the color of strong beer), discolored feces( a kind of "white clay").
Long-term mechanical jaundice( more than 1,5 - 2 months) can cause irreversible changes in the liver, and the stone can lead to a pressure sore and formation of a hole in the gallbladder. Then the bile begins to flow freely into the abdominal cavity, causing bile peritonitis - a complication dangerous to life( !).
Other manifestations of cholelithiasis should be noted vomiting, often after the errors of the diet or at the height of the attack of pain. A characteristic feature of vomiting is that almost always in vomit masses noticeable bile admixture( emetics have a greenish-yellow color, a bitter taste of bile).Constantly the patient notes a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, belching, bloating, stool retention.
Immediate contact with a doctor if any of the above-described events are detected is a guarantee of timely treatment!
It is necessary to draw the patients' attention also to a symptom such as cold extremities. In some patients, spasms of gastrocnemius muscles and muscles of the fingers can manifest.
Self-treatment with linseed oil in cholelithiasis can lead to complications!
If the dose is exceeded, there may be a hepatic colic, nausea, vomiting. Increased movement of bile can dislodge stones and cause blockage of bile ducts with adverse consequences. Like any overload with fats, the load of linseed oil can adversely affect the functions of the liver. Therefore, it is safer to use not flax oil, but ground seeds of flax seed or infusion of seeds, which, thanks to the high content of mucus, protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and not so dramatically exhibits choleretic effect.
Before use, shake well and apply on a tablespoon before eating with gastric ulcer in the stage of exacerbation, erosive stomach ulcer. A mixture of vegetable oils can also be used externally for burns and superficial wounds - until healing.
6. Flaxseed oil 30 ml
Calendula ointment medicinal 100 g
Thoroughly rub the ointment with linseed oil to obtain a homogeneous emulsion, and then applied to areas with an allergic rash, abrasions. The course of treatment - until healing.
7. Flaxseed oil 50 ml
Powder of streptocid white 10 g
Prescription for pathological changes of the liver and biliary tract
Flaxseed oil 100 ml
Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day after eating with cholelithiasis. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks, if there are no side effects.
With increasing feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, the appearance of stitching pains, bitterness in the mouth, jaundice, stool disorder, the drug should be canceled and agreed with the doctor in charge for further appointments.
Additional indications: in the same dose prescribe flaxseed oil for hemorrhoids, dysentery, spastic colitis.