  • Peanuts are good and bad

    Peanuts, or peanuts is an annual herbaceous plant, the stem is branchy, crooked or erect. Leaves complex, parnoperistye, on long petioles. Flowers are bright yellow or orange, butterfly type, in axillary hands. The flower is one-day, after 2-3 days the pedicel, on which the fertilized ovary sits, begins to grow - first upwards, and then it goes down and deepens into the soil to a depth of 8-10 cm. Under the ground, a 1.5-6 cm. It is found in the wild in South America, mainly in Brazil. It grows on forest edges, in mountains, river floodplains and in arid places. About 30 kinds of peanuts are known - creeping, hairy, bordered, guaranic, yellowish, Paraguayan, tuberous, creeping, upland, etc. Most of them are perennials. Measured cultivated varieties of peanuts appeared before the Incas. In the 16th century, it was brought to Africa and China. In Europe, peanuts were brought from India and China. In Russia, peanuts began to grow since 1792 in the Odessa Botanical Garden. Later it began to be cultivated in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Transcaucasia and the Krasnodar Territory. How to grow peanuts look here.

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    Medicinal raw materials are non-opening beans of cylindrical shape with a constriction or a cocoon-like shape.

    Caloric content

    Below is the content of nutrients( calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible part.
    Nutritional information
    Caloric value 552 kcal
    Proteins 26.3 g
    Fats 45.2 g
    Carbohydrates 9.9 g
    Dietary fibers 8.1 g
    Water 7.9 g
    Ash 2,6 g
    Saturated fatty acids 8,3 g
    Mono and disaccharides 4.2 g
    Starch 5.7 g

    Vitamin PP 13.2 mg
    Vitamin B1( thiamine) 0.74 mg
    Vitamin B2( riboflavin) 0.11 mg
    Vitamin B5pantothenic) 1,767 mg
    Vitamin B6( pyridoxine) 0.348 mg
    Vitamin B9( folic) 240 μg
    Vitamin C 5.3 mg
    Vitamin E( TE) 10.1 mg
    Vitamin PP( Niacin equivalent) 18.9 mg
    Choline52.5 mg
    Macro Elements
    Calcium 76 mg
    Magnesium 182 mg
    Sodium 23 mg
    Potassium 658 mg
    Phosphorus 350 mg

    Trace Elements
    Iron 5 mg
    Zinc 3.27 mg
    Copper 1144 μg
    Manganese 1,934 mg
    Selenium 7,2 μg

    The energy value of peanuts is 552 kcal.

    Useful features of

    The peanut kernel( dried) has the following chemical composition( in%): proteins - 29.2, fat - 50.2, carbohydrates - 10.8.Peanut proteins are relatively well used by the human body. Peanuts and mineral substances are rich: sodium - 26 mg%, potassium - 736 mg%, calcium - 85 mg%, manganese - 202 mg%, phosphorus - 390 mg%, iron - 6 mg%.Contains vitamins B1, B2, PP and D.

    Peanuts are extremely rich in antioxidants - substances that protect cells of the body from the effects of dangerous free radicals. In this respect, peanuts can be placed on a par with strawberries, but he is inferior to the recognized "leader" in the content of antioxidant substances - a grenade. Antioxidant properties are mainly possessed by polyphenols contained in it: they make peanuts useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases( atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease), as well as premature aging and malignant tumors. Scientists have found that after roasting, peanuts become even more healthful: the content of polyphenols increases by 20-25%.Peanuts contain substances that increase blood coagulability, so it can be useful in blood diseases with reduced coagulability and hemorrhages( hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis, etc.).Peanut butter is valued for the presence of polyunsaturated linoleic acid, which has an anti-sclerotic effect, as well as for the content of vitamins of groups E and B.

    In peptic ulcer

    In peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum( subacute and chronic stages).Take "milk", prepared from peanut flour with the addition of boiled water.

    With reduced immunity
    Take tincture from peanut husk. Nuts peel, lightly fry with a little vegetable oil and remove the husks. Pour 1 teaspoon of shellfish 1/4 cup of vodka and insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 7-10 drops daily and wash down with milk( you can naturally eat nuts).Tincture has fortifying properties.


    Oil from peanut seeds in pharmaceutics is used for the preparation of various preparations and emulsions, as well as in soap making.

    Fruits and peanut butter are recommended to include in the diet of people suffering from catastrophic weight loss-anorexia, as well as recovering after a severe illness duration. This is a high-calorie food, rich in vitamins of group B and vital microelements.

    According to some reports, peanut butter is effective in the treatment of children suffering from hemophilia and hemorrhagic diathesis( blood disease with a sharp decrease in its coagulability and multiple hemorrhages).Peanuts contain substances that increase blood coagulability. In Chinese folk medicine preparations from the leaves of peanuts have long been used for insomnia and increased nervous excitement.

    To prepare a soothing tea, pour 2 tablespoons of large-sliced ​​peanut leaves 400 g of water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and allow to stand under the lid for 40 minutes. Strain and drink in a warm form on an empty stomach half an hour before bedtime.

    Peanut oil in the food industry replaces olive oil, because it is cheaper, and in terms of nutritional qualities it surpasses many other vegetable oils. Welded seeds are used in the confectionery industry for making halva, chocolate, sweets, cakes, etc.

    Peanuts in Cooking

    Peanut kernels are widely used in confectionery production and home cooking. Salads and condiments, fillings and sauces, bakery products and meat dishes are well combined with nuts, including peanuts. From the cake they prepare halva, it is added to chocolate sweets. Roasted peanuts are used as a treat, and also used in the manufacture of cakes, pies, ice cream. Toasted peanuts are served in champagne. You can fry it yourself, it's easy. It all depends on what kind of peanuts you want to get in the end. If you need a salty peanut, similar to what is sold in bags to beer, you can fry it in two ways: in a frying pan, sprinkle with fine salt, stirring constantly, so that the nut is evenly fried;in the oven, without salt( 10-15 minutes), spreading evenly over the entire surface of the leaf, periodically shaking or stirring. Then you need to put peanuts in a heated frying pan, pour a little salt water and continue cooking until the water is completely evaporated, after the nuts are dried. If you want to get unsalted nuts, just fry them in a frying pan and stir. Ready peanuts crackle and from it easily separates the pink husk.

    Homemade peanut oil

    Yield 225 g

    225 g roasted peanuts, 1 tbsp.spoon peanut butter, salt( optional)

    In a blender mixer, prepare a puree mixture of nuts, bringing it to the consistency of the paste, stopping after a few seconds to scrape the mass off the sides. Add butter and stir again. If desired, season with salt. Store in a jar with a screw cap in the refrigerator.

    Peanut butter refueling

    4 servings

    4 tbsp.spoon peanut butter, 2 tbsp.spoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and soy sauce, a pinch of dried tarragon.

    Mix all the ingredients and refrigerate before serving.

    African royal peanut mousse

    4 servings of

    225 g of raw peanuts( peanuts), 120 ml of hot water, 3 tbsp.spoons of honey, 150 g of coconut puree, a pinch of chili, salt, a mixture of pieces of various fruits.

    Peanuts spread on a baking sheet and fry for 3 minutes. Put in a mixer and cook the mashed potatoes with hot water. Add honey, coconut puree, salt to taste and mix everything. Serve with apple slices, pear, banana, peach or with large pieces of pineapple.

    Peanut rods

    Flour - 500 g;peanuts - 500 g;sugar - 400 g;eggs - 4 pieces;milk - 40 g;Butter - 60 g;salt -6 g.

    Knead the dough from chopped peanuts, flour, sugar, beaten eggs, melted butter, milk and salt. Roll out a layer 1 cm thick, cut into strips 8x12 cm and bake them in the oven for 15-20 minutes at medium temperature.

    Chinese aromatic peanuts

    2 servings of

    250 g of peanuts, 1 g of sodium glutamate, 1 g of buckwheat,

    1 g of sweet-scented pepper, 1 g of cinnamon, 1 g of cloves, 3 g of salt,

    50 g of sugar.

    Peanut dip into boiling water, recline, cool and peel off the shell. Discuss. Fry peanuts in deep frying, take out and dry on a napkin. Add salt, sugar, glutamate and spices. All mix well.

    Chicken salad with peanuts and pineapple

    300 g of boiled chicken breast, 40 g of salted peanuts, 2 small ripe pineapples, 2 celery stalks, 350 g of green onions, 220 g of green grapes.

    For seasoning: 75 g of peanut butter, 100 g of mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of cream or milk, 1 teaspoon of non-stringy curry powder, 1 tablespoon of apricot jam, 1 clove of garlic, salt, black pepper to taste.

    Make four "boats" from pineapple. Remove the flesh from them and cut into small pieces. Stir in the bowl pieces of pineapple, finely chopped chicken, chopped green onions and grapes, peeled. Put in the other bowl all the ingredients for seasoning, stir them to a homogeneous mass, season with salt and black pepper. If the seasoning is thick, dilute it with pineapple juice. Pour the seasoning in a mixture of chicken and pineapple, mix well. Put the salad equally in the "boats" of pineapple and serve on a table, sprinkled with peanuts.

    Cold soup of cucumbers with peanuts

    1,5 L of curdled milk, 800 g of cucumbers, 2/3 cups of peanuts.3-5 cloves of garlic, a bunch of dill, salt to taste.

    Peanuts should be washed, dried, put on a heated frying pan and calcined. Then peel off the skin( for this rub peanuts with your hands) and crush. Cucumbers rather small cut, combine with peanuts, add crushed garlic, finely chopped dill, salt. Stir the mixture and pour the yogurt. Soup is eaten cold.

    Yeast bread with peanuts

    1 tablespoon toasted ground peanuts, 2 tablespoons dry yeast, 11/2 cups milk, 4 tablespoons sugar, 4 cups wheat flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper.

    For dough: mix yeast, milk and sugar. Pour flour, salt and ground roasted peanuts into a yeast mass until soft dough is formed.

    Make a round, slightly flattened roll from the dough. Put on a greased round metal plate that will enter the pan. Cover the dishes with a napkin and leave for 2 hours in a warm place. Prepare a steam saucepan: a large saucepan filled with 1/4 water, a round metal plate, a flat screen or metal cans to keep the shape above the water. Pour the mold into a saucepan, placing it on a sieve or jars, so that the mold does not touch the water. Cover the pan with a dense lid, put the load on the lid and boil for 1 hour. Check the water level every 15 minutes. Add water as needed. Take out the bread when it hardens on all sides. Put on a dry surface or a wire stand. Cool 10 minutes, chop and serve hot with butter.

    Turkey stuffed with liver and peanut

    4-4.5 kg of turkey, 400 g of turkey or other bird's liver, 300 g of peanuts, 2 slices of white bread,

    2 eggs, 200 ml of vegetable oil, 20 large mushrooms, 2 heads of onions, 1 kg of trout, 1/2 tablespoon of flour, 120 g of butter, 1 l of broth, 200 g of rice, 1 glass of wine, 30 g of breadcrumbs, 30 g of tarragon, salt and pepper to taste.

    Treated and washed turkey to dry with a kitchen napkin and gently take out the breast bone with both hands. Stuffed in butter with finely chopped onions, let the liver through the meat grinder along with the bread, soaked in milk, mixed with tarragon, salt and pepper, with toasted and ground peanuts and 2 eggs. With the received stuffing, stuff the turkey and sew it. Salt, put on a baking tray, pour with oil and put in a moderately heated oven for 2 hours, periodically lubricating the turkey with oil. Remove the prepared turkey, and pour wine on the baking sheet and let it boil, after which the sauce to drain, cool, degrease and serve in a gravy boat. Cleaned and washed rukukwu dried, cut into cubes, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in oil, pour broth( 1/2 l) and cook until ready. Rice cook in a meat broth( 1/2 l), and washed and sliced ​​mushrooms and onion stew with oil( 70 g).Cut the ready turkey( removing the thread) into pieces, put on a dish with garnish - trout, rice and mushrooms.

    Chicken with peanuts

    For 4-6 servings: 4 chicken legs, 50 grams of salted peanuts, 50 grams of sliced ​​bacon, 2 ripe tomatoes, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

    Fry the bacon in a little oil, add the chicken legs and bruise them on both sides. Salt and pepper. Grind tomatoes, onions, garlic and peanuts, add all this to the chicken, close the lid and cook over low heat until the chicken is soft.

    Pie with onion filling with peanuts

    Shortbread, 500 g onions, 300 grams of peanuts, 100 grams of cheese, better than fatty, like Gouda.

    Peanuts to grind in a meat grinder. Chop the onions and put them into the peanut butter. Stew on butter, and to the onion, when it starts to lighten, add a handful of ground peanuts. After that, simmer under the lid until done. Grate the cheese. When the onion has cooled, mix the cheese and onion with the remaining ground peanuts. The cake should be shaped as usual: roll the short pastry, prick, spread out the filling, support the sides with bread crusts.although it does not creep.

    Pancakes with peanuts and cream ice cream

    For 4 servings: 4 tablespoons peanut, 60 g chestnut flour, 100 g wheat flour, 5 g dry yeast, 2 eggs, 30 g sugar, 250 ml milk, 200 ml cream, 1 tablespoonbutter, 1/2 l of cream ice cream, 100 g of chocolate.

    Peanuts to powder. Mix both types of flour, sugar, peanut powder and yeast with 2 yolks and 150 ml of milk. If necessary, add a little water or milk. Beat 2 egg whites and gently insert them into the dough. Bake pancakes with butter. Chocolate to break and put in a saucepan, add cream and the rest of milk, melt in a water bath. Pre-pancake to heat pancakes. For each plate put one pancake, ice cream ball, pour hot chocolate sauce. Separately serve the remaining pancakes, ice cream and sauce.

    Octopus in white wine with peanuts

    1 kg octopus, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 2 large onions, 1/3 cup dry white wine, a small handful of peanuts( can be salted from sachets), salt, pepper and bay leaf to taste.

    The octopus should be cleaned, gutted and rinsed. Fry in olive oil over medium heat for 10 minutes with the lid open, stirring. Add the pre-sliced ​​onions, nuts, bay leaf and wine. Cook for 15 minutes on low heat with the lid closed.

    Peanut crispy

    1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup light corn syrup, 1/8 teaspoon salt, 1-11 / 2 cup toasted salted peanuts, 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar, 1 teaspoonsoda.

    Mix the syrup with sugar in a two-liter saucepan or bowl. Add ground nuts. Place in the oven and cook for 3-5 minutes until the syrup and nuts begin to darken. After 3 minutes stir. Add oil, vanilla and soda and stir until mixture becomes frothy and white. Pour the mixture onto a well-oiled( 6 mm-thick) pan and bake.

    Cheese balls with peanuts

    1 tablespoon chopped peanuts, 250 g soft cheese, 1/2 teaspoon paprika, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

    Combine cheese, paprika, salt and pepper. Blind from the resulting mass balls. Mix parsley and peanuts, put a thin layer on the plate. Roll balls in peanuts and greens, stick in them thin sticks. Serve chilled. Balls look like snow clods, so the dish perfectly fits the New Year's table.

    Kozinak from sesame and peanut

    1 cup of large chopped peanuts, 1 cup of sesame seeds, 11/2 glasses of sugar, 11/2 glasses of water, 1 tablespoon of strained lemon juice.

    Put sesame seeds and peanuts in a heavy frying pan and fry them over medium heat, stirring constantly, about 10 minutes until golden brown. Connect sugar with water in a heavy low pot or in a cast iron pot and put on medium heat. Stir until sugar dissolves and water boils, then leave to simmer for 10 minutes. Add the lemon juice, stir and carefully pour sesame and peanuts. Cook, stirring constantly, until the syrup thickens. Lay the mixture on a marble plank or other smooth surface, oiled. Put the oiled parchment or waxed paper over the caramel mass and roll it into a layer 6 mm thick using a rolling pin. As the mass does not freeze, remove the paper and cut it into pieces with a sharp knife in the size of 5x10 cm. Cool, separate pieces of kozinaka, wrap separately and store in a sealed package.

    Festive Cake "Festive" with peanuts

    For the cake base: 140 g of honey, 120 g of semolina, 120 g of powdered sugar, 80 g of butter, 6 eggs, 1 tablespoon of rum, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, orange peel to taste, 100 g of glazed peanuts

    For rum glaze: 200-250 g of powdered sugar, 3 tablespoons of hot water, 2 tablespoons of rum

    For glazed peanuts: 140 g of fine granulated sugar, 140 g of peanut

    For cream: 2 tablespoonsspoons of honey, 150 g of butter, 1/8 l of milk, 30 g of flour, 100 g of glazed peanuts, vanilla sah

    Preparation of the basis Mix honey with butter and heat, stirring, on low heat Add egg yolks, sugar, orange zest, rum and mix thoroughly. Crush peanuts, mix it with semolina and baking powder.in a steep foam egg whites. Add alternately in the honey mass peanut mixture and proteins, each time gently stirring. The basis of the cake is baked in the oven in a prepared form.

    Preparation of rum glaze. Sugar powder twice sift through a sieve, mix with hot water and grind, gradually adding rum, to the desired glaze density. Preparation of glazed peanuts. Peeled peanuts in a little oven, then use a napkin to remove the shell. From sugar, make a sponge, sprinkle peanuts, put a warm mass on a wet ceramic tile. When the mass cools down, finely crush it. Preparation of peanut cream .Mix milk thoroughly, flour, vanilla sugar, put on a weak fire until thickened, without stopping stirring. Remove from heat and continue stirring until the mixture cools. Add grated butter with honey and beat until a thick, uniform cream is obtained. Gradually put in the cream pounded glazed peanuts.

    Cake decoration. The ready-made cake base is cooled and cut into three horizontal layers. Interlace each layer with oil cream with glazed peanuts, top the cake with rum glaze and decorate to taste.

    Toasted peanuts are used as a treat, used for making cakes, pies, ice cream. Roasted peanuts can be served with champagne. Dietitians do not recommend abusing peanuts. The fact is that, unlike fruits and vegetables, peanuts are quite caloric, and its active consumption can lead to the appearance of excess weight or even the development of obesity. That's why, eating peanuts, you need to observe a sense of proportion.

    Not recommended for gout, arthrosis, arthritis. In addition, peanuts contain many proteins and fatty acids, which can cause latent allergies.

    Despite the fact that "milk" made from peanuts is useful for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, the peanut with acute diseases of the stomach and intestines should be consumed cautiously and gradually, as it contains a large amount of cellulose that irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive organsand promotes enhanced gas production.