
Harm meat for humans: red, pig, raw, avian, fish - how dangerous?

  • Harm meat for humans: red, pig, raw, avian, fish - how dangerous?

    Harm meat for human consumption of red, white, fatty meat, as well as fish

    If you compare man and animal, then the human intestine is longer than the predator, but shorter than the herbivore, and the intake of fatty meat for food in largeamounts have a negative impact, provokes the occurrence of diseases such as gout, rheumatism, arthritis of varying degrees and even cancer.

    Studies confirm that a large number of meat products increase the possibility of cancer. The use of meat and fish products affects the development of colorectal cancer. And in the case of a sharp decrease in the consumption of such products, cancers decrease. It is also found that the use of dark red meat( lamb and beef) does not increase the risk of cancer. And poultry even reduces the risk of oncology.

    Modern medical workers have proven a direct link between meat-eating and various heart diseases. Vegetarians complain less often about cardiovascular diseases.

    The harm of meat for a person is enhanced by methods of additional processing. Growth hormones of cattle and birds, additional feeds with nitrates, chemicals for coloring - it all kills the useful properties of meat and exacerbates its negative effects for humans.

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    It is impossible for everyone to completely abandon the use of meat, because many people do not represent their meal without it. Moreover, the complete rejection of meat from the diet leads to various diseases. Lack of vitamin D and B2, various amino acids cause disorders of the nervous system, impotence. Especially negatively affects the refusal of meat in childhood.

    If we talk about the most harmful form of meat, then - this is primarily pork. Poultry meat is referred to less harmful varieties of meat, but the fish is absolutely devoid of harmful properties.

    Special attention should be given not only to the choice of meat, but also the way it is prepared. Fresh meat is environmentally safer, especially if there is own farm. Before cooking meat dishes, the meat must be soaked for a long time in the water. The first broth to use categorically it is impossible, it is necessary to merge.

    The second meat broth is ideal for making the right soups and all kinds of dishes with its addition. Meat is better to cook or simmer, fry is not recommended, especially when combined with modern seasonings for meat dishes. In addition, the right combination of meat with other products will help reduce its negative properties. It is highly not recommended to eat meat with potatoes, corn, radish, pumpkin. As a useful side dish, fresh greens, cucumbers, cabbage, green beans and onion are good. Vegetables, especially green, are an inhibitor of iron, which allows you to get the most positive effects from eating meat.

    The norms of eating meat products per day are no more than 150 grams for an adult with a mandatory combination of about 500 grams of fermented milk products. After all, the protein, whose source is meat, is necessary for the body, besides it additionally contains phosphates of potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. Minerals in large quantities are in the liver of animals, high content of vitamin B.

    In case when it is impossible to remove completely harmful types of meat from the diet, it is necessary at least periodically to refuse them for prevention or treatment of diseases obtained from eating meat.


    If you compare a person and an animal, then the human intestine is longer than a predator, but shorter than a herbivore, and the intake of fatty meat in large quantities has a negative effect, provokes the occurrence of diseases such as gout, rheumatism, arthritis of variousdegrees and even cancer.

    Studies confirm that a large number of meat products increase the possibility of cancer. The use of meat and fish products affects the development of colorectal cancer. And in the case of a sharp decrease in the consumption of such products, cancers decrease. It is also found that the use of dark red meat( lamb and beef) does not increase the risk of cancer. And poultry even reduces the risk of oncology.

    Modern medical workers have proven a direct link between meat-eating and various heart diseases. Vegetarians complain less often about cardiovascular diseases.

    The harm of meat for humans is enhanced by additional treatment methods. Growth hormones of cattle and birds, additional feeds with nitrates, chemicals for coloring - it all kills the useful properties of meat and exacerbates its negative effects for humans.

    It is impossible for all to completely abandon the use of meat, because many people do not represent their meals without it. Moreover, the complete rejection of meat from the diet leads to various diseases. Lack of vitamin D and B2, various amino acids cause disorders of the nervous system, impotence. Especially negatively affects the refusal of meat in childhood.

    If we talk about the most harmful form of meat, then - this is primarily pork. Poultry meat is referred to less harmful varieties of meat, but the fish is absolutely devoid of harmful properties.

    Special attention should be given not only to the choice of meat, but also the way it is prepared. Fresh meat is environmentally safer, especially if there is own farm. Before cooking meat dishes, the meat must be soaked for a long time in the water. The first broth to use categorically it is impossible, it is necessary to merge.

    The second meat broth is ideal for making the right soups and all kinds of dishes with its addition. Meat is better to cook or simmer, fry is not recommended, especially when combined with modern seasonings for meat dishes. In addition, the right combination of meat with other products will help reduce its negative properties. It is highly not recommended to eat meat with potatoes, corn, radish, pumpkin. As a useful side dish, fresh greens, cucumbers, cabbage, green beans and onion are good. Vegetables, especially green, are an inhibitor of iron, which allows you to get the most positive effects from eating meat.

    The norms of eating meat products per day is no more than 150 grams for an adult with a mandatory combination of about 500 grams of fermented milk products. After all, the protein, whose source is meat, is necessary for the body, besides it additionally contains phosphates of potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. Minerals in large quantities are in the liver of animals, high levels of vitamin B.

    In case when it is not possible to completely remove harmful meat from the diet, it is necessary at least periodically to abandon them for prevention or treatment of diseases obtained from eating meat.
