Horseradish useful properties
Horseradish( Armor acta rusticana( lam.) Gaerth) is a frost-resistant and cold-resistant plant belonging to the family of cruciferous plants. It is a perennial plant of the cruciferous family, with erect stems up to 1.5 m in height and fleshy roots. The root of horseradish is very bitter taste, it is used to prepare various seasonings and spices. The root of the horse-radish is thick long, fleshy, homeland of horseradish consider the South-East European part of our country and the adjacent Asia, but also in the wild it is found everywhere in Europe and Asia. Cultivate horseradish both in the one-year and in the biennial culture. The roots go to food. They are juicy and sharp to the taste, with a strong odor and are used as an acute seasoning. Taste and smell of horseradish gives allylic( mustard) oil. Root of horseradish contains glycoside synergy, sinigrin, essential oil, vitamin C, in fresh juice lysozin - a protein substance of very complex structure, retarding the growth of bacteria.
The plant is rich in mineral salts: 100 g of fresh roots contain sodium - 79, potassium - 579, calcium - 119, magnesium - more than 35, iron - more than 2, copper - 0,14, phosphorus -70, sulfur - 212, chlorine- about 19 mg. The leaves and seeds contain alkaloids.
Leaves are basal, assembled into a rosette, long( up to 60 cm long and 15 cm wide), oblong, with a heart-shaped base and a crenate margin;cauline - oblong or oblong-lanceolate, porous-separated, lower - petiolate, upper - sessile, reduced, at the margin jagged or unbroken.
Flower-bearing shoots appear in the second year, reaching a height of 1.5 meters. The flowers are white, they are numerous and collected in clusters of inflorescence on long petioles. Fruit is a round pod of 5-6 mm in diameter. The plant blooms in June-August.
Roots and leaves of horse radish are rich in vitamin C, contain a large number of B vitamins, carotene, essential oils, potassium, calcium and trace elements. The plant contains many phytoncides, which have a harmful effect on pathogens.
Medicinal raw materials are roots that are collected in autumn. In the roots are glycoside-sinigrin, ethereal mustard oil( containing allyl mustard oil, phenyl-ethyl mustard oil), a lot of ascorbic acid( up to 200 mg%), enzyme-lysozine, a lot of potassium and calcium, phytoncides. The sharp taste and peculiar odor of horseradish are due to the presence in it of essential oil, which is released during grinding. Since leaves and roots are rich in vitamin C and can be used as an antiscorbutic agent.
This is a persistent, often "wild" moisture-loving plant. As a spice it is better to use fresh - a clean white root, finely grated. Wild horseradish is too burning, so it is better to cultivate species less acute, having a sweetish taste. To grow horseradish it is necessary to choose sandy loam soil. Horseradish should be stored in a greenhouse or home cellar in a box of sand. In horseradish, up to 100 mg of vitamin C in 100 g of weight.
It has an alkaline effect, it has a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. Horseradish also contains glycoside sinigrin, mustard essential oil, myrosinase enzyme, phytoncides affecting bacteria and viruses. Horseradish is also credited with anticancer action. Horseradish can not be consumed in large doses, as a side dish for 1 person, 1-2 tablespoons freshly grinded its mass.
Horseradish activates the activity of the stomach and intestines, dissolves phlegm. Possesses a diuretic property. It is good to use it in pre-and early spring periods, with infectious diseases.
Useful and curative properties of
In scientific medicine, horseradish roots are used as a diuretic, antiscorbutic, with acute hepatitis, trichomonas colpitis.
Indications: horseradish is used as flavoring additives that increase appetite. External horseradish is used to treat sciatica.
Horseradish causes appetite and improves bowel activity. In folk medicine horseradish is taken as a diuretic for dropsy, bladder stones, gout and rheumatism. With muscular pains in the back and waist, rub the roots with a gruel. Of horseradish, like a mustard plaster, do "plaster".Its antimicrobial properties are also used. Kashitsu or infusion of roots used for purulent wounds, ulcers, inflammation of the ears. Diluted with water, horseradish juice is used to rinse the mouth and throat with inflammation of the mucous membranes and tonsillitis. Such rinses are useful, since the bacon contains lysocin - a protein substance with bactericidal properties. Currently, lysozin is used as an antimicrobial agent in the form of eye drops, lotions and compresses.
As a cosmetic product, an aqueous solution of horseradish or tincture is used to rub the face against freckles and pigment spots. For bleaching the skin, the infusion is prepared according to the following recipe: 50 g of grated horseradish are poured into 250 g of table vinegar, tightly closed with a stopper and placed in a dark cool place. After two weeks, tincture is filtered and 1.5 liters of cold water are added. This liquid is wiped face morning and evening.
Medicinal forms: use freshly squeezed horseradish juice, a gruel from the root or infusion on the water( in the ratio 1:10) as a means of increasing appetite. With local treatment of sciatica, horseradish leaves are applied to the waist, covered with a warm cloth for 20 minutes.
In experiments, the bactericidal action of horseradish has been established. As a medicinal product horseradish in the form of juice is used mainly in folk medicine.
Juice is used to treat scurvy, improve appetite and digestion, as it has the ability to increase appetite and stimulate gastric secretion. It is used as a diuretic and expectorant, with difficulty urinating, bladder stones, delay in menstruation. In the wiped form, the roots are applied externally as a distracting and irritating to the skin remedy, which is not inferior to mustard. It is also recommended for the destruction of freckles, wash the skin with water with the addition of horseradish juice. Juice from the root is used to rinse the throat, and also instilled in the ears with suppuration.
As a strengthening remedy horseradish is recommended for mental and physical work. Effective horseradish with toothache( rinse).The juice squeezed from the whole plant is recommended to be taken in the morning and in the evening by people suffering from stones of the kidneys and bladder.
Root juice with honey or sugar is taken with liver diseases. Grated root, cooked with beer and juniper berries, is used with dropsy. Juice, mixed with denatured alcohol, is used for rubbing with rheumatism, from aches in joints and bones. Burned horseradish is treated with ulcers with overgrown granulations, as well as purulent, poorly healing wounds.
It is used in homeopathy.
Many do not use horseradish juice, because in this form, essential oils are very strong, so it is recommended to use horseradish in the form of gruel with the addition of lemon juice twice a day for half a teaspoon on an empty stomach.
This mixture helps the decomposition of mucus in its accumulation sites without damaging the mucous membrane. In addition, horseradish with lemon juice is a strong diuretic, especially valuable for swelling and dropsy.
As a rule, the most satisfactory results are obtained with the use of horseradish in the ratio: a mixture of 2-3 lemons( juice) and 150 grams of horseradish.
In folk medicine horseradish is used as a means to increase appetite, as a diuretic, it is used for rheumatism, to improve blood circulation and metabolism.
As an external remedy horseradish is used in the treatment of ulcerative skin lesions, purulent wounds.
Apply it and as a distraction( instead of mustard plasters).
In folk medicine use freshly squeezed juice, syrup and infusions from the root.
THIS ROOT: 1 tbsp.l.grated 400 grams of boiling water on a grater of horseradish and to insist during the night. Take 50-70 ml two or three times a day.
Freshly squeezed juice from the root take 1 tsp.3-4 times a day. You can use freshly grated gruel from the roots of horseradish and take it 1 dess.l.three times a day.
In Bulgarian folk medicine horseradish is used for ascites and various edemas. Drink honey with 1 tbsp.l.three times a day.
For the treatment of diabetes, horseradish is drunk in a mixture with yogurt at a ratio of 1:10( 20 grams of horseradish per cup of yogurt).
Horseradish is a low-calorie food, so nutritionists recommend it to people with diabetes, in order to diversify the menu.
With anemia, chronic diseases of the respiratory tract take horseradish preparations in the usual dosage. They greatly facilitate the coughing and spitting of phlegm.
With difficulty urinating, drink horseradish juice for 1 dess.l.three times a day.
With cancer of various localizations, folk medicine recommends taking powder from the seeds 1 gram three times a day.
Horseradish leaves can be used instead of mustard plasters for various hardening and acute inflammatory processes( abscess, mastitis, furuncle, as well as bronchitis and pneumonia in the form of mustard plasters on the back).
To improve the activity of the intestine, horseradish juice is drunk to eat 1 dessiatine before meals.l.three times a day. In the same dosage, horseradish juice is drunk to improve metabolism.
In hypertensive disease, a mixture of the following juices has a good effect:
Beet juice - 200 ml, carrot juice - 200 ml, horseradish juice - 200 ml, juice from one medium lemon.
All mix, store in the refrigerator. Drink 0.5 cup of the mixture 2-3 times a day( to obtain juice from the rhizome rhizome rhizome crushed and keep in boiled water for 36 hours).
Fresh horseradish leaves are applied to the loin with radiculitis.
In case of Botkin's disease, 1 kg of horseradish roots should be passed through a meat grinder( or grated), pour 3 l of boiling water, insist 24 h in a closed vessel and drink 0.5 cup three times a day.
Cirrhosis of the liver: take five six leaves of horseradish together with the root, wash, chop and pour 0.5 liter of quality vodka. Put in a dark place for seven days.
Mix the mixture to drain, take one tablespoon three times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
Store the tincture in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is one month, then a break of seven days, and the course is repeated.
Application in cooking
In cooking, horseradish is used for pickling and pickling vegetables, it is served freshly cooked to boiled meat, to jellied and serving dishes. Often horseradish is added to fatty and difficult to digest dishes.
Because horseradish helps digestion, it can be added to fatty and digestible dishes. In cooking, horseradish is used for marinating, pickling vegetables( cucumbers, beets, a mixture of vegetables), freshly it is served to boiled meat, smoked foods, serving dishes, to give a special taste to mustard, mayonnaise, to curd pastes, fish, it is added to sauerkraut,sour cream sauces, served with cutlets.
It is recommended to serve horseradish to boiled hard-boiled eggs and fatty hard cheeses. A very popular mixture of grated horseradish and apples with the addition of vinegar. Horseradish is best used in fresh form. When heat treated, its properties, especially vitamins, are lost. Horseradish is processed into powder, various extracts, canned food. We grow horseradish only varieties "Crohnox" and "Malen."
Salad of horseradish and apples
Salad of horseradish and apples sort Antonovka: horseradish grated, mixed with finely chopped apples and honey.
Carrot, apple and horseradish salad
250 g carrots, 100 g apples, 50 grams horseradish, 250 g sour cream, salt and sugar.
Grated carrots, apples and horseradish mixed with sour cream, seasoned with salt and sugar.
Horseradish is a valuable vegetable crop, which should be a constant part of daily vitamin nutrition.
Filling in Kamchatka
4 tbsp.a spoonful of grated horseradish, 3 teaspoons of sugar, 1 glass of sour cream, 2 steep yellows, 1/2 lemon juice, chopped dill and parsley, salt.
Stuffed horseradish mixed with sugar, yolks and sour cream. Add salt, lemon juice, chopped greens. All mix well.
Carrot sauce with horseradish
100 g carrots, 1-2 tbsp.spoons of honey, 1 tsp grated horseradish, 1-2 tbsp.spoons of lemon juice, sour cream.
Carrots clean, wash, grate. Honey mixed with lemon juice, add to carrots. Put the horseradish and grind it well. Dilute sour cream to the required density.
Orange sauce with horseradish
2 oranges, 3 tbsp.spoons of white wine, 1 tbsp.spoon of grated horseradish, salt, sugar
Grate zest with 1 orange, survive from orange juice. Mix everything with wine, horseradish, salt and sugar.
Use of horseradish is contraindicated in gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, inflammatory diseases of the liver and kidneys. A large dose of horse radish causes severe irritation.