  • Useful and medicinal properties of ficuses

    At the moment of serious biochemical research( except for rubber), only figs were awarded from fig trees. The composition of his coots is well studied. Fresh fruits contain up to 24% of sugars, in some species - up to 70% for wet weight. Also found are:

    organic acids( the main one is citric acid, and in mature ovaries - glycerin);


    a large percentage of pectin substances;

    high content of iron and copper.

    In dried fruits, the amount of sugars is 60-70%, pectins - 6%, starch - 3%, fats - 1.3%, proteins - up to 6%, vitamins B., B2, carotene - provitamin A, more than 6% of fiber, various enzymes. Fruits of figs are richer in iron than apples, and there are more sugars in them than in dates.

    Biologically active substances are found in leaves of figs. Among them:

    flavonol rutin( vitamin P);

    furoku marina;

    saponin ficusogenin;

    palmitic acid;


    essential oil.

    Furoku marinas are also found in the roots of the plant. These substances and leaf essential oil have bactericidal and fungicidal action - they kill harmful bacteria and fungi. Biologically active substances of figs also have a photosensitizing effect, that is, they increase the sensitivity of the organism to sunlight.

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    Juice from the leaves of figs has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended to use it in dry and prone to acne skin.

    Healing properties of figs oriental healers have been used for a long time. First of all, its fruits were valued for antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and also emollient, enveloping and expectorant effect. Decoction of fruits in milk is still considered one of the most effective means for colds, respiratory diseases accompanied by a strong, persistent cough with a difficult separation of phlegm. It is noted and its antipyretic, diaphoretic action. Infusion of fruits is used for rinses and poultices for colds, for softening of abscesses and tumors. The flesh of fig fruit was used in the treatment of liver and spleen diseases, as well as as a diuretic and a mild laxative. It is believed that the fig helps to release kidneys from stones in kidney stones. In addition, its fertilization contributes to the improvement of digestion and lactation( milk production in nursing mothers).According to the old recipe, green figs were cooked with pork to increase the separation of milk, and this same drug was used as a tonic and as a remedy for hemorrhoids.

    Decoction of leaves of figs relieve pain and reduce hemorrhoids. Seeds of figs are an ancient laxative, they are also used to treat wounds. In folk medicine it is believed that the whole plant has antitumor properties.■

    Modern figs are recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system, venous insufficiency, with a tendency to form blood clots.

    Scientific studies have confirmed that figs release into the air phytoncides that drive away insects. Therefore, in the rooms where it is grown, there are practically no flies.