  • How to brew a dogrose

    Rosehip mai( brown) Rosa majalis Herrm( cinnamomea L.) is a low thorn bush from the family of rosaceous, with unpaired leaves and large single or collected 2-3 fragrant pink flowers. Fruit is a false berry, which develops not from a pistil, but from a fleshy flower-root. Inside the overgrown tsvetozhozha the true fruits( seeds) are placed.

    The birthplace of dogrose China and India, and then it began to grow in Egypt, Babylon, Greece and other countries. Rosehip enjoyed wide popularity among all the peoples of the world. For example, the Greeks considered the dogrose a symbol of morality, he was planted around the temple of the goddess of love of Aphrodite. In Russia, for a long time, the healing properties of this plant have been known, and it is now widely spread throughout the European part of Russia, the Urals, Siberia and Kazakhstan.

    Rosehip takes the first place among fruit and berry plants for the content of vitamin C. Its fruits are 100 times larger than this vitamin, than in oranges, lemons, mandarins and apples. This is due not only to the ability to accumulate it, but also to the lack of ascorbinase, a enzyme that destroys ascorbic acid. More about the beneficial properties of dogrose.

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    Many vitamins C are not only in fruits, but also in leaves and petals( during flowering).By the amount of vitamin P, rosehip fruits are 10 times greater than oranges, lemons, mandarins and apples( 4000 mg%).One of the first places is occupied by dog ​​rose and according to the content of carotene( provitamin A) -16, 3%.

    In addition to the above, there are B vitamins( thymine, riboflavin), folic acid, sugars, organic acids, tannic and pectic substances, as well as minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and silicon in the hips.

    Procurement of raw materials

    Rose hips are harvested from the end of August, when they acquire an orange-red color, until the first frost. Frozen fruits lose their medicinal properties. When collecting them, it is easy to find out, since they easily break down at minimum pressure.

    Collected fruits are sorted, impurities, including fruits, crushed during collection and damaged by diseases, are removed. To avoid loss of vitamin C, the collected wild rose is dried immediately.

    The greatest amount of vitamins in the dogrose is retained by slow drying in the open air( but not in the sun) or in a well ventilated room. In no case should you dry fruit in the sun, because in this case, vitamin C is completely destroyed.

    Rosehip spread a thin layer on the boards in a cool, shaded, ventilated room. When drying sepals from the fruit do not remove, because without them the fruits quickly deteriorate, mold.

    Also, the drying of rose hips is carried out in dryers at a temperature of 80-90 ° C or in Russian ovens on special grilles placed on top of each other, 1-1.5 hours after the furnace for 1-1.5 hours. Then they are dried at a temperature of 50-60 ° C.

    Properly dried rose hips should have a shiny or matte surface and retain their orange-red or red color of the fruit. These fruits do not smell, they taste slightly sour-sweet, when pressed they break in the fingers, but they do not rub into powder.

    After drying, the fruits are cleaned of sepals and packaged in paper bags, linen bags or jars. Store in a dry place, periodically checking if pests have appeared.

    Shelf life of dried fruit - 2 years.

    Flowers and leaves of wild rose are collected during flowering, dried outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. Shelf life of such raw materials is 1 year.

    The roots of the dog rose are dug in the fall, cleaned from the ground, air dried, ground and stored in canvas bags for 2 years.


    Infusion is called water extraction from raw medicinal plants. To prepare this drug use roots, leaves, flowers and rose hips.

    The infusion can be prepared in one of two ways: hot and cold.

    In the first case, the raw materials are ground, placed in a warmed-up on a water bath, filled with boiling water and insisted for the time specified in the recipe. Also, for the preparation of the preparation by a hot method, the raw material is poured with water at room temperature, heated in a water bath for 5-15 minutes, then it is insisted, filtered and filled with water to the required volume.

    In the second case, the ground raw material is poured with boiled water at room temperature, insisted for 4-12 hours, then filtered.

    The amount of raw materials and water, as well as the time and method of preparation, depend on its purpose.

    It is very convenient to use a thermos to prepare the infusion. In this case, the crushed raw material is poured into a thermos, poured with steep boiling water and insisted for the necessary time.


    Broth is an aqueous extraction from the raw material of medicinal plants, which is obtained by boiling the raw material or heating it in a water bath. This drug is made from roots, flowers, leaves and hips.

    When preparing the broth, the raw material is poured with cold water, brought to a boil and boiled on low heat or in a water bath for 5-20 minutes, after which it is cooled at room temperature, filtered and diluted with boiled water to the volume specified in the recipe. The ratio of raw materials and water varies in each particular case.

    Toning teas

    These teas are recommended with a decrease in the general tone of the body, asthenic state, and also after prolonged serious illnesses.

    Recipe 1

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    Recipe 4

    Toning teas should not be taken before bedtime.

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    Recipe 11

    rowan obyknovennoylecheniya

    Recipe 12

    leaves zemlyanikilistev blackberry

    Recipe 13


    Recipe 14

    Sedatives teas

    Such teas help withtreatment of nervous disorders, cardiac weakness, depression, etc. In addition, the medicinal plants included in their composition prevent diseases that often arise as a result of psychological and physicalTress.

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    Vitamin teas

    Recipe 1

    Recipe 2

    leaves malinybrusniki

    Recipe 3


    Recipe 4

    Recipe 5
