  • Quail eggs

    Useful properties of quail eggs became known to people many centuries ago, quail eggs are mentioned both in Egyptian papyri and in recipes of Chinese folk medicine.
    Once the Japanese exported a batch of quails from China. The Japanese were interested in the properties and benefits of quail eggs and meat used in Chinese folk medicine.

    More and more people today are thinking about a healthy lifestyle, an inseparable guarantee of which is a properly selected diet of food. Most food products can not provide the necessary level of nutrients. In connection with this, various food additives, vitamin and mineral complexes, other preparations are very popular. However, there is a unique natural product with its nutritional value - quail eggs, the benefits of which can not be overemphasized, which can replenish and maintain the level of necessary nutrients in the norm. Quail eggs are a concentrated biological set of substances necessary for humans. These are real ampoules of health.
    Quails do not suffer from salmonellosis

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    The Japanese experience was used by Russian doctors after the Chernobyl accident when drawing up a menu for children who were taken out of the tragedy zone. During this course, absolutely no adverse allergic reactions were observed, even in children with bronchial asthma.
    As a result, children's appetite normalized, fatigue and pain in the heart disappeared, complaints of dizziness and nosebleeds decreased.
    Now quail eggs are effectively used in baby food. Because of the high body temperature( 42 degrees), the quail is resistant to infectious diseases, in particular, they are never infected with salmonella. And consequently, quail eggs, unlike chicken eggs, can be eaten raw and receive the whole complex of nutrients, which during the heat treatment are significantly destroyed.

    In quail eggs, by weight equal to one chicken, contains 2.5 times more vitamins B1 and B2, five times more potassium, 4.5 times - iron,.Also in quail eggs, the content of vitamin A, phosphorus, nicotinic acid, copper, cobalt, limiting and other amino acids is more( for more details see here).Quail eggs do not cause diathesis and other allergic reactions, they have tonic properties. Doctors recommend to introduce them into the diet of infants with artificial feeding.
    Studies of physicians showed that the shell of quail eggs, consisting of 90% of calcium carbonate, is easily absorbed by the body, and in addition contains all the microelements necessary for the body, including copper, fluorine, sulfur, silicon, zinc and others( total 27 elements).The composition of the egg shell of quail eggs strikingly coincides with the composition of human bones and teeth, and moreover, it stimulates the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow, it benefits the whole body. ..
    If your child has diathesis, then quail eggs are what you need. By the way, children refusing to eat chicken eggs, come to full delight from quail eggs. Children who consume quail eggs have a decreased need for calcium. They are less tired, they become more mobile, they have no problems with preparing lessons.
    Quail eggs over the content of nutrients are superior to chicken eggs.
    Natural cosmetics from quail eggs
    Tyrosine, part of the quail egg, allows you to maintain a healthy complexion. Therefore, in the European perfumery industry, many expensive brands of creams and shampoos include components of quail eggs, connoisseurs of natural cosmetics see in quail eggs the secrets of rejuvenation and never tire of exchanging cosmetic mask recipes.

    Eggs quails are useful because on farms and factories you can not use medicines to prevent diseases and prevent bird epidemics. That is, do not use antibiotics, which would eventually end up in the human body.

    In addition, under the effect of heat treatment, the nutritional value and health benefits of quail eggs are significantly reduced. Eating eggs in raw form, you can get much more benefits.

    In one quail egg, 25% of the daily cholesterol, about 2% of the daily protein norm. The use of quail eggs for the body is in a high number of vitamins of groups A and B. Eggs contain zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, they contain a lot of iron.

    For its high nutritional properties quail eggs should be eaten with increased physical exertion. They help in case of overweight. Since you can eat 1-2 eggs, staying in the prescribed amount of daily calories, while simultaneously receiving a lot of useful substances.

    Quail eggs are significantly less cholesterol, so they are acceptable even in cases where you should refrain from eating foods that contain cholesterol. The content of protein, polyunsaturated fats and folic acid maintains the normal content of hormones in the female body. The undoubted advantage of quail eggs for the female body allows you to recommend them to use during pregnancy.

    Adults can eat 5-6 eggs a day. Elderly people can also eat quail eggs, because they do not contain cholesterol. It is better to eat them before meals, raw, washed down with juice or water. The reception should be regular for 3-4 months. Somewhere in two weeks you will notice positive improvements in the body. If you can not physically drink raw eggs, you can mix them into cereals, soups or purees. You can also make a frog from them. But keep in mind that after 15 minutes of treatment, vitamins are destroyed.

    The healing properties of the shell and quail eggs. It contains 9/10 calcium carbonate, which is rapidly absorbed, as well as 27 trace elements, among which are fluorine, manganese, sulfur, silicon, molybdenum, etc. The content of molybdenum and silicon is especially valuable, since in other foods that we eat,they are very few, but they are necessary for the proper course of all biochemical processes.

    Eating eggshells, you can not be afraid of bacterial contamination and other negative effects. Do not be afraid of urolithiasis, deposits on the joints and bones, as all excess is removed from the body. The most useful such treatment is considered for very young children, in which the formation of bone tissue. It also reduces brittle hair and nails, eliminates bleeding, constipation, insomnia, irritability.

    Systematically using quail eggs, you can improve immunity without medications and restore health without any harm.
    Many people heard about the benefits of quail eggs. Although for certain this product of dietary nutrition there are properties that in some cases can cause harm to health.

    Quail eggs are small and weigh about five times less than a chicken's egg. The weight of the quail egg is 10-12 grams, while the chicken egg weighs about 60 grams. Quail eggs are not white or brown, like chicken, but in speckles.

    An important property of quail eggs is the ability to safely eat human raw materials. The fact is that the natural temperature of the quail is + 42C.As you know, salmonella perishes already at 40C.However, many other microorganisms too.
    Interestingly, the benefits of quail eggs are combined with their neutral taste. In addition, amusing specks on the shell attract the child's attention. So there are no problems with how to get a child to eat an unusual testicle. A child of preschool age is enough to eat 1-2 quail eggs a day. The schoolchildren have 2 or 3 eggs.

    Quail eggs are beneficial in the case of bronchial asthma, greatly facilitating the patient's condition. Every day it is recommended to eat one quail egg. A month later, you can take a break, after which the testicles continue. In six months the patient's condition improves for the next six months.

    The use of quail eggs in the early elimination of the consequences of a variety of poisonings. If you start drinking one quail every hour, then after a few hours the patient's condition will improve significantly.

    Quail eggs are shown in case of an allergy. It is necessary to drink at least one egg a day, and then all manifestations take place within the next few days.

    Quail eggs should be used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid. Eggs are also useful in the case of disorders of the nervous system, heart disease.

    It is interesting that it is useful not only for the egg, but also for its shell. Because its composition is close to the composition of human bones and teeth. Therefore, the shell of quail eggs is useful in case of brittle nails, hair, insomnia, irritability, constipation.

    Most often, the shell is ground and mixed with lemon juice. Then take a day later in a teaspoon in the afternoon or just before bedtime - so calcium is best absorbed. Cooked quail eggs can be eaten directly with the shell.
    When pregnant
    Quail eggs: the benefit for pregnant women is that their intake facilitates the course of pregnancy, alleviating toxemia and miscarriage of pregnancy. Also known is the use of the shell of quail eggs when consumed by pregnant or elderly people.
    The usefulness of quail eggs is also evidenced by the fact that oncology doctors prescribe it as food to their patients to prevent mastopathy. By raising the immunity, an excellent effect is achieved in the prevention of cancer.
    Than a useful quail egg is already clearly marked, but it is already proved that it brings and harm:

    allergic reactions( especially in young children);
    for abnormal liver problems, quail eggs can not be abused;
    high caloric content of eggs with excessive use leads to the deposition of excess weight.

    Are quail eggs useful in natural makeup? The answer is unequivocal - yes! A healthy complexion is achieved thanks to the useful tyrosine contained in quail eggs.
    Quail eggs as Viagra
    Bulgarian experts have determined that quail eggs are superior to Viagra pills by their effectiveness. The Bulgarians even invented a cocktail called "Youth".The effect of using a magic drink on potency is simply terrific. The reason for the effect is that quail eggs contain many useful microelements, including phosphorus, iron, rich in minerals, vitamins A, B1 and B2.
    And in Germany, it is customary for men to eat four raw quail eggs on an empty stomach and drink them with a tablespoon of vodka, infused on walnut septums. Those Germans who have been eating breakfast for so many years are very proud of their potency.
    Means for many ailments
    Quail eggs enhance immunity, normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system.
    Constant acute respiratory illness in children is a problem for many families. Parents faithfully perform the course of treatment, but it costs a child for a day or two to appear in school or kindergarten, as he again overtakes the disease.
    The basis of recurring and long-lasting diseases, as a rule, is also lowered immunity. Parents whose children belong to the group of people who are often ill should take care of the prevention of child suffering. For example, the reception of quail eggs can reduce the incidence of ARI in frequently ill children by 5 times. And even if the child does get sick, the disease will proceed much more easily.
    Treating with quail eggs is known all over the world. With their help, you can get rid of many diseases and ailments: stomach diseases, especially ulcers, headaches, anemia, asthma, pneumonia, low or high blood pressure, anemia, digestive dysfunction, nervous disorders, allergies, eye diseases, etc. In addition, they increase the resistance to irradiation and excrete radionuclides well. They effectively increase potency, soften toxicosis in women, facilitate the flow of pregnancy. Bodybuilders can increase the protein content with quail eggs, since they can be in very large quantities.
    Their children love them the most. They are attracted by the small size of quail eggs, their unusual bright color and small mass. They are completely sterile, so they can be safely used in baby food. They are very nutritious, tasty and do not cause allergies, diathesis and other side effects. In Japan, children are given 1-2 eggs a day. Thanks to this, memory is improved, nerves are strengthened, vision is increased, and the child becomes less sick and develops faster.

    To children quail eggs are also extremely useful. Especially in case of the danger of a backwardness in mental development, rapid fatigue, the need to remove radionuclides and toxins from the body. That's why in Japan, schoolchildren are supposed to have 2-3 quail eggs for dinner. As a result, it is much easier for a child to remember and more firmly absorb new material.

    In this case, the quail eggs do not cause any harm. Plus, they are stored for a long time because of the content of lysozyme - an amino acid that counteracts the formation of harmful microflora.

    You should not eat them unless your body is difficult to digest protein for medical reasons. Some types of kidney and liver diseases completely exclude protein nutrition, before you introduce eggs into your diet, consult your doctor. Of course, the abuse of quail eggs is harmful. On some sites you can find information that physicians recommend eating 320 eggs to rejuvenate the body and support its natural functions. However, this does not mean that this amount should be eaten as soon as possible. If you do this, the body will not absorb most of the product, and you will get a digestive disorder. Only if you are completely sure that eggs are not infected with salmonella, quail eggs can be eaten raw. In addition, you need to monitor the expiry date - it happens that in the supermarket eggs are sold "older" 20 days, with an inscription on the packaging that they can be stored for more than 60 days. This information is relevant only if "all your life" eggs were stored at a maximum of 10 degrees, so try to choose the freshest product, and everything will be in order.

    In some cases, eating quail eggs should be careful. In the protein quail eggs contains ovomukoid. In some cases, it may be allergic. Especially careful should be when taking quail eggs baby. The adult organism easily copes with this allergen. And the body of the child can be harmed instead of good.

    Do not give quail eggs to a child for up to a year. And in the case of an identified child allergy to fish or dairy products, quail eggs are included in the ration no earlier than five years of age.

    With care, use quail eggs, if it is known that your body is poorly digesting protein. Particular caution should be exercised in the case of liver and kidney disease, when protein food is completely excluded. It is better to consult a doctor.

    Do not abuse the number of quail eggs. In some cases, overeating with quail eggs is easy to get upset stomach.