
Useful and medicinal properties of Astragalus fluffyflower

  • Useful and medicinal properties of Astragalus fluffyflower

    ( centaury, flight, flight sweetish, cat's pea)

    Perennial herbaceous, hairy pubescent plant up to 35 cm tall. The stems are upright or upright, sometimes truncated. Leaves complex, odd-pinnate, from 10-18 pairs of leaves, silky-furry, with free, pointed, triangular-lanceolate stipules. The flowers are yellow, irregular( mothy), woolly from the bract, in dense globular-globular inflorescences. Fruit - Bob shaggy, ovate-triangular, truncated at the apex. Blooms in May-June. Fruiting in July-August.

    The plant is spread in the southeast, in the steppes and forest-steppe regions, and in the European part of Russia - in the Voronezh, Kursk and Tambov regions. It occurs along steppes and steppe slopes.

    As a medicinal raw material, the ground part collected during flowering is used, the gum( tragacanth) is the juice that emerges from the natural cracks and cuts of the trunk of the Astragalus bushes of the densely branched, small-horned and some other astragalus.

    In the grass of Astragalus fluffyflower is contained in a relatively large amount of iron, calcium, aluminum, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium;in moderate amounts - barium, silicon, strontium, molybdenum, vanadium, manganese. In the gum, polysaccharides were found - besso

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    rin( 60%) and arabin( 3-10%);starch;Sahara;mucous, strongly swelling, but slightly soluble in water;coloring matter;traces of organic acids and nitrogenous compounds.

    In medical practice infusion of astragalus fluffy-flowered with success is used for chronic heart failure, accompanied by tachycardia, venous fullness of internal organs and edema, as well as in the treatment of angina, hypertension and vascular kidney diseases. As a result of treatment, there is an increase in blood flow velocity, disappearance of tachycardia, normalization of arterial pressure, improvement of pulse filling, lowering of venous pressure, an increase in diuresis, accompanied by a decrease in edema.

    In addition, fluffy fungal astigal can be used to treat cardiovascular failure, accompanied by a violation of the coronary circulation and attacks of angina pectoris. Under the influence of astragalus in patients weakened and soon there are chest pains.

    Unlike digitalis preparations, astragalus does not cumulate and does not reduce atrioventricular patency. Therefore, it can be used for heart failure, accompanied by a violation of the conduction of the heart muscle.

    Fuzzy-flowered astragalus has a beneficial effect on all stages of hypertension. PodD influence astragalus drugs there is a decrease in high blood pressure, the disappearance of headaches, dizziness and pain in the heart.

    Positive action of astragalus is observed in the treatment of acute and chronic nephritis. According to available clinical observations, the use of astragal infusion is most effective in chronic circulatory failure of I and II stages and in the treatment of acute nephritis.

    Assign astragalus in the form of infusions inside 1-2 st.spoon 3-4 times a day.

    In folk medicine, astragalus is almost universal. It is used as a diuretic for diseases according to

    check, edema of various origin. Preparations from this plant have vomiting, diaphoretic, astringent and haemostatic properties. Astragalus is used for nervous diseases, rheumatism with joint pains, scrofula( inside).In Western Europe, astragalus among the people was used as an antisyphilitic agent.

    Fuzzy-flowered astragalus in the people is recommended in the form of decoction from the root as an expectorant, diuretic, as well as with general weakness and disorders of cardiac activity in the elderly.

    Gum, extracted from cracks and cuts of other astragalus, although it is intended as a binding substance in the manufacture of tablets and pills, but sometimes it is used inside for coughing, kidney diseases and female diseases, and externally for powdering ulcers.

    Advantage has tragacanth tragacanth gum.


    For curative purposes, make a light decoction of grass in a ratio of 1:10, i.ะต.about 1-2st.spoons of chopped herbs on a glass of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp.spoon three to five times a day for hypertension and heart failure with stagnant phenomena.