
Useful and medicinal properties of the mountaineer snake

  • Useful and medicinal properties of the mountaineer snake

    ( cancer necks, serpentine)

    Perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 m high. Rhizome is woody, thick, worm-like, with numerous subordinate subordinate roots. Stems erect, glabrous, unbranched, 1-2.Leaves are regular, oblong-lanceolate;basal and lower cauline - petiolate, near the upper petiole fuses with stipules into a pleural tube. Flowers pink, less often white, in the apical brushes. Fruit - trihedral smooth nut, dark brown.

    Grows everywhere. Usually found on wet meadows, shrubs, glades, in floodplains of small rivers.

    Medicinal raw materials are rhizome together with roots, excavated in autumn or early spring;washed from the ground with cold water, cut into pieces and dried in an oven or dryer.

    Finished raw material - rhizome of dark brown color, 5-10 cm long with a pink break, odorless, taste astringent. Shelf life 2 years.

    The rhizomes of the mountaineer of snake contain tannin type substances( up to 25%), free gallic and elastoid acids, vitamin C, provitamin A, coloring substances.

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    The serpent rhizome is used as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent inside as an extract or decoction( 1:10).Assign for colitis, enteritis, uterine, gastrointestinal bleeding.

    Outwardly - with stomatitis, gingivitis, for the treatment of bleeding wounds or ulcers in the form of rinses and lotions.

    In folk medicine, preparations from this plant( rhizomes with roots) are taken internally for diseases of the bladder and cholelithiasis, bleeding from internal organs( stomach or duodenal ulcer), diseases caused by lifting of gravity, cancer, with female diseases, palpitations, nervousdisorders, as a diuretic and regulating the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract means, with diarrhea, dysentery. Outer - with chopped wounds( wounds are sprinkled with powder), all bleeding, scurfs, boils, on old wounds, ulcers, with gum disease, do syringing with colpitis.

    Inside are used rhizomes, infused with vodka, but it is better to take the mountaineer in the form of infusions on water, powder or extract.


    With gallstones and bladder stones drink a decoction: 20 g of cancer necks per 1 liter of water. Cook 20 minutes. Take 1-1.5 cups a day. At the same time observe a diet with the restriction of meat, fish and spicy food.

    With bloody diarrhea, the powder is mixed with honey and made from it pills weighing 0.5-1 g, which are taken three times a day. You can use and just powder, while it should be washed down with water.

    For rinsings, douches, enemas or lotions apply a decoction: 20 g of raw materials for 200 ml of water( chronic wounds, ulcers, boils, colpitis).

    For other diseases use a decoction of 10 g of raw material per 200 ml of water;take half a cup 3 times a day.