  • Pomegranate useful properties

    Pomegranate is an ancient plant that was cultivated in prehistoric times, about 10 meters high, with dark green leathery leaves of oblong-lance form and beautiful large bright red flowers. The fruit is a large berry( up to 400 g), filled with numerous seeds, surrounded by edible flesh. Fruits are spherical with the remains of a calyx on top, yellow-red, with a thick, leathery, astringent peel. Inside the fetus are 6-12 nests separated by membranous septa;in the nests are numerous seeds. Seeds are angular, surrounded by a juicy purple color flesh, formed from the seed coat.

    The homeland of the pomegranate is Azerbaijan, Iran, Afghanistan and adjacent countries, where this plant was cultivated. In the process of centuries-old work, many varieties of pomegranate were introduced, which appeared in the Near East and the Mediterranean. In the XVI-XVII centuries, garnet appeared in Central, South and North America, Africa, Australia and the islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

    And in our country, pomegranate is cultivated in the Crimea and the North Caucasus.

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    In Hellenes, these fruits were considered a symbol of a happy marriage. In the East, grenades to this day - a symbol of friendship and good relations. The Jews of the fruit of the pomegranate - the adherents of the Most High, there are them meant a request for recognition of their merits.

    The pomegranate botanical name Punica granatum is due to the ancient Romans and Greeks: the first called it Punic apple( since they learned about it from the Punjians, the inhabitants of Carthage), Hellenes called it "grenade" -grained.

    Flesh is rich in fructose, citric and malic acids, contains a lot of macro, micro and ultramicroelements, vitamins C, group B and provitamin A, pigments - anthocyanins and flavones. Removed from the branches and slightly dried in the shade of grenades can persist until the spring.

    Pomegranate juice contains from 8 to 10% of sugar, in some varieties organic acids( citric, apple), nitrogenous substances, phytoncides, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese. The bark and roots of the pomegranate contain alkaloids, which have a strong antihelminthic effect.

    Pomegranate juice long before our era was used for stomach pain. Use juice with a throat, cold, loss of voice.

    Garnet fruits can increase the hemoglobin content in the blood. For 2-4 months it is recommended to drink pomegranate juice 1 / 2-1 glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Then break for 1 month, and the course can be repeated again. Regular use of pomegranates gradually reduces blood pressure.

    Hemoglobin can be normalized if half a cup of half a cup of a mixture of 100 grams of pomegranate juice, lemon, grapefruit, carrots, beets, apples and honey daily is half an hour before meals.

    Pomegranate juice is used to whiten facial skin: pigment spots, blackheads and freckles. A mixture of juice with sour cream is a mask that not only whitens, but nourishes the skin of the face.

    Sokpolezen its fortifying effect associated with the effect on digestion and assimilation of food. It is a biogenic stimulant and treats pancreatic diseases. It is used for anemia, if necessary, purification of the blood. Drink a 0.5-1 glass of juice 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes before eating. It is necessary to comply with the appropriate diet. The course of treatment lasts 2-4 months, followed by a monthly break and repetition of the course, but it should be borne in mind that it has an astringent effect, and in some cases can cause constipation.

    Juice is also taken with gastrointestinal disorders, after infectious diseases and surgery as a general restorative.

    Pomegranate juice is prepared with an extract, syrup and refreshing drinks. Since ancient times, man has been known for medicinal qualities of pomegranate juice. In their practice, pomegranate juice was widely used by Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna. Hippocrates prescribed pomegranate juice for pains in the stomach. Arabs have long used pomegranate juice for gastrointestinal disorders, with headaches. In Georgia, pomegranate juice is drunk with throat diseases. Juice is also recommended for colds, colitis, fever. Pomegranate juice has a helminthic property.

    Pomegranate rind is rich in tannins and is used to treat bowel disorder, against tapeworms. Decoction of peel is used in cosmetics to treat seborrhea of ​​the face and head, as well as for better hair growth. With increased anxiety, nervous exhaustion, it is good to add dried pomegranate rind when brewing tea.

    Pomegranate bones, due to the fatty oil contained in them, which has hormonal activity, restore the hormonal balance in the body, relieve headaches, high blood pressure and irritability in menopause. Therefore, in such cases it is recommended to eat grains along with bones.

    Pomegranate is eaten fresh, juice is made, various drinks are prepared, syrup, extract.

    For medical purposes, bark roots are used, less often trunks and branches. In folk medicine, use fresh fruits and their peel.

    Bark of roots - flat or yellowish pieces of different shapes and sizes, bark of trunks and branches - in the form of tubular, gaunt pieces about 10 cm long and 1-2 mm in thickness, the outside color is grayish-yellow or greenish-yellow. The inner surface of the red-brown color, smooth, usually with the remains of wood, the fracture is even. There is no smell, the taste is strongly astringent, when the inner surface of the bark is moistened with lime water, yellow color appears, the solution of iron ammonium alum cuts into black and blue color( tannins).

    Pomegranate bark contains alkaloids: pelletierin, isopelletierin, methylisopelletierin( in aggregate about 0.5%) and pseudo-pletelierin( up to 1.8%).

    Pomegranate bark and its preparations are used as a remedy against banded worms. A specific antihelminthic effect is caused by pelletierin, isopelletierin and methyl isopelletierin. Psevdoletletterin has no antihelminthic property.

    Pomegranate rind contains tannins( 20-28%) and is used in the treatment of dysentery and intestinal disorders. In folk medicine, fresh fruits with skin are used for coughing, colitis( inflammation of the large intestine), colds, malaria, etc. However, it is better to apply the bark of the plant, and do it with great care. Decoction of the bark should be strictly dose: no more than half or a full teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

    If the dose is exceeded, gastrointestinal bleeding may occur, alkaloids can cause complete blindness.


    Decoction: 5 g per 100 ml, infuse for 20 minutes;take half or full teaspoon 3-4 times a day. Water should be replaced with a simple syrup and add 5 ml of alcohol or wine.

    Extract( for expelling the tapeworm): 50 g of ordinary grenade soak in 2 cups of water and leave for 6 hours, then boil until evaporated to half, strain and gradually, for an hour, drink everything in the morning on an empty stomach( you can with coffee).After 2-3 hours take castor or saline( Glauber's salt) laxative( 15-30 g).


    Sauce from pomegranates with nuts


    Onion and pomegranate salad in Uzbek style

    2 portions

    Mature steaming

    Cold appetizer with garnets

    Eggplant with nuts



    The medicine that Hippocrates himself healed!
    1. Dysentery passes - for 5 hours. 2. Salmonellosis - for 5 hours. 3. A stomach ulcer - for a week. 4. Colitis( colon) - per week. 5. Dysbacteriosis - for a week. .. 6. Acute appendicitis - for 5 hours
    Here is a recipe for preparing a water infusion of dry crusts of a pomegranate fruit and its application. Approximate weight ratio of dry crusts of garnet and steep boiling water is 1:20.In a preheated cup, glass or glass jar put about 10-12 g of dry crusts of a fruit of a pomegranate and pour them with 200 ml of steep boiling water( you can pour 200 ml of raw water into this container, drop 10-12 g of pomegranate crusts and bring the electric boiler to a boil,but do not boil).Cover with saucer or paper, folded into 4 layers. Insist 25-30 minutes, and you can start drinking. Do not throw cakes, insisting continues. As soon as the crusts were poured with steep boiling water - the treatment started, and these 25-30 minutes of infusion capacity with pomegranate cakes should be near to those who are treated. Preparation of water infusion of dry crusts of pomegranate fruit for treatment of all listed diseases is the same. The application is different.
    For curing for 5 hours from: 1) dysentery;2) salmonellosis;3) typhoid fever;4) cholera;5) acute appendicitis - use water infusion as follows: 1. After insisting 25-30 minutes, drink about half the liquid( half a glass).Infusion does not filter, insisting continues. And cover with a saucer again. If 10 minutes after that felt healthy, it means that there was a usual upset stomach( diarrhea) and it was completely cured. You can safely embark on any journey, because you will not have diarrhea and constipation.2. If after 10 minutes you do not feel yourself recovered, then you either have dysentery, or salmonellosis, or typhoid fever, or cholera. You need to stay at home and after 3 hours finish the remaining water infusion. The treatment process lasts 3 hours( with an infusion of 3.5 hours), and recovery occurs 5 hours after the start of treatment.
    For a 1 week recovery from: 1) stomach ulcers;2) ulcers of the intestine( small intestine);3) colitis( inflammatory process in the large intestine);4) dysbacteriosis - use the water infusion of dry crusts of the pomegranate fruit as follows: 1. After insisting 25-30 minutes start drinking. During the day, drink about half of the water infusion( 90-100 ml) for 4 doses in approximately equal portions and at approximately equal intervals, ie, approximately 20-25 ml per 1 reception. To drink on an empty stomach, and 1-st reception in the morning, after a dream, and 4-th reception for the night, before a dream.2. Drink water infusion does not every day of the week, and every other day, ie on days 1, 3, 5, 7 - drink infusion, and on days 2, 4, 6 - do not drink infusion( rest from treatment).3. This is enough for a complete cure. But if someone wants to continue the treatment for reinsurance, for example, stomach ulcers, then you can repeat the weekly course of treatment not earlier than a week later.4. During the treatment, water infusion does not filter - insisting continues.5. In this treatment, alcohol is contraindicated, and is especially contraindicated in days of intake of water infusion.6. The essence of the treatment is that throughout the gastrointestinal tract all pathogenic bacteria are constantly suppressed( healthy bacteria are not suppressed) and their locations successfully colonize the healthy bacteria necessary for humans.7. In addition to the above, it is known that Hippocrates treated this watery infusion with cut and chopped wounds. A clean( cotton cloth) cloth was applied to the wound, pre-moistened in an aqueous infusion of dry crusts of a pomegranate fruit. This cloth was constantly kept moist until the wound was healed. SUPPLEMENTS: Pomegranate is a scarlet fruit with ruby ​​seeds of pulp - one of the most useful fruits on earth. The roots of its name are in the Latin word granatus, which means "granular".And it is useful in it. .. absolutely everything: skins and flesh of the fruit, and its juice, and the flowers of the tree, and the roots. .. Avicenna recalled the garnet 150 times in his treatises and all on different occasions! Garnet in cosmetology is almost indispensable. Being a component of many creams, oils and ointments, it perfectly smoothens and whitens your skin, also helps to get rid of pigmental spots and freckles. The pomegranate perfectly strengthens your nails and makes your hair strong and strong.