  • Radish black beneficial properties

    Radish useful properties

    Radish seed - one- or two-year-old vegetable plant belonging to the family of cruciferous. In the first year of life he develops a powerful fleshy root and rosette of basal leaves of lyre-shaped form: in the second year appears a stalk up to 1 m high, branched or pubescent, with a large number of white-pink or purple-violet flowers. Flowers are collected in groinlike inflorescences. Blossoms radish sowing in April-May, fruits ripen in June.

    In Russia, radish is grown everywhere, except in the Far North. It is an important food and medicinal plant.

    For medicinal purposes use fresh roots and seeds.

    Indications: radish is used as a food product that enhances the secretion of digestive glands. Its juice, mixed with sugar, is used as an antitussive. Radish is also used in radiculitis.

    Dosage forms: root radish is ground on a grater, the mass is squeezed out, the juice obtained is rubbed into the lumbar region( with radiculitis).Part of the root of the core is scraped and sugar is poured inside. Sugared sugar is taken as an antitussive agent for 1 tsp.3-4 times a day.

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    A burning taste of a radish is attached to a glycoside, which, breaking up in the air, emits essential oil. In radish roots there are proteins, amino acids, fiber, vitamins B1, C, potassium salts, trace elements.

    There are a few more proteins and fats in it than in the radish. Carbohydrates - about 2 g per 100 g of product. For the body radish is a good supplier of fiber, essential oils, phytoncides, some enzymes.

    Radish stimulates appetite, has a choleretic effect, stimulates the function of the pancreas. Radish essential oil, irritating the gastric mucosa, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, improves blood circulation and nutrition of the tissues of the stomach and intestines.

    Radish cellulose binds and removes salts of heavy metals, excess cholesterol, strengthens the motor function of the intestine and stomach. Since the energy value of the radish is low, it can be a good supplement to the table of people with diabetes mellitus.

    In folk medicine radish juice is recommended for arthritis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, as a diuretic and "stone-crushing" remedy.

    Radish juice, mixed with honey( 1: 1), is a good soothing and expectorant for diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.

    Local radish juice is effective in radiculitis, neuralgia and joint diseases.

    Freshly squeezed radish juice is taken 50 ml three times a day( clean the radish from the black shell).

    With bronchitis, colds, gruel from grated radish is applied to the back and thorax instead of mustard plasters.

    Fresh juice grated radishes rub joints( with soreness, treat myositis, myalgia, neuralgia).

    When ingesting radish seeds in lactating women, lactation is increased. Take 1-2 grams of crushed seeds three times a day.

    It is useful to receive radish juice in diabetes mellitus. Take 2 tbsp.l.three times a day.

    Folk medicine recommends taking black radish juice on an empty stomach at 30 g daily with stones of the bladder and kidneys.

    When dripped, radish juice is taken 2 tbsp each.l.three times a day.

    In whooping cough, children are given a mixture of radish juice and honey in a ratio of 1: 1 to 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day. This same mixture can be used for flatulence, kidney stones and bladder, with neuralgia, anemia and dropsy.

    It should be remembered that radish juice very quickly loses its healing properties, so for medicinal purposes you need to take freshly prepared juice.

    With anemia, one of the best means is a mixture of radish juice with carrot juice and beet 1: 1: 1.

    Crushed radish seeds are mixed with a small amount of hot water and used in the form of poultices with eczema. These seeds can also be used as antimicrobial and antifungal agents. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

    Medicinal raw materials are root vegetables and fresh juice;preferably the form with a black root.

    Radish root crops contain carbohydrates, nitrogen extractives, fats, ash substances, phytoncides, vitamins C, B, crystalline substance rafanol, choline, adenine, pentosan, arginine, histidine, orgonellane, iodine, bromine, enzymes - diastase, glucosidase, oxidase,catalase, glucose.

    In the radish, an active bactericidal substance lysozyme was found. Radish has a high content of potassium salts. It is especially rich in black radish( 1199 mg%).According to the content of potassium salts, radish among vegetables is in the first place.

    The sharp, distinctive taste of radish depends on the presence of essential oils containing sulfur in it, so it is a good way to stimulate appetite. Radish enhances the secretion of gastric juice, improves digestion, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, increases the body's tolerance to carbohydrates. Black radish juice is used as a choleretic agent in the form of 25-30% aqueous solution according to PO-150 ml.

    In folk medicine, radish is used as a protivo-catarrhal( with chills), expectorant( in case of bronchitis, whooping cough, hemoptysis, diseases of the throat and lungs) in the form of sugar candies cooked on its juice or juice with honey.


    Radish helps with paralysis of the tongue( it must be chewed), as well as with anemia. In this case, it should be used in a mixture with beets and carrots in equal quantities. This mixture is prepared as follows: grate the roots of plants, squeeze out the juice from them, pour them into a dark bottle, which is coated with a dough so that it is not tightly sealed and the liquid can evaporate, put in the oven for 3 hours. Apply to 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day before meals. This is a radical remedy for anemia. Term of treatment is 2-3 months.

    Fresh juice from radish is drunk among the people( 2-3 table spoons a day) with gallstones as an additional remedy for the basic treatment. The juice should be consumed simultaneously with the main drug, but not mixed with it.

    Radish juice, mixed in half with honey, is consumed with a preventive agent, starting with half a glass and bringing this amount to 2 glasses a day. This prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, and also prevents the development of atherosclerosis, liver diseases and dropsy.

    Outer grated radish is used for rubbing with rheumatism, gout or apply a compound( which is more effective) remedy, which includes radish juice, for rubbing from rheumatism.1.5 cups of juice mixed with 1 glass of pure honey, and a half cup of vodka and 1 tbsp.a spoonful of salt, shake well and rub in a sore spot.

    Juice and grated radish, with a strong antiseptic property, contribute to the healing of purulent wounds and ulcers.

    Lotion or grinding( compresses) from grated radish is used for rheumatism, radiculitis and neuralgia.
    The radish contains a substance - lysozyme, which has a choleretic and diuretic effect. It is recommended for diseases accompanied by edema, and with cholelithiasis.

    Radish juice with honey( 1: 1) is drunk for the prevention of renal and cholelithiasis( 1 tablespoon 2 times a day) and atherosclerosis.

    Radish juice combined with carrot and beetroot juice is considered an effective remedy for anemia( 1: 1: 1) and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. Take 1 tbsp.l.three times a day before meals for three months.

    The ancient oriental medicine speaks of the radish properties:

    "The strongest in radish is the seeds, then comes the skin, then the leaves and finally the flesh."

    Medicinal dressings with honey and radish heal malignant ulcers, its seeds and vinegar clear gangrenous ulcers. Beneficially it acts on the lichen.

    Radish seeds, used in the form of gruel, eliminate pulsating pain in the joints. Radish juice is useful to gargle with angina.

    The juice of the radish leaves is a good cholagogue.

    Contraindications: peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, toxic goiter, pregnancy, chronic pulmonary heart failure.

    Radish and radish are contraindicated for violations of the gastrointestinal tract! Cooking recipes from radish

    The value of radish in the enzymes contained in it, which activate metabolism and digestion. It has a pronounced bactericidal property. If during the flu epidemic you will go out with a piece of radish on your cheek, you are not afraid of carriers of the disease in transport and at work. In folk medicine, radish is recommended for gout diseases, with kidney stones, as a diuretic and a milk remedy. Radish juice with honey is recommended for coughing, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. But there are contraindications. Radish or its raw juice should not be used with peptic ulcer and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

    With other products, the radish combines poorly.

    Radish salad

    One root to peel and grate on a large grater, add salt to taste and season with vegetable oil.

    Jam from radish

    100 g of black radish, 50 g of honey, 20 g of granulated sugar, 30 grains of sweet almonds, a little ginger and baking soda.

    Wash, clean and wash the black radish again. Grate it on a large grater, put into a saucepan and boil in water with soda. Throw away the radish on a sieve, pour cold boiled water and squeeze lightly.

    Boil honey and sugar thick syrup: honey gently warm to become liquid, and then gradually add sugar to it, stirring, until it dissolves completely.

    Peel and grind almonds in a mortar. Crush the ginger. Part of the ginger leave to sprinkle the finished jam.

    Bring the syrup to a boil, add radish, almonds, ginger, and, stirring, let it sit on low heat for 10 minutes.

    Put the prepared jam in a glass vase and sprinkle it with ginger.