
Useful and medicinal properties of medicinal medicament( legochnitsa)

  • Useful and medicinal properties of medicinal medicament( legochnitsa)

    Perennial herbaceous plant with an ascending rhizome and subordinate subordinate roots. Stems

    confrontation, up to 30 cm high, simple, like leaves, are covered with short, hard, glandular hairs. Leaves entire, pointed, short-toothed, sometimes with whitish spots. Radical leaves heart-shaped ovate or almost ovate, narrowed at the base narrow-winged petiole. Leaves of flowering stems are sessile, semi-stalked, with slightly lowered margins;lower - elliptical, narrowed to the base, upper - oblong-ovate. Flowers of medium size, regular, bisexual, collected on the tips of the stems in little flowering curls. Calyx not falling, 5-faceted, tubular, covered with short stiff hairs;the corolla is descending, jurokovidnsh, originally red, then violet and at the end blue with a five-paste bend;Stamens 5, pestle one, ovary upper. Fruit - dry, consisting of 4 nuts, encased in a bell-shaped cup.

    Medunica officinalis is distributed almost in the entire middle belt of the European part of Russia and in Transcaucasia. Occurs in shady deciduous forests and in shrubs.

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    For the therapeutic purpose, leaves and the entire aboveground part of the plant, collected during( before the blossoming) of flowering, are dried in the shade in the air.

    Along with medinic medicinal people, they use a species close to it, a dark medlitza that grows in all regions of the European part of Russia and in the Crimea.

    Finished raw materials - dark green grass with unblown flowers;smell weak, honey, taste sweetish, slimy.

    In the herb of the sickwoman there are tannins, mucus. The herb has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, due to the presence of tannins in it, an emollient property due to the presence of mucous substances, diuretic, due to silicon oxide, as well as hemostatic and wound-healing properties.

    In folk medicine it is widely used as a means regulating the activity of the glands of internal secretion of

    , which improves blood formation, analgesic and emollient.

    It is used for lung disease( pulmonary herb), with pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, hemoptysis, upper respiratory catarrh, bronchitis. Decoction of grass is drunk with nervous diseases, heart disease, headache, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The root, infused with alcohol, soothes toothache. Outer is used as a wound-healing remedy - the leaves are applied to the wounds, the powder from the dried leaves is covered with wounds. Used externally with scrofula as medical baths.

    Application of

    Simple herb preparation: 10 g per 200 ml;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

    Compound broth 1: 2 tbsp.spoons of crushed leaves per 1 liter of beer, add 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey and boil it all up to half the original volume;1-2 spoonfuls 3 times a day before meals( with water).Effective means for lung diseases.

    Composite decoction 2: mixed in equal parts with a lungwort, plantain, sage, centaury and wormwood, take 1 tbsp.spoon of this mixture on a glass of boiling water and add 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey, boiled, filtered and supplemented to a glass;consume 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day before meals. This broth helps with diseases of the lungs, bladder and hemorrhoids.

    Infusion: at the rate of 30-40 g per 1 l of water, vodka tincture. The latter is very effective in diseases of the intestines( diarrhea).In these cases it is recommended that the infusion from the collection consisting of 40 g of herbage, 1 st.spoons of flaxseed, 1 tbsp.spoon crushed root comfrey and 100 g rose hips. This collection from the evening pour 1 liter of water in the morning rub away the swollen fruit of the dog rose, double filter and take the whole portion with sips during the day.

    Outwardly used infusion of the whole plant to wash the festering wounds, abscesses.

    The roots of the plant are a good cardiac remedy, and also help with hoarseness of voice, inflammation of the kidneys.