
Useful and medicinal properties of oleander ordinary

  • Useful and medicinal properties of oleander ordinary

    Evergreen branchy shrub 3-4 m high, family of cottage. Leaves lanceolate, leathery, so

    but-green, 2-14 cm long. Calyx 5-notched, corolla funnel-shaped with 5 lobes. Flowers large, terry or simple, pink, rarely white or cream, collected at the ends of branches in the corymbose inflorescences. The fruit consists of 2 compressed leaflets, length - 10-16 cm. Seeds are numerous, with a tuft. Blooms from June to September. Fruits ripen in October-November.

    is cultivated as an ornamental plant on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in the Crimea. Everywhere is bred as a room culture. The native land of the plant is Southern Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor.

    Medicinal raw materials are leaves collected in October-November or early spring.

    Clinical trials of domestic neoriolin( glycoside oleandrin in the form of alcohol tincture of leaves or powder in very small doses) were prescribed to patients with cardiovascular insufficiency of grade II-III on the heart defects heart inside as a 0.02% solution or in tablets of 0, 0001 g( 0.1 mg) 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment was from 5 days to 2 months. Under the influence of neeriolin, tachyarrhythmia and pulse deficit decreased in patients, the general condition improved, dyspnea and edema decreased, asthma attacks ceased, diuresis increased. The delayed action of neeriolin on the rhythm of the heart came in 2 hours and became pronounced in 4 hours. The blood circulation of the cardiac muscle improved( negative T wave in the II-III lead disappeared on the ECG), the duration of the systole decreased, and the rate of circulation increased. Arterial pressure remained unchanged or came to normal, if it was increased due to decompensation.

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    Neryolin is recommended for acute and chronic insufficiency of MI degree;especially it is indicated for mitral valve defects with atrial fibrillation, as well as in all cases of the presence of stagnant phenomena in the small circle of the circulation.

    Dosages and duration of treatment with neuriolin should be individualized depending on the clinical condition of the

    disease and the reactivity of the patient's body. The average dose for oral administration is 0.0001 g 2-3 times a day 1 to 1.5 hours after a meal, that is, 25 drops of the solution( with the content in 1 ml of 0.22 mg of neoriolin) or 1 tablet( the tablet contains0.1 mg).A dose of 0.3 mg per reception can be prescribed only in a hospital. To avoid cumulative effects in the treatment with neoriolin, it is recommended to take 4-5-day intervals every 10 days.

    Application of

    Tincture( solution): 0.022% solution of oleandrin on 70 ° alcohol is prescribed for 20-25 drops per reception for 1-1.5 hours after a meal 2 times a day. The highest single dose of neoriolin is 0.75 ml;daily 1,5 ml.

    Tablets( powder) of neoriolin( A) for 0.1 mg appoint 1 tablet per reception, up to 3 tablets per day. When it is necessary to obtain a rapid effect, neuriolin is prescribed at a dose of 0.3 mg per reception, and then maintained at the usual dose.

    Neryolin had no therapeutic effect in chronic nephritis, hypertension, cardiosclerosis, which occurred with cardiac decompensation.