Useful and curative properties of any two-leafed( night violet)
Perennial herbaceous plant. The roots are adnexous, with two tubers, ovoid-fusiform, light brown. Stems are straight, grassy, up to 30-60 cm tall. Leaves are alternate, radical, stem-collecting, membranous, cauline - 2 large, obovate-prominent, narrowed in petiole, upper cauline - linear, sessile. Flowers - irregular, white, in loose brushes. Perianth - from six leaves of various shapes. Fruit is a multi-seeded box. Blooms in May-June.
Two-leaved beetle is very common in the non-chernozem regions of Russia. It grows in deciduous forests, coniferous earthworms, in broad-leaved and mixed forests, in thickets of bushes, in pine-birch open woodlands, in hills, forest glades.
Medicinal raw materials are young root tubers. They are collected after flowering( July-August), and only those from which blossoming stems have not yet grown. Collected tubers are peeled, lowered into boiling water for a few minutes, then dried in dark aired rooms or in dryers. Dried root tubers - salep - ovoid or cylindrical, gray-yellow in color, solid. Shelf life 6 years. Finished raw materials should not contain blackened tubers and foreign impurities, and darkened tubers - more than 3%.
The tubers of the slele contain about 50% mucus, consisting of mannan, 27% starch, 5% proteinaceous substances, 1% sugar, a small amount of oxalic acid calcium and other mineral salts.
Korneklubni thanks to the high content of mucus and starch are enveloping and antiseptic.
When ingested, slime of the salep, covering the mucous membranes of the digestive canal, protects the sensitive nerve endings from irritating effect, which reduces pain, normalizes motor skills, and hinders the absorption of toxins from the stomach and intestines.
Salep tubers are used inside or in the form of enemas as enveloping the inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as poisoning with poisons mainly cauterizing action.
Due to the high calorie content, tuber saber is recommended to be used as a nutrient, restoring the exhausted patient after suffering serious illnesses. According to some reports, 40 grams of tubers, powdered and cooked as a decoction, are sufficient for an adult to eat a day.
In folk medicine, the tubercles of the salepa have long been known as a means of supporting the strength of patients( tuberculosis, severe and prolonged bleeding, etc.).
See also Orchis.
Use tubers in the form of a powder, from which mucous broths are prepared( 1: 20-1: 60).
Mucus is prepared by shaking the powder from tubers with 10 parts of cold water followed by the addition of 90 parts of boiling and shaking until a uniform, colorless and slightly transparent mucus is obtained. To increase nutrition, mucus can be prepared on milk, broth or wine.
Tincture: 30 tubers per 0.5 liter of wine, take 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.