  • Gingivitis: symptoms and treatment, photos of gingivitis

    What is it - gingivitis is an inflammatory disease of the gums, accompanied by pain, swelling and reddening of the mucous membrane.

    The word "gingivitis" comes from the "gingiva" - Latin, denoting the gum and the word "it" - which characterizes the inflammatory process.

    There is a disease in the accumulation of pathogenic microbes, bacteria and fungi, which are formed with poor care of the oral cavity, gum injuries or for other reasons.

    Gingivitis is considered a common disease, but is more common in childhood and in pregnant women due to body restructuring and hormonal imbalance.

    The disease itself is not dangerous and curable, but in the case of a negligent attitude to one's health and lack of treatment, complications can arise - periodontitis with subsequent tooth loss, infection of periodontal disease, ulcers and necrosis, development of hematogenous infections.

    Classification of gingivitis

    Distinguish between chronic and acute form of the disease.

    The chronic form is manifested in adults in the spring and winter, when there is not enough vitamins and the protective functions of the body are reduced. Increased bleeding, soreness of the gums. The acute form appears with various injuries or burns of the mucous membrane of the gums.
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    According to the degree of gum disease, there are two types - generalized and localized gingivitis. The generalized is characterized by spreading throughout the oral area, and localized gingivitis touches the gum site of only a few or one tooth.

    Types of gingivitis:

    • catarrhal;
    • hypertrophic;
    • is atrophic;
    • is ulcerative and necrotic.
    Catarrhal gingivitis manifests itself in the form of redness, bleeding and swelling of the gums. In this case, the patient feels itching, burning, soreness.

    Hypertrophic gingivitis is characterized by an increase in the dentogingival papillae. The disease is more common in endocrine disorders in pregnant women, adolescents, or occurs against the background of diabetes. In the later stages, bleeding appears, pus is secreted, false pockets are formed, painfulness with eating. The gums acquire a purple hue, an unpleasant smell comes from the mouth.

    Atrophic gingivitis is characterized by a decrease in tissue and volume of the gums. As a result, the gum level decreases and the tooth root is exposed. This leads to unpleasant consequences, since there is a painful reaction to cold or hot.

    The most difficult stage of the disease, when ulcers appear, the body temperature rises, lymph nodes increase. This is ulcerative-necrotic gingivitis, characterized by severe pain, bad breath, general malaise.

    It is important that gingivitis can be an independent disease or a symptom of other diseases - periodontitis or periodontitis.

    Causes of gingivitis

    Why does gingivitis develop, and what is it? The causes of the disease can be divided into external and internal.

    Internal causes of gingivitis include diseases of the digestive system, a decrease in the protective functions of the body, the level of general and local immunity, endocrine disorders, a deficiency in the body of vitamins, orthopedic anomalies( pathology of masticatory occlusion, tooth growth).

    External causes of gingivitis include the impact of negative factors - physical, chemical, biological and medical.

    Physical factors include radiation exposure, injuries, burns. Chemicals mean contact of the gum with aggressive substances, which leads to burns and tissue damage. Biological influences are infections, viruses, fungal lesions. Medical factors include drugs that affect the state of the mucosa, having a side effect to increase gum inflammation( oral contraceptives).

    Often there is inflammation of the gums due to plaque and the appearance of stone, unsuccessful orthopedic treatment - an improperly installed seal or crown. Causes of gingivitis or risk factors:

    • smoking;
    • immunodeficiency;
    • improper power supply;
    • poor oral care;
    • tartar;
    • diabetes;
    • Nervous disorders and depression;
    • tuberculosis, AIDS, angina, ARI;
    • pregnancy;
    • age from 3 to 7 years;
    • breathing disorder( mouth breathing);
    • problematic crowns or seals.
    Gingivitis is an inflammatory disease that can be caused by any deviation from the norm of the vital activity of the body.

    Symptoms of gingivitis

    Once the redness of the gums, swelling, bleeding, bad breath is the first signal of the inflammatory process of the gums.

    If during eating there is a discomfort and soreness of the gums, an increase in the papillae or vice versa a decrease in the volume of the tissues near the gums, then the inflammatory disease progresses.

    Moreover, gingivitis can occur independently, or be a symptom of other diseases - stomatitis, periodontitis, malocclusion.

    Treatment of gingivitis

    A dentist prescribes appropriate treatment for gingivitis, depending on the cause of the disease. Since the cause is infection and bacteria, antibiotics are treated. Preferred group of penicillin series, tetracycline, metronidazole, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin. To reduce body temperature, paracetamol is prescribed, and ibuprofen is used as an analgesic.

    Treatment of gingivitis is divided into two types: conservative and surgical.

    Conservative treatment includes taking medications, physical procedures. Rinses with a solution of chlorhexidine 0.05% and antibacterial gels( holisal) are prescribed. Gel applications are effective and quickly eliminate the inflammatory process. Sometimes a patient needs professional help, cleaning the oral cavity. The tartar is removed by ultrasonic method, after which the teeth are polished to prevent neoplasms.

    When the first symptoms of gingivitis appear, patients can be treated at home. Apply gauze bandages with medicine, do baths, rinse your mouth with antiseptic solution. As a rule, after 6-10 days, there comes relief and with proper care of the oral cavity, relapse is not observed.

    Complications of

    Gingivitis is a disease that quickly and effectively cures as internal tissues are not affected. However, when the disease is neglected, serious complications arise.

    In the first place, there may be a threat of periodontitis with possible loss of teeth. Complication manifests itself in the form of infection of the periodontal and jaw bones. Catarrhal gingivitis can go into a necrotic form with the appearance of ulcers, sometimes there is a hematogenous infection affecting other organs( glomerulonephritis, endocarditis).

    In the body, everything is interconnected. With inflammation of the gums, there are violations of the stomach, liver, kidneys. That's why it's important to start gingivitis treatment on time.

    Prevention of gingivitis

    To prevent this disease, the following recommendations should be observed:

    • observe hygiene rules;
    • to quit smoking;
    • is regularly monitored by a dentist;
    • use vitamins and preparations containing calcium;
    • to remove dental plaques with silk thread;
    • to clean dental calculi every six months;
    • apply electric toothbrushes;
    • use toothpaste with the addition of triclosan;
    • apply gels for applications containing metronidazole;
    • rinse with antibacterial solutions( chlorhexidine, ethanol, thymol, methyl salicylate).
    Such measures will prevent the formation of foci of inflammation of the gums, preserve health.

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