Treatment of hemorrhoids in the home
Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids relieve inflammation, pain and swelling
Folk methodsthe treatment of hemorrhoids in the home is very relevant, as they often become a real "first aid" for many people who are embarrassed to consult doctors because of the delicacy of the problem.
Can hemorrhoids be treated at home ^
Successful treatment of the disease depends entirely on the stage of hemorrhoids and related complications. Doctors - proctologists do not get tired of repeating that it is not difficult to cure hemorrhoids, most importantly, do not waste precious time, make a diagnosis in time and start treatment.
Moreover, it is unacceptable to independently diagnose and engage in self-medication - only an experienced doctor can distinguish hemorrhoids from other rectum diseases, including oncological ones, that require immediate surgical intervention.
The main symptoms of hemorrhoids( pain and itching in the rectum, loss and bleeding of hemorrhoids, mucus secretion and others) are similar to those of other proctologic diseases.
There are sad cases when patients for a long time without any results used any home remedy for hemorrhoids, and as a result fell on the surgeon's table with the advanced stage of colon cancer. Therefore, be sure to visit a doctor, and only then, given his recommendations, start treating hemorrhoids at home.
There are a lot of folk recipes that help to completely cure hemorrhoids in the early stages of the disease, and later on significantly alleviate its course.
Homemade hemorrhoids treatment is very diverse and includes both external means( all kinds of sedentary and steam baths, microclysters, ointments, decoctions, suppositories, compresses) and means for internal use( decoctions of medicinal herbs) aimed at removing edema and inflammation of hemorrhoidsknots and fighting with constipation, repeatedly exacerbating the course of the disease.
Hemorrhoid Candles ^
Hemorrhoid candles are a very effective remedy, good for relieving itching, pain and discomfort. They are put on the night, preferably after the act of defecation and washing the anus with tap water. The most popular in folk medicine are candles made from potatoes, chamomile, sea buckthorn and honey.
Candles made of potatoes
- From raw potatoes( do not use sprouted and greenish tubers) cut out the candle and insert into the anus.
- In order not to scratch the delicate mucous membrane, you can pre-lubricate it with honey or vegetable oil.
- Leave a candle for the whole night, do not remove it in the morning, it will easily come out along with the feces.
- You can grate potatoes on a grater, wrap it in gauze and insert the received tampon instead of a candle.
Ice candles from chamomile
- Prepare a decoction of chamomile - 1 tbsp. Spoon a herb of medicinal herbs in a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes.
- Then cool the resulting broth, pour into the cut off little finger of a rubber glove or a special medical fingertip, firmly fasten with an elastic band and put in the freezer.
- After full freezing, insert the ice candle into the rectum and hold until completely dissolved.
Sea-buckthorn candles
- Cotton swab soak well in sea-buckthorn oil and insert into the anus for the night.
Honey candles
- Carved from highly sweetened honey.
Ointments for hemorrhoids ^
Treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies: home remedies
Homemade ointments from hemorrhoids, prepared on the basis of medicinal plants and natural ingredients, are an excellent remedy for the removal of inflammation and the healing of cracks in the anus - frequent companions of hemorrhoids.
Calendula Marigold Ointment
- Mix 5 grams of calendula tincture and 10 grams of Vaseline.
- Then add 70% medical alcohol( proportion: 10 g of raw material - 100 g of alcohol) to the mixture and lubricate the hemorrhoids at least 3 times a day.
Ointment from narcissus oil
- It has a good analgesic effect.
- Mix the crushed narcissus flowers with vegetable oil and leave to infuse for 18 days.
Ointment from mummy
- Take 0,3 - 0,5 grams of mummy, rub with fingers until softening and lubricate external hemorrhoids.
- If the hemorrhoids are internal, insert the mummy into the anus all night.
- In parallel, take the mummy and inside - dissolve 0,2 - 0,5 g. Mumiye in 2 tbsp.boiled water and take 1 time per day on an empty stomach.
Propolis ointment
- Well relieves pain and inflammation. Take 10 g. Of dried peeled and chopped propolis, add to it 100 g of the butter( unsalted) heated on a water bath and heat for 10 minutes in a water bath.
- Then strain the hot mixture through cheesecloth and grease it 2-3 times a day with cracks and inflamed cones.
- Do not rub the ointment, but apply a thin layer.
Clefts with hemorrhoids ^
Enema enemas from herbs are very effective, as they help to remove the inflammatory process in the rectum, itching and discomfort. But, note that they can not be used for bleeding, erosion, ulcers, cracks in the rectal mucosa and prolapsed hemorrhoids, so as not to aggravate the inflammatory process.
In the treatment of hemorrhoids, three types of enemas are used: cleansing, medicinal herbs and oily microclysters.
Cleansing enema
- Good removal of gases and solidified as a result of constipation of stool.
- They are made from simple boiled water with a temperature of 37 - 38 ° C.
- For a greater purifying effect, you can add to the water a choice of 1 - 2 tablespoons.table salt or sea salt, 1 - 2 tablespoons. Glycerin or 1 glass of chamomile broth on the mug of Esmarch.
Medicinal enema
- When hemorrhoids are made with the help of infusions of herbs, it is done only after a cleansing enema.
- The volume of the drug enema, in contrast to the cleansing enema, is small and does not exceed 50-100 ml.
- As the herbs for infusions, chamomile flowers, flax seed, wormwood grass, strawberry leaves and other plants are most often used.
Enema of decoction of flax seeds
- 1 tbsp.seeds pour a glass of boiling water and insist 2 - 3 hours.
- Insert the solution into the rectum with slightly warmed microclysters of 50 ml.
- If the intestines are very inflamed, you can reduce the volume of microclysters by half, but inject more often.
Enema of chamomile broth
- 2 tablespoonschamomile, brew 1 cup of boiling water, pour 1 hour in a sealed container, then strain.
Broth from the leaves of strawberries for enema
- 1 st.lozhku herbs pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a dense lid and leave for 20 minutes.
Enema with decoction of wormwood
- 4 tbsp.herbs pour a liter of boiling water and cook on very low heat 6 -7 minutes.
- Then wrap the towel and insist for 6 hours.
Decoction of medicinal herbs for enema with hemorrhoids
- Mix 30 grams of chamomile, 30 grams of sage leaves, 30 grams of horse chestnut seeds, 50 grams of oak bark and 8 tbsp.leaves of nightshade.
- Pour 2 liters of boiling water and insist in the heat for 4 hours.
- Enemas with this decoction well relieve pain in the anal canal.
Oil enemas are placed before bed to relieve stools with constipation and cracks, as vegetable oil( linseed, olive, vaseline, sunflower) gently envelops the intestinal mucosa and helps the calves easily slide down. To a warmed to 37 - 40 ° C oil( 50 - 100 ml), you can add a decoction of chamomile or other herbs recommended above.
Compresses, baths, decoctions of herbs and hirudotherapy with hemorrhoids ^
Sedentary baths with hemorrhoids using medicinal plants bring quick relief, well soothe pain and inflammation in the hemorrhoids. They are cold, hot and steam.
Cold baths made from cool water. In a basin or a bowl, pour 1 liter, add a few crystals of potassium permanganate, to a light pink color. You can take such baths 2 times a day, but their duration should not exceed 5 minutes, so as not to catch cold.
hot baths use various decoctions of medicinal herbs - horse chestnut bark( 50 g of bark for 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, insist 8 hours), as well as any fees recommended above for enemas.
With steam baths , the hemorrhoidal sites are heated by hot steam, which also gives a remarkable analgesic effect. In a small bucket or a can, pour a hot medicinal broth and sit over the steam, wrapped in a warm blanket. Sit until the hot steam stops.
As a quick help, the patient is relieved by cold compresses made of chamomile or strawberry. The prepared broth should be cooled in the refrigerator for about an hour, then moisten the napkin in it and apply it to the sore spots, changing as needed. Instead of herbs, you can use gruel from grated carrots or beets.
As internal applications, the following broths of medicinal herbs help well from hemorrhoids:
- Highlander pochechuyny ( hemorrhoidal grass).2 tsp.herbs pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes on low heat and leave for 2 hours. Strain and take 3 times a day for 1/4 cup for half an hour before meals.
- St. John's wort .1 tbsp.herbs pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes on low heat, strain. Take 1/2 cup three times a day.
- horsetail field .2 tsp.herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Drink in small sips throughout the day.
- juice from berries of red ashberry , you can add honey or sugar to it. Take on 100 g.3 times a day, washing down with water.
- anti-hemorrhoidal tea from a mixture of medicinal herbs. Mix in equal proportions yarrow herb, bark buckthorn, licorice root, coriander fruits and alexandrine leaf.1 tbsp.mixture pour a glass of boiling water and insist until it cools. Strain and take 1/2 cup before bedtime.
Hirudotherapy with hemorrhoids
With the help of hirudotherapy( treatment with leeches) for a long time in folk medicine successfully even the advanced stages of hemorrhoids successfully cure. For this purpose, a leech is put on each hemorrhoids. When the latter is excessively absorbed by the blood, it disappears, and the cone afterwards gradually withers.
In addition, leeches, sticking to the sore spot, secrete with saliva in the blood of a sick person biologically active substances that have a good therapeutic effect on hemorrhoids. These substances help dilute the existing blood clots, slow blood clotting and have a significant anti-inflammatory effect.
Treatment of hemorrhoids is not an easy task. To completely cope with the disease, it is not enough to remove inflamed hemorrhoids and eliminate pain symptoms. First of all, you need to understand the causes of hemorrhoids development in order not to admit them in the future.
In this regard, it is very important to observe a diet with hemorrhoids and fight with constipation - there are plenty of vegetables, fruits, greens and foods high in fiber;include in their diet products that dilute blood;give up fatty, fried, smoked and flour and drink enough water( 30 - 40 g per kilogram of body weight).
In addition, you need to abandon bad habits( smoking, alcohol), lead an active lifestyle and regularly perform a set of therapeutic exercise from hemorrhoids.
We offer you to watch the video "Complex of physical exercises for the prevention of hemorrhoids development":