Cabbage useful properties
White cabbage is derived from cabbage leaf, which was introduced into the culture in ancient Greece long before our era.
The plant belongs to the cruciferous family. Contains cabbage white, many substances useful to the human body: fiber, pectin, sugars, B vitamins, vitamins P, PP, K and Yu, a large number of trace elements( including potassium necessary for the work of the heart), organic acids, phytoncides. Especially rich in cabbage is vitamin C, which it contains no less than in oranges or lemons, and it is well preserved in fresh as well as in sauerkraut.
Cabbage is cultivated throughout Russia( except for northern regions), in Ukraine, in Belarus, in the southern regions of Siberia and the Far East.
The word "cabbage" comes from the Latin "caput" - the head. Cabbage cabbage, in its shape, really resembles a person's head.
Remove the cabbage from June to November. It is very useful if it is properly grown. In folk medicine of many countries cabbage has long been used in the treatment of various diseases. Even Cato, an ancient Roman writer, wrote about the medicinal properties of cabbage, its ability to help with many diseases.
Well-known field and garden crop. Biennial herbaceous plant. Root rod. The stalk in the first year is shortened, forming a root rosette of leaves collected in a tight head. The stalk of the second year is erect, cylindrical. The leaves are simple, the lower leaves are petiolate, lyre-shaped, the upper ones are not completely stem-like. The flowers are regular, four-membered, white or light yellow. Stamens 6, 2 of them shorter than the others. Ovary upper. Inflorescence is a rare, elongated brush. Fruit - the pod is tuberculate, with a short thick spout. Blooms in May-June.
Medicinal raw materials are fresh leaves and juice. Caloric content of cabbage is not high. It contains a small amount of carbohydrates, fats, up to 2% of sugar, many minerals, among which are potassium salts( 185-375 mg%) and phosphorus( 31-78 mg%), growth substances, enzymes. In cabbage, up to 16 free amino acids have been found, and among them are necessary ones such as tytophane, lysine, methionine, tyrosine, histidine, etc. Cabbage is rich in vitamins. It contains ascorbic acid, vitamin P, vitamin K and pyridocoin. Carotene is found only in the green leaves of cabbage. It is especially rich in vitamins, hormones, growth substances and enzymes, cabbage juice.
The special value of cabbage as a plant containing vitamin C is due to the presence in it of the third form of ascorbic acid( indole-linked), called ascorbic acid. Ascorbigen is the most stable type of vitamin C. It is known that other forms of vitamin C are easily destroyed by grinding and processing cabbage, whereas the indole-bound form is very stable and can last for more than a year. This is especially valuable in the winter. It is established that ascorbigen in cabbage is contained 50 times more than in raw potatoes.
In the white cabbage juice, a special substance is discovered, which is called vitamin U, or an antiulcer factor. Vitamin U has a specific effect directly on the mucous membrane of the stomach, causing the elimination of ulcerative process - mainly in patients with normal and low acidity.
Phytoncides have an antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus, etc.
In folk medicine with medicinal purpose, cabbage has been used since ancient times. The use of raw or sauerkraut significantly increases appetite, strengthens the secretory activity of the glands of the stomach, regulates the activity of the stomach and intestines. Cabbage, sour or raw, is an excellent remedy against scurvy and chronic dyspepsia.
Fresh cabbage juice, mixed with sugar, is treated with catarrh of the upper respiratory tract( with an expectorant effect, a decrease in soreness and soreness of the upper respiratory tract), and also used for sobering alcohol intoxicated. Traditional medicine recommends drinking cabbage juice for jaundice and diseases of the spleen.
Sour cabbage, or rather, the brine from it is consumed inside with hemorrhoids, especially if the disease is accompanied by constipation and severe bleeding, with dyspepsia, simple constipation, liver disease.
External gruel from cabbage leaves, mixed with egg white, is applied to purulent wounds, ulcers, burns, etc., which contribute to their faster healing.
Shredded leaves cooked in milk are mixed with bran and applied to the skin with scrofula, wet eczema, etc.
Fresh cabbage juice, diluted with warm boiled water, is used for rinsing with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
Application of
Cabbage is harmless. Usually single doses of drinking juice or brine from half a glass to two glasses at the reception.
Useful and curative properties of
juice Cabbage contains up to 100 mg% of vitamin C, which is kept for a long time( up to 5-7 months) in sauerkraut, and therefore its brine is an amazing vitamin drink rich in mineral salts. In cabbage there are( in small quantities) and vitamins of group B, as well as choline, carotene, vitamins R and K. All this makes cabbage juice one of the most important products of medical and dietary nutrition.
With the use of cabbage juice, duodenal ulcer is surprisingly fast to treat.
Peptic ulcer is a serious disease. Fresh cabbage juice often heals a person from a stomach or duodenal ulcer no worse than an operation. Especially convenient for the treatment is to use the dried juice. As is known, with ordinary drying, the cabbage juice loses its healing properties. The currently used method of spray drying, which avoids osmolenie, overheating and a significant loss of physiologically active substances, makes it possible to obtain dry cabbage juice, which has high healing properties. The course of treatment requires an average of 360 g of powder, which corresponds to 9 kg of fresh cabbage.
Healing cabbage juice is easy to prepare and at home. To do this, cabbage must be quickly passed two or three times through a meat grinder or carefully chopped, and crushed mass squeezed through gauze. Such juice should be drunk with a full glass four times a day. It is better to use a sokodavka for making fresh juice. The course of treatment is four to six weeks. Keep the juice in a cool place, in a tightly closed container, no more than 1-2 days;after that, the juice loses its healing properties.
Dry cabbage juice is offered for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Scientists have found that phytoncides of cabbage retard the growth of tubercle bacilli. They also help in the treatment of people exposed to radioactive exposure.
The only displeasure is the frequent formation of gases. With equal success, you can use carrot juice, which is much tastier.
Cabbage juice has an excellent cleansing effect and a weight reducing effect. The formation of gas in the intestine is explained by the fact that the cabbage juice decomposes the products of rotting accumulated in the intestine by a chemical reaction. Enemas will help to remove gas kashas, as well as rotting products that cause gases.
If, after drinking cabbage juice, a large amount of gas is formed or there is a concern, this may be a result of an abnormal toxic state of the intestine. In this case, before consuming a large amount of this juice, it is recommended to "clean the intestines by drinking daily carrot juice or a mixture of carrot and spinach juice for two or three weeks with daily enema cleansing. It is noticed that when the intestine is able to drink cabbage juice, it acts as an ideal cleanser, especially when obese.
A mixture of carrot and cabbage juices forms an excellent source of vitamin C as a deterrent, especially for infections that cause paradantosis.
Cabbage juice is very effective, it is used for tumors and constipation. Since constipation is the main cause of the rash on the skin, it disappears when you use this juice.
Adding salt to cabbage not only destroys its value, but it is also harmful.
Juice from fresh cabbage is used for chronic gastritis, especially with low acidity, gastric ulcer and 12 humor, liver and spleen diseases, obesity. Take 1-2 glasses 2-3 times a day for an hour before meals.
White cabbage( as well as color) helps the body maintain the immune system in good condition and has a beneficial effect on digestion processes. Therefore, nutritionists are advised to introduce it in the diet of patients suffering from obesity and diabetes.
Freshly prepared white cabbage juice official medicine recommends taking with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, with gastritis and ulcerative colitis, with pulmonary tuberculosis and liver diseases. The antiulcer activity of cabbage depends on the presence of vitamin U in it. Already in the first 6-10 days of treatment of peptic ulcer with cabbage juice there is a sharp improvement in the state of patients - pains or nausea decrease or disappear, and overall well-being improves.
To prepare cabbage juice, you can use a juicer or a meat grinder( chop the cabbage twice).The juice should be squeezed through the cheesecloth and do not cook for more than 1-2 days. When treating peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, it is necessary daily to drink up to 5-6 glasses of fresh juice an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
Pickled cabbage brine take 0.5 cups in a warm form three times a day for 1 hour before meals.
With chronic gastritis with reduced secretory function, with liver diseases( hepatitis, chalangitis).It is also used as an antitussive and expectorant.
Cabbage juice is considered a highly effective cleansing and weight reducing agent.
In the intestine, it decomposes the rotting products accumulated there. Therefore, when using it sometimes puchit stomach. That this does not happen, the juice of cabbage is drunk in combination with the juice of carrots, a mixture of these juices is a great source of vitamin C and provitamin A.
Cabbage juice contains mineral salts of chlorine, sulfur and iodine. Compounds of sulfur and chlorine clean the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, but provided that the juice is used in its original form without the addition of salt.
For the preparation of fresh cabbage juice use a conventional juicer. Juice is recommended to be consumed immediately after its preparation, as vitamins, especially vitamin C, quickly decompose in it, and the juice quickly loses its flavor qualities.
Medicinal forms: freshly cabbage juice in at home is obtained by pressing crushed leaves of cabbage cabbage;take 0.5 glasses 2-3 times a day before meals in a warm form. Juice of sauerkraut is taken with reduced acidity, flatulence and constipation.
Pharmacy form: cabbage powder, consists of a mixture of dry cabbage juice and milk sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.The contents of 1 package are bred in 0.5 glasses of warm water, take 1 hour before meals 3-4 times a day.
The course of treatment is 4 weeks. You can repeat the course in 5-6 months.
Cabbage from cabbage leaves is treated with ulcers, wet eczema, burns, purulent wounds.
When atony of the intestine, ulcerative and spastic colitis, cholecystitis of white cabbage juice drink 1 glass 3-4 times a day for 1 hour before meals.
In the same dosage, drink cabbage juice with gastritis with reduced acidity( with hyperacid gastritis it is contraindicated).
Roots and a stump of cabbage are considered in the people antitumoral agent. From the roots make a decoction, cobs finely chopped before consumption.
Broth of cabbage seeds: 10 g for 200 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, take 0.3 cup 3 times daily before meals. Use for joint pain, gout, as a diuretic.
Fresh cabbage juice diluted in boiled water 1: 1, rinse the mouth with diseases of the mucosa.
Cabbage juice, cooked with sugar, is considered in folk medicine a good tool for sobering a drunk.
The constant use of raw or sauerkraut in food improves the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite.
If cabbage juice is mixed with broth of cabbage seeds in a ratio of 1: 1, a good remedy will be obtained that removes insomnia.
• in winter as a source of vitamins and trace elements;
• Fresh cabbage juice has a weak diuretic effect and therefore it is recommended for use in kidney and heart diseases accompanied by edema;
• Cabbage juice has a strong choleretic effect and is used in diseases of the liver and cholelithiasis;
• cabbage juice stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and is used in the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with gastritis;
• fresh cabbage juice with sugar or honey has an expectorant effect and is used for bronchitis;
• a warm cabbage pickle in folk medicine is drunk with hemorrhoids( with bleeding and constipation);
• as a low-calorie and drug-valuable product is recommended by nutritionists for introduction into the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus;
• A mixture of crushed cabbage leaves with egg whites( 1: 1) is used to treat burns and non-healing ulcers.
Cabbage jule
Cabbage juice 70 g
Carrot juice 40 g.
Lemon juice 10 g
Peppermint syrup 20 g.
All ingredients are mixed, cooled and drunk. Cabbage julep is considered a highly effective cleansing and weight reducing agent.
Tomato julep
Tomato juice 70 g.
Apple juice 30 g.
Mint syrup 20 g.
Sour cabbage juice 30 g.
All components are thoroughly mixed and cooled before use. Tomato julep is an excellent vitamin drink rich in valuable salts of iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, etc.
Fresh potato and sauerkraut bowl
Required: 200 g potatoes, 200 grams of cabbage, 2 cups of beer.
Method of preparation. Grate the potatoes on a grater, after having cleaned it, and wring out the juice. Squeeze the juice from the cabbage. Pour into a cup of beer and add the resulting juices.
Method of application. Immerse hands in the bath and leave for 20 minutes.
White cabbage infusion with hypovitaminosis
3 sheets of white cabbage, 250 ml of water.
Method of preparation.
Leaves finely chop and pour boiling water. Insist for 2-3 hours, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.
How to use.
Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.