  • Thymus useful properties and contraindications

    Thymus vulgaris L.( Thymus vulgaris L.) and thyme creeping( thyme, Bogorodskaya grass)( Thymus serpyllum L.)

    Thyme is a perennial shrub with a branchy stem creeping along the ground and belongs to the family of labial flowers. The leaves are small, oblong, covered with dimples visible in the lens, in which are glands with essential oil. Small lilac-ozovatye flowers are collected in the head inflorescence.

    Thyme is one of the oldest spices and medicinal plants. In ancient Greeks, thyme was dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite and was sacrificed to her( the grass was burnt on the sacrificial fire).The incense ascended to the sky, which symbolized the acceptance by the gods of the victim. Ancient Egyptians used this plant for embalming. From them, the cultivation and use of thyme spread in the countries of the Mediterranean, Southern Europe. In Slavs, in the pagan period of their history, thyme was also thrown into the fire at sacrifices.

    The main suppliers of thyme are Spain, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Austria, North Africa and America. The highest quality is thyme from France.

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    Thyme belongs to a species that includes more than 300 varieties of hardy perennial grass and semi-shrub plants, whose native places are Europe, especially the Mediterranean region. Now they have spread all over the world to America, and in the north - to Iceland. Some spread along the ground, others grow up to 30 cm in height. The latter include T. citriodorusw thyme with a lemon scent. When preparing food, T. vulgaris, or garden thyme, is predominantly used. Its leaves are small, narrow, dark, gray-green;flowers mauve, tubular, collected in the inflorescence.(The color of the flowers of other species of thyme varies from white, pale pink and lilac to dark red.) Leaves in all species of thyme are fragrant. The smell is usually stronger in cultivated species;grown in a warm climate, plants are always stronger than those that grow in a cool and moist northern climate. The strongest flavor of T. Membranaceus is the growing variety of thyme in Spain. There are also varieties with lemon and orange smell.

    Thyme, it is claimed, was already familiar to the Sumerians for 3,500 years BC.e. The ancient Egyptians called it "there" and used it in embalming. The Greeks knew two of its varieties. Dioscorides wrote about a white thyme used in medicine, and black, which was in every possible way escaped, as he "harmed the body and caused the spillage of bile."Hippocrates included thyme in the list of 400 medicines. His infusion was drunk at the end of the feast, so that the stomach could better digest food. Thyme was donated to Venus and other deities. The name "thyme" comes from the ancient Greek word "tumos", that is, "smell" - its aroma is so strong.

    The Romans used thyme as a culinary and medicinal herb. Pliny recommended using it for epilepsy. He advised to stuff a mattress with thyme - then the patient, having slept on it, will get rested and calm.(It is interesting that the thyme was placed in a manger with hay where the baby Jesus lay.) Pliny also prescribed to take thyme boiled in vinegar from a headache. They believed that he also rescued from the bites of poisonous snakes. Thyme was burned in houses to scare off dangerous reptiles. The Romans believed that it dispersed melancholy and strengthened courage: soldiers before the battle usually took a bath with thyme. This view was still alive at the time of the Crusaders: the ladies embroidered twigs of thyme on the scarves of their knights, sent to the East to defend the Lord's coffin. Saint Hildegarda recommended thyme from plague and paralysis, leprosy and scab. In the UK they were disinfected for sex;he was a part of the bouquets worn by judges and kings in order not to pick up the disease in public places.

    Interest in thyme, its medicinal properties over time has not died away. Lemery, a doctor and chemist of the 17th century, believed that thyme strengthens brain activity and improves the digestive apparatus. In 1719, Neumann singled out thymol in thyme;Later Kadeak and Meunier singled out carvacrol and pinene. In the XVIII century.he was part of many drugs, one of which was a soothing balm, used for nervous disorders. In 1884, one of the scientists, Camperdon, studying the medicinal properties of thyme, noticed that he exerts a direct influence on the nervous system and that thanks to this, the patients who are recovering are gaining strength faster. Dr. Leclerc later recommended thyme in asthma, depression, infectious diseases of respiratory organs and chronic cough. Before the First World War, thyme essential oil was used in hospitals, together with clove, lemon and chamomile, as a disinfectant and an antiphrone. Since this oil is seven times stronger than carbolic acid, they were sprayed with soldiers' clothing during the Crimean War in order to save themselves from diseases and lice.

    Essential Oil

    Description. Thyme, garden savory, creeping thyme are well-known plants widely used in medical practice. Raw material - aboveground part of the plant - contains 2 - 3% essential oil, tannic and bitter substances, flavanoids, resins, malic and omalonic acids, mineral salts. The oil is obtained by distillation from leaves and flower tops. It is fat and thick;The smell is pleasant, like a fresh plant, but certainly more resistant. The color of the oil is red or white. Once it was believed that its color depends on the color of thyme, which serves as the raw material for distillation, red or white. However, it was proved that the color of the oil is influenced not by the color of the grass, but by the type of the distillation cube. In poorer countries, metal cubes are used for distillation. When they interact with the oil, they oxidize and turn red. In richer countries, they use onyx cubes: they do not react with oil and therefore retain their inherent white color. How the oxidation affects the healing properties of the oil is not known.

    The main components: thymol and carvacrol( 25-40%), and also borneol, cineole, linalool, menton, p-cymene, pinene and triterpenic acid.

    The medicament of thyme is largely due to the presence of carvacrol( 30 - 40%), thymol and terpenic hydrocarbons in the essential oil. Cavacrol has a strong antiseptic effect: all known antiseptic phenol is 30 times weaker than carvacrol and thymol by bactericidal indices.

    Before the discovery of antibiotics and other synthetic antiseptics, carvarol was considered the most potent antimicrobial drug.

    Essential oil and other medicinal forms from thyme are indicated for asthenia, anemia, hypotension, chlorosis, intestinal atony, bronchopulmonary diseases, tuberculosis, asthma, infections of the intestinal and urinary tract, fermentation, gas accumulation in the intestine, influenza and various pro ., the absence of menstruation. A powerful stimulant of immunity and formation of leukocytes in infectious diseases.

    For domestic consumption, use the extract, prepared as follows: 1 spoon of dry thyme pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 2 - 3 seconds, infuse for 10 minutes, you can sweeten. Take a quarter cup 3 - 4 times a day before meals. Essential oil take 2 to 3 drops 3 times a day in alcohol solution or with honey. In the case of tonsillitis, thyme is chewed.

    In the form of ointments, herb and thyme. Essential oil is widely used in dermatology and di .To prepare the ointment, take 3 g of essential oil and 5 g of base( neutral cream), mix everything. It is used to treat purulent skin lesions, dermatitis, eczema.

    Aromatic oil( 10 drops of thyme oil per 10 ml of vegetable oil) is used in pediculosis, it is to that is applied to the area of ​​the introduction of itch itching.

    Cosmetologists for shampooing are recommended to use shampoos with the addition of thyme oil( 5 drops of essential oil per 20 ml of shampoo) with hair loss and alopecia.

    Decoction in olive oil( 2 tablespoons per 200 g of oil) is used as compresses for wounds from mosquito and snake bites.

    For rheumatic pain, it is recommended to chop thyme, heat it in a vessel, wrap it in gauze and apply it hot.

    For aromatic baths you need 500 g of thyme to cook in 4 liters of water, pour into a bath with water. It is an effective remedy for the treatment of arthritis, gout, rheumatism. Concentrated broth( 1 handful per liter of water, boil until half evaporated) is used as a tonic for hair, reducing their loss.

    Aromatic water from thyme is used as an antiseptic for the genitourinary system( cystitis, urethritis, vaginitis), prevents the inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages, eliminates soreness and delay of menstruation.

    Traditional medicine recommends the use of infusion of herbs with honey for the purification of the liver and stomach, it helps with colitis, and also causes sexual desire and helps with sexual weakness. If you lubricate a patient with thyme juice along with cow butter and wine, it helps with sciatica nerve inflammation. Decoction of herbs( 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water) stops bleeding from fresh wounds, cleans the skin of small rashes, dissolves and removes stones from the bladder, and also expels the dead fruit from the womb.

    Thyme, cooked with vinegar and rose oil, lubricates the head with severe headaches and fatigue.

    Thymus broth stops vomiting, and lotions from the grass help with the bites of bees and other insects.

    Thymus broth is taken internally with stomach cancer, bad breath. Prepare the drug daily and take a long time without interruption.

    It is also useful as a general restorative, in central nervous system disorders, as an expectorant for insomnia, for normalization of the intestinal microflora.

    In all cases, the broth is boiled for 2 - 3 seconds( 1 tablespoon of herb per glass of water), insist 10-15 minutes, take 1/4 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    If 10 g of ground grass is mixed with water and honey and taken 3 times a day, then this drug will cause sexual desire and help with sexual weakness.


    Thyme essential oil suppliers are Spain, Israel, North Africa and France. After the Chernobyl disaster out of precaution( and suddenly growing in Europe thyme contains radioactive substances?) Use oil from Israel. Although radioactive fallout fell out in many Western European countries and affected many plant species, their concentration is most likely in thyme. Despite this, many manufacturers in Western Europe continue to supply thyme oil to hospitals and pharmacies, which is why it is so necessary to pay attention to the place of production when buying oil. In addition, it is advised not to use red oil.

    Useful properties

    For medicinal purposes. Thyme is a strengthening and stimulant, has antispasmodic and balsamic properties, improves the functioning of the stomach and digestive system, and also acts on the organs of the thorax. It helps with asthma, flu, colds, heat, nervousness and pain.

    It is also effective for dermatitis, skin infections and skin irritation, tumors caused by gout or rheumatism, with lumbago and sciatica.

    For medicinal purposes, as well as for use in cooking, use the aboveground part of the plant, which is mowed at the beginning of flowering. Roots of no value do not represent.

    In folk medicine, along with thyme, creeping thyme is used and ordinary and other species close to it.

    Grass contains about 2% essential oil. The main constituent of the essential oil is thymol. In addition to the ethereal, the raw material includes bitter and tannic substances, organic acids, resins, mineral salts. Grass thyme, both fresh and dry, has a persistent spicy aroma and slightly burning bitter taste, and also has a strong antiseptic effect.

    In folk medicine, thyme creeping and thyme are used in bronchitis, pneumonia, cough. Preparations from these plants are recommended as a good soothing and anticonvulsant for insomnia and epilepsy, paralysis and neuralgia, with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract( spasms in the stomach and intestines, flatulence, poor digestion, constipation and gastritis with low acidity).

    The pharmaceutical industry is used for the preparation of syrups, extracts, decoctions, medicinal teas. Thyme essential oil is widely used for making soap, tooth powders and pastes, elixirs for rinsing the mouth.

    Thymus oil is indicated for asthenia, anemia, hypotension, chlorosis, intestinal atony, bronchopulmonary diseases, tuberculosis, asthma, infections of the intestinal and genito-urinary tract, fermentation, gas accumulation, influenza, acute respiratory disease, absence of menstruation, rheumatism, hair loss. Inside: 2 drops of oil 2 times a day with honey, a bath - 4 drops;aroma lamps-3 drops.

    In the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and cough, syrup from plantain and thyme has proved to be well established. Plantain acts as an expectorant, thyme - as an antiseptic and soothing. Preparation is very simple: fresh leaves of plantain and thyme finely chopped and put in a saucepan( 3 tablespoons each), pour 200 ml of water and insist for 30 minutes. Add 250 g of acacia honey and lightly heat, stirring constantly, then cool again. The whole process is repeated twice more. After this syrup strain through a paper funnel or a clean cotton napkin, pour into a glass jar and put in the refrigerator. Take cough and bronchial diseases three times a day in a teaspoon.

    Pain Reliever

    If you have sciatica, aching joints and back, take a hot bath. Dilute 15 drops of thyme essential oil and 2 tablespoons of baking soda in water. To strengthen the effect of oil, add a few drops of eucalyptus and cedar essential oils( they perfectly complement each other).After the bath, rub the affected area with a mixture of 15 ml( 1 tablespoon) of soybean oil, 2 drops of wheat germ oil, 10 drops of thyme and 5 drops of eucalyptus oil.

    Means for fatigue and depression

    Take a warm bath, diluting in water 5 drops of thyme and 3 drops of marjoram oil. Then rub the area of ​​the solar plexus and the sacrum with a mixture of oils: 15 ml( 1 tablespoon) of almond oil, 2 drops of wheat germ oil, 7 drops of thyme, 2 drops of marjoram and 3 drops of rose oil - mix all parts well. Then drink the broth.

    Infusion of thyme

    15 ml( 1 tablespoon with a slide) of fresh thyme leaves insist in 600 ml of boiling water for 5 minutes. Drink hot, putting honey for taste. Helps with depression and relieves fatigue, especially effective if you drink it in the morning instead of tea or coffee, as well as with stress and discomfort at work. A perfect remedy for premenstrual tension, symptoms of menopause, colds or flu. The thyme broth reduces tumors caused by rheumatism and swelling.

    Remedy for acne and dandruff

    If you have acne, this wonderful astringent will help you. Preparation: a sprig of fresh thyme( or a pinch of dried) for 2 cups of water, boil for 2 minutes, then insist 5 minutes. Add the juice of half a lemon. Rinse the skin several times a day. Thyme oil is also used in anti-dandruff remedies.

    Bath from juniper, chamomile, mint, lavender, thyme, St. John's wort

    Required.1 tbsp.l.needles of juniper, 1 tbsp.l.flowers chamomile, 2 tbsp.l.mint leaves, Jem.l.flowers of lavender, 1 tbsp.l.herbs of thyme, 1 tbsp.herbs of St. John's wort, 2 liters of beer.

    Method of preparation. Pour a mixture of herbs with beer. Then put on a fire and bring to a boil. After that, turn off the gas And keep on low heat for 40 minutes. The broth should cool down for 15-20 minutes. Strain.

    How to use. Now put your hands in the tub and hold for 25 minutes.

    In the Cooking of .Thyme is one of the most commonly used culinary herbs. It is necessarily included in the set of herbs( along with laurel and parsley).To the plant has not lost its properties, it is dried. Thyme retains its aroma and heat treatment, so this herb is well seasoned with stew or other dishes that are prepared for a long time. As thyme detains iron in the meat, it promotes the digestion of stews and dishes in a pot. Due to these properties, such flatulent dishes as beans are easier to digest( in ancient Egypt, thyme seasoned dishes with beans).As thyme has antipollution properties, it is added to pates, sausages, canned meat and pickles. Its fresh crushed leaves are a delightful addition to bread dough, omelettes and mushroom dishes. Thyme for flavor is put in marinades, fillings, soups, strong broths, herbal oils for roasted meat and fatty fish, and also for meat when fried on a fire. Thyme with lemon flavor can be seasoned with pancakes and beer.(Icelanders put thyme with a lemon scent in sour milk.)

    Thyme is used as a flavor of herbal vinegars and oils. He gives piquancy to the jelly. It also enters into the liquor "Benedictine", the recipe of which was compiled in 1 510 g. First, liquor was given to restore the power to the weakened monks, then with it they fought against malaria. Now this is a very expensive treat!

    Thyme dishes give a pleasant taste. It is desirable to add thyme to fatty foods: to fried potatoes, meat fillings, nourishing soups, smoked products, pork and lamb, pates, game. Thyme is good in soups of beans, lentils and peas, sauces.

    Grass can be added and salted and canned vegetables. In Spain, Greece, Turkey, thyme essential oil is used for marinating olives.

    Vegetable oil with thyme: remove from the lemon skin with a special knife( can be potato peeler) a very thin spiral.

    Rinse and dry a sprig of thyme and put in a bottle with lemon zest, bay leaf, pepper grains and star anise. Top up the olive oil, close the bottle tightly and put in a cold dark place for at least 2 weeks.

    For vegetable oil with thyme: 1 lemon, 3-4 sprigs of thyme, bay leaf, 1 teaspoon of red pepper seeds, 2 star anise, 500 ml of olive oil.

    Sauce with thyme. For 300 grams of sauce take 6 tablespoons chopped thyme leaves( thyme), 60 grams of margarine or butter, 40 g of wheat flour, a tablespoon of broth or broth, a glass of sour cream, salt to taste. In the melted butter add flour and fry until blush. Slightly diluted with broth, bring to a boil, salt, add thyme, sour cream and heat.

    Kvass with thyme .20 g of thyme, 1 l of bread kvass, 50 g of granulated sugar. Dry leaves of thyme boil in 1 cup kvass, pour the rest of kvass, add the sugar, mix and leave for 10-12 hours. Strain, pour into bottles and cool.

    In other industries. Thyme essential oil is used in the manufacture of soaps and antidiagnostics. For a long time lemon thyme is a part of aromatic mixtures, herbal pouches and pads, and garden - in means for repelling moths. He is also put on the lawn in front of the house. Thyme perfectly helps with insect bites, and it was once added to therapeutic snuff.


    Despite a lot of useful properties of thyme, it also has some contraindications. For example, it is undesirable to use it for pregnant women and people suffering from serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also desirable to limit its use to those who suffer from kidney and liver diseases. Expectorant effect of Bogorodskaya grass can lead to pulmonary complications in tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia. Therefore, these diseases are a good reason to refuse to take this herb

    You can not constantly use this herb for medical purposes, otherwise the patient may have hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland.
    It can not be used for thyroid disorders.
    But lactating women do not touch contraindications to thyme, as tea with thyme improves lactation. In any case, before you drink herbal teas and infusions, you should consult a doctor.