  • Grapefruit useful properties

    Grapefruit is an evergreen thermophilic tree of the family of ruthenium, the highest of citrus fruits - up to 10-12 m. Cultivated in countries with tropical climate, in our country - in the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

    The origin of grapefruit has not yet been clarified. Until now, the plant was not found in the wild state. Some researchers believe that this is a hybrid of pompelmus( other names: "sheddok", "pomelo") and sweet orange, which emerged spontaneously in the New World, the West Indies. According to others, it originated from the seeds of the sheddock, previously crossed with sweet orange. However, no one could reproduce it artificially. The second name for grapefruit - pompelmus groinlike - is due to the fact that fruits grow mainly with clusters of 3-12 pieces in a brush. Hence the English name, which means "grape fruit" in translation - and not because of taste. Fruits are usually large( up to 500 g), covered with a fairly thick skin from light to saturated orange. Regardless of the color, all the fruits of grapefruit are distinguished by their distinct, slightly bitter taste and aroma.

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    For the first time, Europeans grapefruit trees were found on the island of Barbados in 1750, then in Jamaica in 1814.The birthplace of a cultural grapefruit is considered to be India and Central America( the West Indies).In the XIX century, the plant appeared in Florida, and 100 years later citrus took the leading place in the world fruit market. In Russia, grapefruit has been grown since 1911.

    In the 60s of the 20th century, Russian fruit-growers were engaged in breeding early-ripening and low-seed grapefruit and pompelmus on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The best result of this creativity was a hybrid pompelmus with mandarin. The fruits of this hybrid are very large( sometimes weighing up to 350-500 g) and juicy, the taste is sweet and sour. The rind is very thin and well separated from the pulp.

    Grapefruit grows mainly in Africa and South America. Since 1991, he was raised in Transcaucasia.

    Grapefruit has a characteristic aroma and a rather pleasant sweetish-bitter aftertaste.

    Wonderful grapefruit is a unique combination of minerals, vitamins, pectins, essential oils, carbohydrates. By the number of sugars is superior to other varieties of oranges, and the content of vitamin C and the duration of storage, they will not give way.

    Grapefruit fruits contain citric acid, pectic and coloring substances, sugars, essential oil, potassium, calcium, some trace elements;he is rich in fiber. In the flesh of fruits, ascorbic acid( 40-50 mg per 100 g), vitamins B, B2, D and P, carotene( provitamin A) are also found;glycoside naringin, giving the fruit a bitter taste. In the crust, which accounts for up to 30-40% of the weight of the fruit, 10 to 20% of pectin substances, essential oil, other biologically active substances - for example, glycosides, are contained. Glycosides regulate physiological processes in different areas of our body - in the digestive, cardiovascular system, can affect the secretion of important substances - for example, bile, etc.

    Caloric content and chemical composition of

    The following is the content of nutrients( calories, proteins,fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible part.
    Nutritional value
    Caloric value 35 kcal
    Proteins 0,7 g
    Fats 0,2 g
    Carbohydrates 6,5 g
    Dietary fibers 1,8 g
    Organic acids 1,5 g
    Water 88,8 g
    Mono and disaccharides6.5 g
    Ash 0.5 g
    Vitamin PP 0.2 mg
    Beta-carotene 0.02 mg
    Vitamin A( RE) 3 μg
    Vitamin B1( thiamine) 0.05 mg
    Vitamin B2( riboflavin) 0.03 mg
    Vitamin B5( pantothenic) 0.03 mg
    Vitamin B6( pyridoxine) 0.04 mg
    Vitamin B9( folic) 3 μg
    Vitamin C 45 mg
    Vitamin E( TE) 0.3 mg
    VitaminPP( Niacin equivalentent) 0.3 mg

    Calcium 23 mg Magnesium 10 mg Sodium

    13 mg Potassium 184 mg Phosphorous 18 mg


    Iron 0.5 mg Energy value kcal 35 is grapefruit.
    1 Piece = 130 grams( 45.5 kcal)

    The benefits of

    The healing power of grapefruit has been known since ancient times: its juice, rind and pulp have been used as an effective means for poisoning, for disinfecting wounds, strengthening the gums.

    Ripening in December, grapefruit fruits perfectly retain their full value until July. Known for its high dietary and medicinal qualities - improving digestion, lowering blood pressure, normalizing the liver, restoring the body. Grapefruit is a worthy companion of lemon, but, perhaps, even a little ahead of it, since it has a pleasant taste: you just need to know that all bitterness is in the septa between the wedges that should be removed.

    In case of atherosclerosis, hypertension, fatigue take 0.25 cups of juice for 20-30 minutes before meals, and with sleepless, face up to 0.5 glasses per night.

    Take juice with pulp in the absence of appetite, violation of the digestive process.

    It has low energy value, so it is useful to include in your diet to those who want to lose weight.

    Grapefruit beneficially affects the pancreas, improves appetite, stimulates the digestive system, has a mild diuretic effect. Contains a lot of potassium, so its use is shown in such complications of diabetes as ischemic disease, atherosclerosis. Grapefruit is an excellent dietary remedy for diabetics.

    With the therapeutic purpose, grapefruit fruits are used, which have anti-sclerotic, tonic effect, increase diuresis. They improve appetite, normalize digestion processes, lower blood pressure, help restore strength with rapid fatigue. A good effect of grapefruit fruits are with chronic fatigue and urate stones in the kidneys.

    In the food industry, grapefruit fruits are widely used. They are dried, they prepare jam, juices, drinks, they are used for making liqueurs and wines. An essential oil, pectin, is obtained from the bark of the fruits.

    Fresh juice is usually drunk on 150-300 g three times daily before meals, with honey or sugar. Diabetes patients - without sugar!

    It is very important that the fruits of grapefruit are unpretentious in transportation: they are able to fully retain their useful properties for prolonged storage. In a cool place they can be stored until August-September next year, while the grapefruits do not lose their taste and vitamin qualities.

    Grapefruit oil and juice is used in confectionery and alcoholic beverage production( jam, juices, liqueurs are prepared from them).Grapefruit juice and fruit pulp stimulate metabolism, stimulate appetite and improve digestion. Grapefruit is recommended for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it normalizes the work not only of the intestine, but also of the liver and gallbladder. Drinking on an empty stomach a glass of this drink will help all the organs of the abdominal cavity to quickly adjust to the "working mode", to prevent constipation.

    Grapefruits excrete excess fluid from the body, helping to cleanse of slags. Pectins, which contain this fruit, contribute to the strengthening of blood vessels, capillaries. Glycosides possess antisclerotic properties. And the whole complex of biologically active substances of grapefruit helps to lower blood pressure.

    In addition, freshly squeezed grapefruit juice has a tonic effect on the body as a whole, strengthens the immune and nervous systems. Juice is recommended during the recovery period after a cold, after severe infectious diseases and surgeries. Healthy it will be useful in times of physical and mental overwork. It is worth paying special attention to the tonic properties of grapefruit to those whose lifestyle and work are associated with hypokinesia - lack of movement. Drink it preferably 20 minutes before meals( for example, before breakfast) with sugar or better with powdered sugar.

    At the same time, when insomnia is advised to eat grapefruit just before bedtime - a healthy sleep is provided.

    At the end of the last( XX) century, American scientists were also interested in the composition of the bone of the sunfruit. The impetus, as always, was the case. An amateur gardener from Florida drew attention to the fact that citrus seeds do not succumb to the destructive effects of putrefactive bacteria and fungi. In the course of the research, the scientists found out: the bones possess powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity due to the increased content of vitamin C and bioflavonoids( vitamin P).Flavonoids stimulate the breathing of tissues, promote the accumulation of ascorbic acid in them, which increases the body's natural resistance to infectious and colds. Vitamin C and flavonoids in close union can kill or delay the development of about 800 species of bacteria and viruses( for example, streptococcus, chlamydia, lamblia, herpes virus, influenza), as well as over 100 species of fungi, including those affecting the nail plate.

    Grapefruit oil is used in the treatment of pulmonary insufficiency, arrhythmia, arthritis, hepatitis, asthenic syndromes. He treats hypertension, helps prevent atherosclerosis. Grapefruit oil is given to patients who have undergone a serious operation or a debilitating disease. It stimulates the appetite, stimulates the will to live.

    Ways of using: aromatic lamps - 2-3 drops;saunas, baths - 5-10 drops;massage - 10 drops per 10-15 g of transport oil;2-3 drops of grapefruit oil for 1 piece of sugar 2-3 times a day.

    Grapefruit promotes the formation of gastric juice and improves the gallbladder, has a beneficial effect on digestion.

    Fruits of grapefruit have a tonic effect on the body, so they are recommended to the weakened patient, after physical overwork. Grapefruits are useful for patients with hypertension, as well as for preventing atherosclerosis.

    Nutritionist Dr. D. Serd conducted a series of studies demonstrating the relationship between the use of grapefruit and the level of cholesterol in the blood. People with high cholesterol in the blood for a month ate two ripe grapefruits a day. The results were striking - the cholesterol level dropped by as much as 8%."Eat on grapefruit for breakfast and dinner, and the cardiologist will not be needed" - that's the saying invented by Dr. Serd

    Stroke, a heart attack can be prevented or weakened by the consequences if you drink 1 table spoon of fresh juice of cranberries and grapefruit on a daily basisalso in the evening before bedtime. This will strengthen the weakened vessels

    Clinical studies have also shown that grapefruit is capable of enhancing the action of insulin administered by a diabetic patient

    The essence of grapefruit is widely used in perfumeryand cosmetology for the manufacture of a variety of colognes, toilet water, lotions, tonics, creams. ..

    For cosmetic procedures, not only juice and flesh, but also the fruit crust, is believed that grapefruit juice is an effective and most gentle means for whitening freckles and blemisheson the skin of the face. For oily and normal skin, masks are recommended with the addition of juice and rubbing with an infusion of grapefruit peel. It is useful to use such masks for strengthening and nourishing the skin of the neck.

    The taste of this subtropical fruit, of course, is specific. One does not like his bitterness, while others just appreciate it. Grapefruit is a dietary and healing fruit. It is used in dietary nutrition.

    Of course, first of all, these fruits are eaten fresh. Dishes from grapefruit are low-calorie, which makes it possible to diversify the table during a diet. The taste characteristics of this citrus are appreciated not only by nutritionists, but also by gourmets. Fruit and spicy salads, due to the addition of the fruits of grapfruit, acquire a fragrant, piquant taste. Slices of this citrus, fried in a grill, is an excellent fragrant garnish for game.

    They are better than other citrus fruits withstand long-term storage, and do not lose their taste. In a cool place, fruits can be stored throughout the winter and summer. Fruits are also used in the canning and confectionery industry, jam, liqueurs and juices are prepared from them.

    Grapefruit wine

    Stuffed grapefruit

    Grapefruit cocktail

    ground ginger

    Pickled grapefruit


    Dessert salad with cream


    Beef in grapefruit

    Salad "The secret of Aphrodite"


    Organic acids can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, so this fruit can not be used for people with gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum. Also, acids can eat away tooth enamel, so after using grapefruit, rinse your mouth.
    Because of the presence of a specific substance in the grapefruit - furanocoumarin, which stimulates the concentration of blood, these fruits are contraindicated in people with liver diseases.
    Simultaneous use of grapefruit and oral contraceptives reduces contraceptive effects.
    The harm of grapefruit can become quite real for women during the period of life, called postmenopause. Doctors believe that at this time the abuse of grapefruit can lead to the development of cancer.
    Grapefruit interacts with some medicines( antidepressants, tranquilizers, anesthetics, hypotensive, anti-atherosclerotic), so when taking these medications, either stop using grapefruit or take a big break between taking the tablets and citrus.
    You can not take both grapefruit juice and drugs that reduce blood pressure. There may be side effects such as a strong heartbeat, redness of the face and dizziness.
    Grapefruit and substances that can be found in its composition, or completely neutralizes the properties of medical products, negating the entire effect of their reception, or they have the ability to increase the concentration of an effective drug substance by several hundred times! !!And, this is much more dangerous and serious and threatens with a symptomatic overdose of medical drugs, with rather serious consequences for human health and his body as a whole. Only this citrus is so unpredictable and unexplained by science and medicine.

    In order to reduce the potential harm of this fruit, but to use all its useful properties, nutritionists recommend using this fruit not more than once a week, adding it as an ingredient in a fruit salad, and of course, being in good health and not takingmedicines( unless the treating physician has recommended the opposite).

    Here is such a fruit, this paradise hybrid. .. So, think for yourself, decide for yourself. ..