  • And talk about a child is better spent with the mother in the absence of the child.

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    Lovely wife If nevertheless unbearable, then double-check yourself, is it so. Whether you did everything correctly. Whether all the funds you used in the negotiations were adequate, humane. Psychotechnics of communication have always been optimal, including in confrontation;did it correspond to those recipes. If not, go through the trainings announced in the "Labyrinth of Communication".Well, if the same "vmogotu", if you can tolerate and if the negotiations are still possible. .. abstain from betrayal of the declaration of divorce. And continue the negotiation process. If all, if you are obviously unbearable and you announced a divorce, try all the same so that the ex-husband does not know about your new relationship. I already wrote about the motives: this is for him a psychotrauma. From the humane attitude to your past with him a novel, out of pity for the person with whom a part of life has been lived, to your child's father, from the desire for parental cooperation. Better be confused for him. It's better to let it be that you left him, and not to someone. Maybe during this time he will get used to life without you, maybe he will find a replacement, even if he is not such a wonderful wife as you, but still not a complete loneliness, yet a man with him. And if it turns out to be better than you( oh, how hard it is to believe it) - then be ready for it. On you, the light did not come together with a wedge. But at the same time it is better to preserve parental cooperation. In any case, on your part there should be a delicacy - it's you who left it, and it did not leave you.

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    Dear young men If the gap did not occur by your own will, but on her initiative. .. If treason was. .. Of course, you can indulge in complete masochism, you can

    in front of her crawl, you can beg. .. Often, she needs for someyour past stubbornness, for disagreeing with her "guiding" and "guiding" role in your failed family to get retribution in the form that you crawl and beg. .. And you find this a tearful buzz. .. In the end, you still getbitter reality of the gap. You just prolong the agony in this little death.

    It's better to do otherwise. Stiffen your teeth. Treat this as a natural cataclysm, as a natural disaster..Tell yourself, as the hero of the eastern fairy tale: "And it will pass away."But say with confidence - there are reasons for this. I have discovered for you that your best years are still ahead. Yes, divorce is a small death. But you will be reborn for a new life in this life. We actually live more than one life, and several, and not in the spirit of Buddhist reincarnation, but in the sense that every period of life is a new little life enriched by the experience of former little lives. .. Do not be interested in her, nor inother channels of her sexual relationship. Reduce contacts to a minimum. Only housing affairs and contact with the child. Suggest a business for the child. To drive to the developing center, to the music school, to the polyclinic. Suggest buy the right things for the child, medicines. But do not give anything to her, do not descend to masochistic courtship.

    We also talked about changing the worldly stereotype. Indeed, people with difficulty endure a change in the habitual way of life. If the young husband will and still experience this as something dramatic, he really zabuksuet in life. Guy, look at all sorts of culinary culinary telecasts. One Yulya Vysotsky has Makarevich, Dolinsky, visiting men from far abroad. .. So we'll survive this period calmly, without waiting for business trips, and try to become excellent culinary specialists. And in the next marriage we take leadership in the kitchen in our hands. She will agree;It is necessary that she should agree. It is necessary that she accepts this reduction in energy costs for kitchen-house problems. Ahead of us with you - a fairly detailed conversation 6 cooking.

    So, husbands should be more humane after crossing the crossroads. Do not forget: you are already on horseback. Yes, she flat

    behaved, abused power. But in fact almost all wives are like that. And you were better than she, because you already know about these patterns( she did not know), because you are rationalistically responsible.