  • Polyp of the cervical canal: causes, treatment, symptoms, photo

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    The polyp of the cervical canal is a benign tumor that grows from the cervical canal and penetrates into its lumen, while it can be attached either on a thin knife or on a wide base.

    Polyps are related to the hyperplastic processes of the genital organs, among which endometrial polyps are also derived from the inner layer of the uterus.

    The cervical polyp is often found in the area of ​​the external pharynx, so it is clearly visible even during normal examination without the use of additional research methods.

    However, in some cases, the base( leg) can be located in the upper or middle part of the cervical canal.


    Depending on the number of these neoplasms, it is common to distinguish two main types of polyps:

    • single - the most common are
    • multiple.
    In clinical practice, a great importance is given to the histological classification, which determines the curative program and the prognosis of the disease.

    In view of this polyps are classified into two varieties:
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    1. 1) Ferrous. They are covered by a cylindrical epithelium in which the cells are located in a single row
    2. 2) Epidermis, which represents a cancer risk. In it the epithelium is partially or completely metaplazirovan, while the cells are located in several rows.

    Causes of polyps

    The main cause of polyps of the cervical canal is a hormonal imbalance. However, the etiopathogenetic links have not been finally established. In modern gynecology, the hypothesis is dominant, according to which, polyps are the result of an increased content of estrogens in the body. Hyperestrogenia is:

    1. 1) Absolute, when there is increased estrogen formation with an unchanged progesterone concentration
    2. 2) Relative, which implies a decrease in the synthesis of progesterone, and the level of estrogens can be normal or even decreased.

    Symptoms of the polyp of the cervical canal

    For a long time, cervical polyps may not manifest themselves clinically in some women, but in other cases, on the contrary.

    The main symptoms of this pathological process are the following:

    1. 1) Bloody discharge appearing between menstruations
    2. 2) Contact bleeding or bleeding that is associated with either sexual contact or vaginal examination
    3. 3) Abundant menstruation
    4. 4) Minor aching pain in the lowerparts of the abdomen. Pain can become cramping at the birth of the polyp or its infringement in the cervical canal.
    Against the background of the cervical canal polyp, the hematometer may develop, that is, the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity against the background of blockage of the cervical canal. Clinically, this is manifested by symptoms such as:

    • persistent pain in the lower abdomen, which increase in the days of the estimated menstruation
    • no monthly these days
    • increase in the size of the uterus.

    Diagnosis of the polyp of the cervical canal

    The list of recommended diagnostic tests for establishing an accurate diagnosis is divided into basic and additional. The main ones are:

    • examination of the genitals from the outside
    • examination in the mirrors
    • vaginal two-handed study
    • ultrasound
    • hysteroscopy - examination of the cervical canal and uterine cavity with special magnifying technique
    • histological examination, which is the "gold" diagnostic standard for the differentiation of benign and malignantpolyps.
    Additional methods include colposcopy and cytology. They can be used in the preliminary stage. The main signs of the cervical polyp, which are determined during examination in the mirrors, are the following:

    • formation in the area of ​​the external pharynx, which usually bulges out beyond it
    • it has clear contours
    • smooth surface of the lesion
    • its shape is pear-shaped
    • color - bright pink.
    Echogenicity of polyps with ultrasound examination is medium or elevated. In his process, it is important to assess the state of the endometrium, since it can be hyperplanar( evaluate the thickness, even contours, and the presence of local formations).

    Treatment of polyp of the cervical canal

    Treatment of polyps has the following objectives:

    1. 1) Removal of its
    2. 2) Prevention of malignant oncological process
    3. 3) Relief of clinical symptoms.
    The main method of treating the polyp of the cervical canal is surgical removal of the overgrown tissue. However, this is only the first stage of therapy. On the second - it is necessary to prevent relapse of polyps. To this end, hormonal drugs are prescribed that normalize the endocrine status in the woman's body.

    In order to completely remove the polyp, hysteroscopy is necessary. It allows under the control of vision to remove the base or leg of the polyp, which is the source of relapse.

    The main method of removal is hysteroresectoscopy, which is done with special scissors. However, be sure to check the result, so that nothing remains.

    Considering the fact that cervical polyps often combine with hyperplastic endometrial processes, in such cases it is shown to perform separate diagnostic curettage of both cervix and uterine cavity. After this procedure, hysteroscopy is also performed. All the received material must be sent to a histological study without fail.

    Hormonal treatment is carried out for a long time - for several months( from three to six).The choice of this or that hormonal preparation depends on the following factors:

    1. 1) The age of the patient
    2. 2) The result of the histological examination of
    3. 3) The presence of concomitant diseases.
    The main drugs that are used to correct the hormonal background are the following:

    • antiestrogens
    • antigonadotropins
    • gestagenes
    • analogues of gonadoliberin
    • combined oral contraceptives
    • preparations for hormone replacement therapy.
    At a young reproductive age and the presence of glandular polyps, combined oral contraceptives are prescribed. In the presence of epidermis polyp, or in the middle and late reproductive years, drugs with relatively high doses of estrogen should be avoided, except for hormone replacement therapy.

    Preference should be given to blocking agents( anti-estrogens, analogues of gonadoliberins, antigonadotropins).However, due to the presence of severe side effects associated with estrogen deficiency, therapy is performed cyclically or pulse-doses with significant interruptions.

    Prevention and further management of patients

    Effective prevention measures that would reliably prevent the development of this pathological process are not currently available. Impact on predisposing factors with a certain probability reduces this risk, but does not completely warn.

    Patients with distant polyps should be under dynamic medical supervision. It directly depends on the results of the histological examination and is based on the following principles:

    1. 1) Ultrasonic inspection once a month
    2. 2) Carrying out hormonal therapy and evaluating its effectiveness.

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