Useful and medicinal properties of gooseberries.herbal teas
This bush absorbed, it seems, all the most unpleasant things that can occur when picking berries: spines, small and large, are ready not only to scratch, but to remain in the body forever;the berries are acidic-acidic. No matter how painfully to collect, clean from the pedicels, pierce each berry separately - all this is paid off in vain in the winter, when you open a jar of tender amber jam from gooseberry.
This shrub, depending on the variety, gives fruits of white, yellow, green, red, purple and even black. From one bush it is possible to collect kilograms of 15 berries, and even more. Berries are good and unripe, and medium ripeness, and slightly overripe, soft. They began to cultivate this plant in Europe from the XVI century. For frost resistance and an abundance of vitamins gooseberries have long been called "northern grapes".
In berries of gooseberry contains from 5 to 15% of sugars, hemicellulose, fiber, pectin, vitamins C, B, and B9, carotene, tocopherol, riboflavin, thiamine, other substances necessary for humans. It contains vitamin P, and the darker the berries, the more vitamin P they contain. They are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine.
Thanks to pectin substances contained in gooseberry berries, it is a natural anti-radiant, promotes the excretion of heavy metals from the human body, and enhances the metabolism. Therefore, berries of gooseberry are very useful for children and elderly people with metabolic disorders and obesity. Decoction of these berries has choleretic and diuretic properties, acts as a mild laxative. Berries have long been used for chronic constipation, anemia, frequent hemorrhages, skin diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also as an analgesic. Gooseberries normalize blood pressure: in hypotensive - increases, in hypertensive patients - reduces.
Those who systematically consume the fruits of gooseberries, significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer. Obviously, this is due to the high content of serotonin in these berries.
The blood composition of a person who regularly uses gooseberry berries differs markedly from that of other people. Gooseberries are rich in organic acids, which have the properties to restore human energy, so they are recommended to include in the diet of older people, with fatigue, as well as athletes, which makes it easier to cope with heavy loads and recover more quickly during the competition. Gooseberries are recommended for heart diseases, atherosclerosis, as a vasoconstrictor.
However, it is best not to use it for kidney disease and gout. People suffering from these diseases, it is preferable to pay attention to the overripe gooseberry. Do not recommend it for stomach ulcers in the acute stage and enteritis - this refers to fresh berries of any stage of maturity.
♦ Diuretic: take in equal amounts the fruits of gooseberries, the fruits of cowberry and the fruits of wild strawberry forest. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a warm place for 1 hour. Take 0.5 glasses 3-4 times daily before meals.
♦ Vitamin tea: 1-2 tablespoons of berries to mash, pour a glass of hot water, soar for 10 minutes. You can also put the berries filled with boiling water in a warm place for 2-3 hours. In the infusion add honey to taste and drink during the day instead of the usual drink.