
A strong duo from evil eye, spoilage and witchcraft: what is it and how to read it correctly

  • A strong duo from evil eye, spoilage and witchcraft: what is it and how to read it correctly

    Each religion has its own ways of communicating with God. As a rule, in order to appeal to the Almighty, a person should read some sacred text, as a rule, short. In Islam, such short texts are called dua. The strongest duo from the evil eye, spoiling and witchcraft is quite long and taken entirely from the Koran. Also there are duas from the evil eye, envy, witchcraft.

    Rules for reading du'aa

    Sacred texts, dua, unlike Christian prayers, can be found only in the main book of Muslims ─ Koran. It is believed that dua can be read at any time, when a person feels the need to appeal to Allah.

    If we talk about some specific place to read dua, then such a place is a desert. It is there, in the opinion of muftis, that a person is closed from penetration of the external world. Since in modern realities it is rather difficult to find a nearby desert, you can retire in some room or other room that is visited by a small number of people.

    Another important nuance: you need not to read a duo, but to recite it by heart. All duas should be written on a blank sheet of paper without the lines - sababe. Sabab with dua should be worn at all times. Only in this way can you protect yourself from negative energy.

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    Dua from spoiling and witchcraft

    There are several duans from spoiling and witchcraft, which are recommended to be read in private in an enclosed space. In general, witchcraft is considered to be one of the most terrible sins in Islam. It is even capable of killing a person.

    If a person knows for sure that they have been damaged, he can protect himself by reading 54-56 ayah( verses) of Surah "Obstacles"( Araf), and in order to completely eliminate the negative consequences of witchcraft, the 35th verse of Surah "The Story" 7once after the night prayer.

    Reading during the 40 days of the 87th ayah of surah "Prophets" helps to eliminate the consequences of spoilage. Read the ayat after the morning prayer is 121 times. Here is his text: "There is no god but You, you are pure!"Truly, I was from the oppressors. "Before each new reading it is necessary to say the word "Salavat".

    Well helps from spoiling and witchcraft the following message: "In the name of Allah and through Allah, in the name of Allah and Allah's will, in the name of Allah, and there is no power and power except from Allah! Said Musa: "Allah will destroy what you brought from witchcraft. Allah does not correct the deeds of the wicked. "And the truth was accomplished and made what they had committed by lying, and they were defeated there and returned humiliated. "

    On paper, these words look like:

    بسم الله و بالله, بسم الله و ما شاءالله, بسم الله لاحول ولاقوه الا بالله, قال موسی ما جئتم به السحر ان الله سیبطله ان الله لا یصلح عمل المفسدین, فوقع الحق و بطل ما كانوا یعملونفغلبوا هنالك وانقلبوا صاغرین

    And in no case can not write a translation, only a message in Arabic! Otherwise, the duo will not act.

    Finally, the mufti does not advise you to contact fortunetellers and psychics in case of suspicion of spoiling, witchcraft, because in Islam it is believed that all mages communicate with shaytans, gins, and therefore receive information not from the Almighty, but from demons.

    Dua from the evil eye and envy

    If your relatives or you are jinxed, you can take measures to protect yourself and your home. To do this, you need to read 112, 113 or 114 surah of the Quran. These are the so-called suri-amulet.

    By the way, if you do not know Arabic, you can read any Muslim for you. During the reading, you can ask Allah for mercy, but you need to ask without malicious intent, without the desire to punish the offender. Otherwise, the guard will not function.

    If you are not sure that you have been jinxed, but just want to ask for the strengthening of forces, protection in previous cases, the appeal to Allah with a sura from the evil eye will be wrong, because according to Muslim customs a person should rely primarily on his own strength.

    In addition to the duo from the evil eye and envy, the duo stands for the protection of children. This is the same 112th sura called Al-Ikhlas. Sura should be read 3 times in a row, and then say: "May Allah make it blessed."It is interesting that in Islam you can malevolence the child with both unkind eyes and excessive praise. In any case, the words about the blessing of Allah will help the child to avoid the fate of the outcast in the future.

    This feeling, like envy, can easily be weakened by reading the pre-dawn address to Allah. In no case can you be envious of yourself, so that Allah will not send you suffering from envy your success.

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