
The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy by a boy, a girl and signs, by which you can determine the sex of the child

  • The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy by a boy, a girl and signs, by which you can determine the sex of the child

    As soon as future parents try to find out the gender of the child. A boy or a girl? Who will still be born: a son or a daughter?

    There are many signs that determine the gender of the baby. The most correct way, as people's signs assure, is in the form of the abdomen.

    Is this true and what does the shape of the abdomen in pregnant women depend on?

    What determines the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy

    The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy by a boy, a girl depends on many factors: the size of the uterus, the gestational age, the physique of the mother, the size of the baby, and so on. Moreover, the shape of the abdomen changes during pregnancy.

    The growth of the abdomen during pregnancy begins to be noticeable around 14-15 weeks of gestation. Of course, there are mothers whose tummy is swollen and much earlier, and there are others who go to the end of the term with a barely noticeable tummy. An important role here is the physique of the mother. How quickly the belly grows and how its shape changes, in the first place, depends on weight gain. Try not to gain weight too quickly.

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    Doctors treat all forms of the abdomen perfectly. The only thing that can disturb them is the degree of lowering of your tummy. Too low belly can cause premature birth. In such cases it is better to wear a bandage.

    But how do you determine the sex of the child in the shape of the tummy of a future mother?

    Folk signs of

    According to the folk signs, if you wait for the boy, then the tummy will be "sharpened".So, that from the back it is imperceptible that a woman is pregnant.

    If you are expecting a girl, then the stomach will have a round shape, the stomach creeps apart.

    They also say that when a girl is pregnant, her belly bulges out to the right.

    It is only possible to know the sex of a child with the help of ultrasound.

    There are parents who want to "keep intrigue" before the birth of the baby. In this case, we advise to warn the doctor in advance about this, otherwise all expectation will be spoiled by the doctor's happy message about the child's field.

    Signs during pregnancy by a boy

    Pregnancy by a boy has some interesting signs. For example, believe that the woman who expects the boy does not suffer from toxicosis at an early pregnancy, but rather has a good appetite. Early toxicosis is more characteristic of those women who are waiting for the girl.

    Unlike those women who expect girls, in pregnant women the boy practically does not have pigmentation spots and does not swell the face. They say that boys take care of their mother's beauty, and the girls are taken away.

    Tibetan doctors identified such signs of pregnancy as a boy:

    • , the right breast of such a pregnant one is larger than the left breast, the right nipple is larger than the left one;
    • if a woman wants sexual relations;
    • colostrum in a woman with a pregnant boy is more dense and fatty than a pregnant girl;
    • a nipple in the pregnant with a boy of light red color, and in the pregnant girl a brown;
    • the male fetus begins to stir from the third month of pregnancy, and the female fetus from the fourth month;
    • a woman who is waiting for a boy, does not feel sick in the morning and wants a salty or sour, and if sweet, then there will be a girl.

    It is also believed that if the family expects the boy, the future father is gaining weight as quickly as his wife. It is believed that in a pregnant woman, the female urine is bright yellow.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    How to determine the gender of the baby by the shape of the abdomen:

    How to calculate the sex of the child:

    Folk signs at conception:

    When the ultrasound shows the child's sex: