  • Wrinkles can be prevented

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    As you know, the skin of the face, especially around the eyes, is very mobile, delicate, delicate. However, many do not care for the face at all.

    Myopic girls and young women often hesitate to wear glasses;they have to squint, why in the corners of the eyes are formed thin wrinkles - "paws."Reading without glasses or lying in bed, and besides with insufficient lighting and, conversely, under bright sun rays, also contributes to the premature appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. In the summer, wear dark glasses.

    The habit of grimacing, excessive facial expressions when talking, with laughter cause the appearance of so-called mimic wrinkles.

    We warn lovers of cosmetics: be careful and do not use cosmetic, eyeliner, eyeliner or shadows every day. Otherwise, wrinkles form quickly around the eyes. Do not also wash several times a day and then vigorously rub your face with a coarse terry towel, it is better to get wet with a soft towel or napkin.

    On a moist tampon, squeeze a little cream and lightly apply on the upper eyelids in the direction from the nose to the outer corner of the eye, to the bottom - from the angle of the eye

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    to the nose.

    For deep wrinkles, it is good to wash your face with a cold solution of table salt or tannin( 1/2 teaspoon per glass of water), and also grease it with cream and add the crushed table salt( 1/2 teaspoon per 50 g of cream).

    It is useful 1-2 times a week to make masks, for example, yeast ( for oily skin): dilute 25 g of yeast with milk or fresh cucumber juice to a thickness of sour cream and apply a thick layer, and when it becomes dry, rinse with cold water.

    The absence of teeth contributes to the increase of wrinkles, therefore it is necessary to have a timely prosthesis. Flabby and wrinkled becomes the skin with a sharp weight loss.

    Warn wrinkles easier than liquidating. Very simple is the simple gymnastics, which strengthens the muscles of the face and neck.

    Lie down on the back of the couch. Under the back, put a small pillow, and head back over the edge of the ottoman. Widely opening and closing your mouth, turn your head alternately left and right( 30-50 times a day).

    And this set of exercises, which favorably affects the muscles of the cheeks and the mouth area, are sitting in front of the mirror.

    1. Open your mouth wide. With your index and middle fingers, pull your jaw down while trying to cover your mouth. Mentally count to 10 and then relax. Repeat the exercise 2 more times.

    2. Exercise is like an introductory, to exercises 3 and 4, prepares for them. Laugh as hard as you can. Frozen for a while - as if stopping a smile. You will notice how different muscle groups are involved in the work.

    3. Exercise should be done without applying on the face cream. Point fingers on the fold from the nose to the corners of the mouth, and with your thumbs, hold these muscles from the side of the mouth. Put a napkin on the cheek so that your fingers do not slip. Try to laugh, involving in the movement of the muscles of the cheek and overcoming the resistance of the fingers. Mentally count to 10. Relax. Repeat the exercise 2 more times.

    4. This is the version of the previous one. With your thumb and the forefinger on the side of your mouth, grab the cheek and hold it firmly with your fingers, trying to laugh, pulling all the muscles of your face into motion. Mentally count to 10-12, and then relax. Repeat 2 more times.

    5. Consists of 4 movements.

    Close your mouth, inflate your nostrils as much as possible. Count to 10. Relax.

    At the very cheek, squeeze the nostrils with the tips of the forefinger and thumb. Counting to 10, inflate the nostrils, overcoming the resistance of the fingers. Relax.

    Counting to 10, pull down the tip of the nose.

    With your thumb, lift up the tip of the nose, while trying to lower it down, narrowing the nostrils and overcoming the resistance of the thumb. Count to 10, then relax.

    Keep an eye on the head, keep it straight and high. Sleep better at all without a pillow( or on a very flat and hard enough pillow).

    Skin aging is accompanied by a phenomenon such as bags under the eyes. Muscles and skin lose elasticity, because of which the skin hangs in the form of folds or saccate formations. As the muscle fibers weaken, in the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids, fatty hernias can gradually even form - the swelling of subcutaneous intraorbital fat. Eliminate fatty hernias and excess skin of the upper and lower eyelids can only be surgically done in cosmetic institutions.

    Bags under the eyes are often with chronic diseases of the kidneys, the heart, accompanied by swelling. Conducted under the supervision of a doctor, treatment contributes to their elimination.

    A healthy person, if he breaks a diet, drinks too much liquids or during periods of intense mental and physical activity does not find time for proper rest, bags under the eyes may also appear.

    Here are some exercises that will help preserve the skin elasticity of the eyelids, to delay its aging. Perform them for 10 minutes.

    1. Tightly close and wide open the eyes 5-6 times in a row with an interval of 30 seconds.

    2. Look up, down, to the right, to the left, without turning your head.

    3. Rotate your eyes in a circle: upwards - to the right - downwards - to the left and in the opposite direction.

    Exercises perform sitting, repeating every 3-4 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes. Exercises 2 and 3 are recommended not only with open, but also closed eyes.

    The best compress for tired eyes, especially after a working day, - cotton swabs, soaked in strong cold tea brew. It is necessary to lie down, put tampons on the eyelids of closed eyes, try to relax. Fifteen minutes of such rest will be enough to rest your eyes.

    An unpleasant lack of appearance can become double chin, appearing most often as a result of obesity.

    To get rid of a double chin, you need to lose weight to keep to a diet, avoid fatty foods and flour dishes, arrange unloading days. With a double chin, it is recommended to tie it with an elastic bandage. It is also useful to moisten a small napkin with salty cold water( 1 tablespoon of salt to a glass of water) or a solution of vinegar, lemon juice( 1 tablespoon per liter of water), squeeze lightly, take each hand on the end of the napkin and, stretching,on the chin for 4-5 minutes. It is necessary to perform this procedure on a daily basis.

    Chin massage carefully: the thyroid gland is very sensitive, and vigorous movements irritate it.

    Useful circular movements of the head, turning the head to the sides and other exercises that strengthen the muscles of the face and neck. Try not to read in bed, putting a few pillows under your head, and while working at the table do not lower your head too low and do not press your chin to your chest.

    Try and do such exercises.

    1. Connect the lips and teeth. Smile, holding 5 from the corners of the mouth in the upper position. Then relax and repeat the exercise again.

    2. To get rid of the second chin, say "o" on a high note, keeping your lips in a tight position, now pull your lips in your teeth, as deep as possible. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

    3. Wrinkles on the forehead can be smoothed out like this. Put both palms on the forehead and move the skin towards the hair, then frown, and continue to move the hands to the hair. Repeat 3 times.

    4. To avoid excess fat in the chin area, raise it as high as possible while holding the neck and body in a straight position. After 3 seconds, extend the lips and hold it for 5 seconds.

    5. To keep the shape of the mouth, place the middle and ring fingers on the upper lip and strain the muscles of the lips, preventing finger pressure( 5 s).Take a deep breath, inflate the cracks and exhale heavily to make your lips tremble( 3 times).Then relax the muscles of the mouth and move the corners of the mouth, as in a kiss. Relax.

    6. Place the middle, index and ring fingers on the chin. Tighten the muscles of the mouth, preventing the pressure of the hand( 5 seconds).So the wrinkles on the lower lip are smoothed.

    7. When the eyes are tired, sit straight, keep your head still. Slowly move the

    with those eyes to the right, left, down, up. Fix the position of the eyes at the end point of each movement( 5 s).Repeat the exercise.

    8. To avoid bags under the eyes, put index fingers under the eyes( along), push them three times upwards, in the direction of the eyes. Then down, too, 3 times. Now put your finger on the eyelid and for 5 seconds lightly press against the eye.