  • The sun is good

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    Alas! Cosmetologists adhere to a different point of view and do not get tired of warning: beware of direct sunlight! Sunburn - a kind of protective reaction, protecting the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. And it does not pass for the skin without a trace: its horny layer thickens, it coarsens, becomes dense, rough to the touch, dries up, especially with the simultaneous action of the sun and wind, becomes covered with small wrinkles, begins to peel off. Many people in the open areas of the body appear freckles and large pigment spots.

    The most reliable means of preventing sunburn, freckles, pigment spots - special protective creams "Ray", "Shield", "Quantum", do not pass ultraviolet rays.

    In the morning, wash with sour milk, whey from curdled milk and for half an hour before going out onto the street, apply a thin layer of a photoprotective cream. Then lightly powder it with any dark powder. Cream and powder prevent penetration of sunlight into the skin for 3-4 hours, and one cream without powder for 2-3 hours.

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    Do not lubricate eyelids and skin around the eyes with a protective cream: better apply one of the nutritious creams.

    To reduce the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight, include in the diet products containing vitamin C( ascorbic acid) and vitamin PP( nicotinic acid), - cabbage, hips, apple, green onion, red and blackcurrant juice. ..

    If freckles and chloasma are present on the face and neck, they can be removed with the help of bleaching agents. For those who have oily and normal skin, it is recommended to lubricate pigment spots 1-2 times a day with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia( 50 g of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and 2 g of ammonia).Cotton swab moistened in a whitening mixture and applied to the pigmented spot for 10-15 minutes.

    Lemon juice, grapefruit juice, onion, redcurrant, sour cabbage are considered to be the most effective and most gentle means of skin whitening. Well-proven mixture of equal parts of water, lemon juice and table vinegar. Dry skin can be whitened with red currant juice. Spot in the morning and in the evening wipe with juice, then thick sour cream and after 10 minutes wash with warm water.

    The cream is applied to the skin pre-cleansed with lotion( with dry skin) or after washing with soap and water( with oily skin) 1-2 hours before bedtime, the cream remover is removed with a paper towel. Every week there is a break for 2-3 days. In the morning, apply a whitening cream is not recommended, otherwise under the influence of sun rays skin pigmentation may intensify.

    To whiten the face, various masks also help. Prepare them immediately before use, remove the gauze or cotton swab dipped in water. After this, apply a thin layer of cream.

    Below are the recipes for whitening masks that have a gentle exfoliating effect. Masks are done every other day, until the pigmentation spots turn pale, but not more than 30 per course.

    Mustard mask ( for oily and normal skin).Powder dilute warm water to the consistency of gruel, apply to the skin, as a burning sensation appears, wash off and wipe your face dry. This mask should not be used with dilated vessels and excessive facial hair.

    Mask from yeast. Fresh yeast dilute to consistency of sour cream with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution( for oily skin), or warm boiled water( for normal skin), or warm milk( for dry skin).Keep the mask until completely dry. Mask from the vinous ( for oily and normal skin).A napkin moistened with the juice of raw berries is applied to the skin, hold for 10 minutes, moisten again with juice and again hold 10 minutes. If the berries are small, then moisten the napkin with the juice of the viburnum, mixed with egg white( 1: 1) or with a nutritious cream, and Hold for 30 minutes.

    Mask from sauerkraut ( for any skin).Wipe the napkin with juice, squeeze it lightly, put on the pigment spots for 10 minutes.

    Mask of onions. Freshly mixed juice with honey in a ratio of 1: 1 or 2: 1 and apply on pigmented skin for 15-20 minutes;remove the mask first with a damp, then dry tampon. With oily skin, onion juice can mix with table vinegar in equal proportions. Wet the napkin moistened with this mixture on the skin for 15 minutes.

    It is not necessary to make a mask every day from yeast or, say, fresh cucumbers. They can be alternated. And do not forget: the mask is not applied to the skin around the eyes! It is not recommended to make a mask before leaving the house.

    If you are going to the beach, do not use makeup. Dyes that are part of lipstick, blush, eye shadow, under the influence of sunlight can contribute to the appearance of pigment spots on the skin.

    In case of high humidity - if you spend the weekend by the sea or near the river - the skin quickly acquires a fresh, smoothed appearance. But still, the effect will be more noticeable if, after going to the air, you apply a thin layer of fat cream or vegetable oil to the skin( lotion, and even more so cologne to wipe your face, open areas of the body can not be: ugly, badly falling pigment spots may appear).Vegetable oil( it is best to take in equal proportions vegetable and castor) will not allow the skin to get stung from sunburn, because at least a tan and refreshes the face, but it can affect the skin adversely, especially if you sunbathe quickly. The oil is applied with a thin even layer not only on the face, but also on the open areas of the body, in this case it does not prevent the skin from breathing, and the sunburn falls evenly. Do not apply too much oil or cream - there may be burning and redness. Keep in mind that mineral oils, alcohols, contained, for example, in petroleum jelly and glycerin, make tan ugly, uneven, since they form small droplets on the skin.

    The most vulnerable skin - around the eyes, for example - needs to be protected with spectacles, which, however, should be removed from time to time, so that the iodine points on the skin are tanned. The color of sunglasses depends on where you are going to spend time. The least of the sun protects the green color, but it is the most pleasant. It is the green color that helps the eyes to relax. And if you work in the field or at the dacha, this is the best color for glasses.

    Gray color perfectly damps the light of the sun, but when traveling by boat or in the mountains, on the snowy peaks, brown is better. It neutralizes the reflection of the sun on the water and on the snow. There are also yellow glass, but they are more suitable for hunters, skiers and motorists, who set off on a foggy summer morning. The yellow color helps the eye to see the outlines of objects even in the fog.

    So that the lips are not weathered, they should be well lubricated with a hygienic or very light lipstick - a brighter lipstick contains substances that, under the action of the sun, can cause irritation.

    If the skin is too dry and even scaly when sunburning, apply greasy creams( they are usually applied to damp skin).Having finished sunbathing, excess cream is removed with a paper napkin blotting movements. At this time, it is better not to do, no massage - skin nutrition, blood circulation usually improve in the air and during sunburn. But the mask, especially if you feel a burning or tingling skin, will be useful. The most simple and affordable mask: smear your face with kefir or put on your skin slices of cucumber. Hold the mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. Burnt skin is still good to wipe with cold tea or a weak solution of boric acid( a teaspoon to a glass of water).

    It is better not to sunbathe elderly women with dry skin, because the skin becomes even drier, wrinkles are more prominent, blood vessels widen, dark pigmented spots may appear. In this case, it is most useful to use moisturizing creams that help to slow down the aging process of the skin. In such creams must necessarily contain the placenta, vitamins and hormones.

    If you have white skin in freckles and red hair, you need to sunbathe very carefully. It matters also where and when you take sunbathing. In the south, "the sun is more intense than in the north, near the sea and in the mountains - more intense than on the plain, in the interior of the continent in July the sun is much more active than in other months." At noon, when the sun is at its zenith, look for a place somewherein the shade

    Sunburn is better perceived when the person is on the move, initially it is necessary to be in the sun for no more than 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing it, time.

    Before sunbathing, it is better not to wash the face, especially with soap - it will breakthe natural acidic environment of the skin, its fatty grease. In the sun it is necessary to remove the oil or cream from the face, apply Cucumber, Ideal or Velvet Cream on the skin and powder it. It is not recommended to wash your face after sun bathing - it is better to lubricate with cream

    The best for tanning is the morning hours, from 11 to 15 it is necessary to leave the sun: at this time, not so much ultraviolet as heat rays act.

    Spirits and tans are incompatible things, try to give up your favorite perfumes, toilet water, cologne. Essential oils, when combined with drops of sweat, lead to the appearance of non-vanishing dark pigment spots or to inflammation of the skin.

    If you are burned in the sun, wipe the skin with cologne or tincture of calendula, then apply cream "Aloe", the feeling of tightening and burning quickly disappear. Better then 2-3 days not to sunbathe.

    Do not forget that staying in a wet swimsuit is not safe. Leaving the water after bathing is better to change clothes. The thicker and thicker the fabric from which the swimsuit is sewed, the greater the heat release from the surface of the body and the faster the hypothermia occurs, especially in windy weather. Cold irritation of the lumbar region, pelvis, thighs, can provoke the development or exacerbation of various inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder, ovaries.