  • When the help of the cosmetician is required

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    treatment of warts - skin lesions that protrude above its surface requires great care. In no case can they be cut off, ripped off with a fingernail, a washcloth, etc., as this promotes the spread of warts.

    In preventive measures, you should wash your hands more often, use an individual towel, brush, scissors and other personal toilet items, do not wear other things: gloves, slippers, etc.

    If there are warts, try lubricating them 4-5 times a day with fresh stalk juicedandelion or juice of stems of celandine, fresh cut of young potatoes, garlic. Traditional medicine advises also to apply to warts a baked onion.

    In case of oily skin, due to decomposition of sebum and as a result of poor care, acne vulgaris easily occurs.

    In this case, is recommended to wash with hot water, spermaceti, lanolin, baby soap.

    The places of the greatest accumulation of blackheads should be thoroughly washed with a sponge, a terry cloth or cotton wool soaked with soap alcohol, a brown, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or soap mixed with finely powdered salt. Since the oily skin again becomes covered with greasy plaque, it is necessary to wipe the face several times with degreasing, astringent solutions of 1-2% ammonia, a mixture of equal parts of alcohol, ether, tincture of calendula( 1-2 tablespoons per 1 glass of water).

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    It happens that women and girls have hair where they least want to see them: above the upper lip, on the chin, on the neck and on the chest, on the hands and feet. Hypertrichosis - the so-called this phenomenon - gives women a lot of grief.

    Hair is most often congenital.

    The appearance of hairiness in adolescent girls can be associated with diseases of the internal organs, so be sure to show the girl to a doctor-eudocrinologist. Explain to her that pulling hairs is not necessary - this can increase their growth. By the way, it is necessary to remember this to adults and elderly women, who thus try to fight hypertrichosis. Another thing to be aware of: in these cases, sunburn is contraindicated, even under a quartz lamp, UHF can not be taken. Places where unwanted hairs appeared, it is better not to lubricate with nourishing creams with biostimulants, agents that enhance the inflow of blood to the skin. Without acute need, it is better not to apply hormonal creams, it can only be done by the doctor's prescription. Contraindicated masks, which include banyaga, paraffin. Often, increased hair growth causes bleaching creams.

    How to deal with hairiness? Not with a razor or tweezers! One of the ways - electrolysis, when hair follicles are destroyed, and hair grows slower, becomes brittle, not so noticeable. But this procedure is carried out only in cosmetic hospitals. If you can not do it, try the next method( it is especially good if you need to remove the hair on your legs and on your hands).

    Take 30-50 g of 3% hydrogen peroxide, add to it a half-spoonful of ammonia. With this solution, dilute soap powder or soap shaving cream. Apply the foam on the skin area covered with hair. Allow to dry. Then rinse with warm water and powder. Repeat the procedure - gradually the hair will become discolored, become thinner, will not be so noticeable.

    You can try and this way: 10 pieces of sugar dissolve in a small amount of water, add a quarter of lemon juice and cook until the mass becomes brown and will not lag behind the fingers. Spread the mass over the hairy area of ​​the skin, and when it hardens, remove it. The remedy is good because it does not cause increased hair growth.