
What are the feelings and emotions: the types of feelings and sensations, the senses

  • What are the feelings and emotions: the types of feelings and sensations, the senses

    It is peculiar for a person to experience a certain range of feelings and emotions. They help express an attitude towards something happening at a certain moment or attitude towards the individual.

    Feelings and emotions are different. Feelings are a subjective reflection of the attitude towards what is happening, that is, one's own attitude to the object is added to the emotion. Emotions are an attitude toward reality, the reaction of the individual to stimuli. It is suggested to consider what feelings and emotions are and what their kinds are.


    Thanks to his research, the American psychologist Izard Carol identified the basic structure of emotions:

    • Interest refers to a positive emotional state, resulting in a desire to develop, to acquire knowledge and skills.
    • Joy is an emotion that gives the opportunity to maximally satisfy the need, actual at the moment, the probability of satisfying which before that time was uncertain.
    • Surprise is an emotional reaction to unexpected circumstances, it does not have a clear expression( positive or negative).This emotion is a brake on all previous ones and directs attention to another event( object).
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    • Suffering( grief) - is the most frequent negative emotional state, occurs when a person can not get the expected satisfaction of important needs. Suffering is a kind of emotional stress.
    • Anger is a pronounced negative state( in the form of affect), manifested as a reaction to an obstacle to achieve an essential need.
    • Disgust - an emotional state with a minus sign, can be caused by circumstances, people or objects, contact with which sharply contradicts the principles( moral, ideological, aesthetic).The combination of disgust and anger in interpersonal relationships motivates aggression in behavior.
    • Contempt - a negative state, arises in interpersonal relationships with different views on life situations and the behavior of the object of the senses.
    • Fear is an emotional state with a minus sign. Appears when the subject has received information about possible damage or danger. This emotion proceeds as a stressful state, and in the form of a depressed mood, anxiety or horror.
    • Shame - a negative state, expressed in the realization of unseemly personal thoughts, appearance and actions to the expectations of others and their ideas about behavior and appearance.
    • Wines - a state with a minus sign. Expressed in the understanding of an incorrect and unseemly personal act, thought or feeling and manifests itself in repentance and regret.

    Feelings of

    Feelings reflect the meaning of a person's life. They express an unconscious emotional relationship to the surrounding world or directly to the object. Feelings go through the process of formation from birth to old age and are programmed by the film industry and society.

    Also important in the development of feelings are social institutions, communication, education, various rituals, symbols and social acts. Kinds of feelings:

    • Moral - participate in the regulation of interpersonal relations between society and the individual( patriotism, love, conscience).
    • Practical - feelings related to labor and other human activities.
    • Intelligent is when activity requires mental strain and labor( curiosity, doubt, discovery of truth).
    • Aesthetic feelings a person experiences when creating and perceiving the beautiful in art, life, harmony.

    It is suggested to find out what feelings and feelings are and how these two concepts relate to each other. Sensations are a reflection of objective reality that arises from direct exposure to the senses, that is, it is kinesthetic. Feelings are feelings passed through the head( mind).

    Sense organs

    All information entering the human brain passes through the senses. From this chapter you can find out what sensory organs are for which they are needed. The main ones are:

    • eyes;
    • skin;
    • nose;
    • auricles.

    Thanks to all these organs, a person receives all information about the world around him: he sees, feels, hears( distinguishes sounds), feels taste, etc.

    It is important to understand what feelings and emotions a person experiences, to be able to distinguish between them. This is necessary in order to understand yourself and communicate with others.

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