  • Kalanchoe treatment

    The name "Kalanchoe", unusual for Russian rumor, came to us from the Chinese language, used also in the Latin name. Under natural conditions, this plant is widespread in tropical regions of Africa, South and South-East Asia and South America.

    Meanwhile, the Kalanchoe has long since evolved from an exotic guest to our good friend and family doctor. Now it can be found on the windowsills of many city apartments.

    Refers to the Kalanchoe family of Tolstoyans. All the plants of this botanical community have succulent stems and fleshy leaves. No wonder the Latin name of the family comes from the word crassus - "fat."To this remarkable family belong such famous medicinal plants as rhodiola rosea( golden root) and various purgatives. The genus Kalanchoe is small in botanical measures - it includes about 200 species. But in spite of its relatively small number, representatives of this kind offer such a rich choice of properties that it is simply impossible to resist and not to get this unique plant at home. The most common species in us - Kalanchoe pinnate and Kalanchoe Degremona - are widely known among the people due to their medicinal properties. They are used not only in folk medicine, but are studied and evaluated by official medicine. Many flower growers are attracted by the decorative properties of different Kalanchoe and the colorful variety of its flowers. Some species are distinguished by unusual forms of stems and leaves. In Kalanchoe felt, for example, a very beautiful unusual pubescence.

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    But most striking is the unique ability of Kalanchoe to vegetative reproduction. And not only cuttings and fragments of leaves, but also with the help of so-called "children."Such species of Kalanchoe are called "pseudohydrous".Some botanists separate them into an independent genus - Briophyllum. In Greek, this name means "sprouting leaf".Such an extraordinary ability of the plant to breed many new viable organisms in its time struck the great German poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe. In one of his letters he writes about the Kalanchoe: "As from a single sheet there is an innumerable number of new shoots, so from one constant love one can draw all new and new happiness."In memory of the poet, the Kalanchoe is called "Goethe's Tree" or "Goethe's Flower".

    Kinds of Kalanchoe

    Of course, first of all we are interested in those species that are valued for their medicinal properties.

    Kalanchoe Degremona( Kalanchoe daigremontiana, Briophyllum daigremontianum).The native land of this species is the tropical regions of Africa, the Cape region, the island of Madagascar. It is unpretentious - it can be found along the sea coasts, along the banks of rivers, on stony slopes and dry open places. Like other species of Kalanchoe, this is a perennial herbaceous plant.

    Leaves fleshy, of characteristic shape: narrow-ovate or oblong-lanceolate;sometimes folded along the middle vein;stretched, resemble the muzzle of a crocodile;rather long - in nature can reach a length of 20 cm. The color of the leaves is greyish-green; on the lower surface there may be violet spots.

    This species is the champion among the Kalanchoe for vegetative reproduction. At the edges of the leaves in the recesses between the teeth, numerous brood buds appear. Of these, small plants with air roots develop. Getting on the ground, they successfully develop into an adult plant.

    Kalanchoe pinnate( Kalanchoepinnata).The birthplace of this plant is now difficult to establish - perhaps it is the islands of the Green Cape, the Canary Islands or the same Madagascar. The matter is that it has been cultivated for a long time in the agroculture of both hemispheres. And since reproduction does not constitute any special problems for him, the Kalanchoe pinnate is able to easily be bitten and settled in unfamiliar places.

    In natural conditions this plant is quite large - it can reach a height of 1 meter. The stem is woody at the bottom, the root is short, branched. Leaves are fleshy, juicy, located opposite;lower - simple, oval, with a corrugated edge;upper - odd-pinnate-dissected or divided into 3-5 parts. Their color is lighter than the previous species. Flowers large, tubular, greenish-white-pink, up to 3-5 cm long, collected in the apical paniculate inflorescence. Blooms in the second year of life, usually in the winter-spring period( February-March), irregularly;is characterized by poor fruit bearing.

    Kalanchoe pinnate also forms brood buds, but less often and not as abundant as Kalanchoe Degremon. It is able to form daughter plants on leaves distant from the mother plant and placed in water.

    Both Kalanchoe pinnate and Kalanchoe Degremona - both these plants received the honorary titles of "tree of life", "indoor ginseng", "home doctor" and even "a surgeon without a knife".It is said that Goethe enjoyed their healing properties - he ate daily on a tablespoon of "children", this plant for the rejuvenation of the body. We still have a story about these medicinal properties.

    Of those kinds of Kalanchoe that are appreciated for their decorative properties, it is worth mentioning the Kalanchoe of Blossfeld, Fedchenko, Béhar, felt, trumpet, and also Kalanchoe Panda.

    Biochemical composition of

    The biochemical composition of the green mass of the Kalanchoe has not yet been fully studied. Scientists have more to work on, explaining the healing effect of juice on the human body.

    Juicy leaves and stems contain up to 94% moisture. The juice contains:

    flavonoids( gelatin, quercetin, kaempferol);

    organic acids( malic, acetic, citric, oxalic);

    tanning agents;


    some enzymes( eg, malic acid dehydrase, carboxylase oxalic acid);

    vitamins( including C and P);

    mineral salts, micro- and macro elements( aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, silicon and manganese).

    The biological activity of the Kalanchoe juice is due, above all, to the unique combination of chemical compounds that make up its composition.

    Flavonoid glycosides have P-vitamin activity. This means that they are able to exert bactericidal and choleretic action on the body, help to remove toxic and radioactive substances from the body.

    Tannins give the plant astringent, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic properties. Enzymes are the necessary participants in the metabolism, playing the role of catalysts in it. Vitamin C also plays an important role in the regulation of metabolic processes at the cellular level, in particular oxidative processes;increases resistance to infections. Vitamin P( rutin) strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

    Pharmacological properties of

    Apply Kalanchoe for medicinal purposes in our country for a long time. The first to pay attention to the "tree" of life is not official physicians, but lovers of indoor floriculture and began to use it not only as an external means, but also for oral administration.

    People quickly noticed the outstanding ability of the plant to heal wounds and relieve inflammation, heal the runny nose, help with colds, serve as a preventive remedy during the flu epidemic. Fresh mashed leaves of Kalanchoe stop bleeding from wounds, quickly relieve acute pain, even dental, treat panaritium( purulent inflammation of the nail bag) and mastitis( mammary gland);perfectly heal wounds, frostbite, burns, fistulas. Juice Kalanchoe in domestic life successfully treated skin rashes and even eczema. In cosmetology with the help of the Kalanchoe juice successfully fight with acne and pigment spots on the face.

    Observatory flower growers began to exchange their accumulated experience, including in the mass media. In the early sixties, reports about a unique plant-healer were interested in research and development facilities. The Kalanchoe was noticed as a source of new medicines for domestic medicine. Laboratory testing and clinical trials confirmed the miraculous properties of the plant. In addition, as a result of numerous experiments, its complete harmlessness was established.

    Since 1966, juice and ointment based on Kalanchoe juice have been included in the state register of medicines, and for the first time the plant was used only as an external remedy for the treatment of long-term healing wounds, ulcers, fistulas, burns.

    As a medicinal raw material, the aerial part of the calanchoe is used. Juicy fleshy leaves and stems produce juice, then it is subjected to special treatment. Thanks to a large number of biologically active substances, the Kalanchoe juice has a lot of useful properties. It has:

    bactericidal properties( destroys harmful microorganisms);

    bacteriostatic properties( neutralizes bacteria and stops their growth);

    anti-inflammatory properties( inhibits the development of inflammation);

    hemostatic properties;

    the property to quickly clean wounds and ulcers from necrotic( dead tissue);

    wound-healing properties( promotes rapid epithelization of wound and ulcer surface, restoration of the skin).

    Therefore, as an external agent in the form of juice and ointment, it is indispensable in the treatment of wounds, trophic ulcers and thermal burns.

    As a means for internal application of Kalanchoe juice, official medicine has not yet been studied enough. But there is evidence that it has a choleretic effect, reduces the cholesterol in the blood and normalizes the activity of the gallbladder. In addition, with inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestine, the Kalanchoe juice successfully treats mucosal damages of these organs.

    And now let's list the main advantages of this natural preparation:

    Kalanchoe juice is low toxic;

    does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes;

    has practically no contraindications to the application.

    So the hopes placed on him by the honorary titles of "indoor ginseng" and "home doctor", Kalanchoe fully justifies.

    Treatment of wounds and ulcers

    The wound or ulcer is irrigated with 1 -2 ml of Kalanchoe juice using a syringe, through a small diameter needle. Then, on the surface of the damaged area, apply 4-5 layers of gauze, abundantly moistened with juice. The napkin is cut out and applied in such a way that it repeats the contours and dimensions of the wound. The skin around the damaged area must first be treated with alcohol or a warm solution of furacilin. If the wound is purulent, an antibiotic is added to the juice - how to do it at home, the treating doctor will tell. In case there is a burning sensation, the phytopreparation should be diluted with an equal amount of 0.5-1% solution of novocaine. Twice a day, the bandage should be re-moistened with the juice of the plant. If they treat wounds in a diabetic patient, then it is recommended to add insulin to the juice. The course of treatment usually lasts 25-30 days.

    Treatment of purulent infection

    For various forms of inflammatory processes( furunculosis, panaritium, phlegmon, abscesses, infected wounds), the ointment of Kalanchoe is used in combination with St. John's wort oil. Treatment is carried out as follows: on the infected wound or after the opening of the purulent focus, apply bandages with St. John's wort oil. They continue to do until the inflammatory process subsides and

    begins to granulate( tighten) the wound. Then the ointment of Kalanchoe comes into play - make bandages already with it. The oil of St. John's wort is a powerful bactericide, and the Kalanchoe ointment actively stimulates the healing process of tissues. This method allows you to halve the treatment time and ensure success. In the treatment of extensive erosion of the skin, ointment of Kalanchoe with furazolidone is used.

    Treatment of pressure sores

    The procedure is the same as in the treatment of trophic ulcers and purulent infection with tissue necrosis. Affected areas of the skin are treated with preparations with plant juice. The first 3 days the bandage is changed daily, in the future - after three days. In breaks to the sore spot, apply a neutral substance - zinc ointment, petroleum jelly and other emollients.

    Treatment of burns and frostbite

    Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of these lesions is used in the same way as in the treatment of other skin lesions: 2-3 drops of juice are applied to the painful area. The course of treatment lasts 5-6 days.

    Treatment of oral diseases

    Stomatologists widely use Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis. Do or applique on mucous membranes and gums, or aerosol inhalations. It is easy to do such treatment in the home. The application is carried out 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes.

    When treating periodontitis in this way, the bleeding of the gums gradually decreases, the sensation of itching disappears, and on the 10th-12th day the suppuration stops. By the end of treatment, the papillae of the gums become dense and acquire their natural color - pale pink.

    Treatment of diseases of the ear, throat, nose

    Otolaryngologists recommend Kalanchoe juice for instillation into the nose as a preventive remedy in the period of flu epidemics, in the rhinitis and sinusitis( inflammation of the nasal sinuses).This drug also helps in such chronic diseases as tonsillitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the middle ear.

    In chronic tonsillitis, electrophoresis is prescribed for the Kalanchoe juice on the submandibular area every other day.

    In case of damage to the eardrum, inflammation of the middle ear, the juice is either buried in the ear, or gauze tampons moistened with tincture of Kalanchoe are inserted.

    For the prevention and treatment of sinusitis, as well as for any inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, the juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5 and digested 2 drops in each nostril from 2 to 5 times a day. The same solution is recommended to rinse the mouth and throat with tonsillitis, laryngitis and sore throats.

    Treatment of eye diseases

    Ophthalmologists apply the Kalanchoe juice too widely: in the treatment of burns and eye injuries, keratitis( inflammation of the cornea), corneal erosion( superficial ulceration of the cornea), as well as to combat dystrophic changes in the elements of the eye.

    The method of treatment is usually the following: in a conjunctive-tival bag, the Kalanchoe juice is instilled. It can be used undiluted or diluted 1: 1 with isotonic sodium chloride solution or with 0.5% solution of novocaine. You can conduct the procedures yourself, but only on the prescription of an ophthalmologist and under his supervision!

    Treatment of diseases

    In obstetric and gynecological practice, the products from "home ginseng" are used successfully and quite widely.

    Juices and ointments of plants treat wounds of the perineum, erosion of the cervix, ruptures during labor, endocervicitis( inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal of the uterus).

    With crotch injuries and ruptures, the treatment technique is the same as in surgery for the treatment of wounds. How is endocervicitis treated? First of all, determine the type of infection. Depending on the type of pathogen that caused inflammation, prescribe medication. With nonspecific inflammation, that is, not caused by a viral infection, hygienic douching is necessary( for example, chamomile infusion and other anti-inflammatory and disinfectant phytopreparations).If the disease takes a chronic form, resort to physiotherapy - for example, prescribe electrophoresis, mud therapy. Kalanchoe acts in the treatment of endocervicitis and directly - it helps to fight inflammation, quickly restore affected areas of the mucosa and indirectly - strengthens the effect of physiotherapy procedures.

    In the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, 2-3 drops of Kalanchoe juice are applied to the affected area. The course of treatment usually lasts 5-6 days.

    Kalanchoe - also an indispensable assistant nursing mothers. After all, they often suffer from such a painful phenomenon as a cracked nipple. Preparations with Kalanchoe juice will quickly get rid of skin irritation in the chest area and from the cracks of the nipples. The product is pipetted( 2-3 drops per nipple) after each feeding of the baby.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Our "tree of life" helps with almost all diseases of the digestive system. Its drugs are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines - gastritis, enteritis, colitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. They have a combined effect on the diseased organ: relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, stimulate the processes of regeneration( recovery) of epithelial tissues. But since the spectrum of diseases of the digestive tract is very wide, the dosage and methods of application of Kalanchoe preparations in each case are determined by the doctor.

    Well, and with such an unpleasant symptom as heartburn, which often occurs with diseases of the stomach, the people's prescription will help to cope: when heartburn occurs, it is recommended to eat one small leaf of Kalanchoe. Usually the effect comes in a few minutes.

    Treatment of skin diseases

    Kalanchoe - one of the few medicinal plants that are used in the treatment of so-called.faces. Erysipelas is an inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, is caused by such difficult to overcome microbes as streptococci. The disease proceeds very hard, often with the defeat of extensive areas of the body, high fever, increased lymph nodes. Treat erysipelas with antibiotics, Kalanchoe are included in the general treatment plan in the form of liniment or ointment. In addition, 2-3 times a day, the inflamed places are smeared with the juice of fresh leaves of the plant.

    Kalanchoe juice is also prescribed for stopping bleeding from wounds, with furunculosis, skin rashes and eczema. The procedure is the same - applying 2-3 drops to the affected area;with furunculosis - on the furuncle and the adjacent area;do this 2 times a day. The course of treatment usually lasts 5-7 days. Of course, with success can be used and pharmacological preparations Kalanchoe, intended for external use.

    Treatment of warts

    Warts are not only an unpleasant cosmetic defect. This disease of the skin, it is caused by a virus that is difficult to cure. In the fight against warts, Kalanchoe can also help. For this, bandages from mashed fresh leaves are applied to the places of their appearance. Change the bandages 2 times a day. If a week of treatment is not enough, it can be continued.

    Treatment of varicose veins and trophic ulcers

    For varicose veins, varicose knots( cones) are covered with a gauze napkin with Kalanchoe juice. Duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes.

    For pains in the legs, a blue network of small veins, you can try another treatment. Half a liter bottle half filled with sliced ​​Kalanchoe leaves and poured up vodka or 70% alcohol. The remedy is removed for infusion in a dark place for a week. At the same time, the bottle is shaken periodically.

    When the tincture is ready, you can start treatment. In the evening, feet are rubbed with tincture, starting from the foot and moving to the knees and up. The pains in the legs pass fairly quickly, but for substantial improvement and cosmetic effect you will have to be patient. It is recommended to repeat the procedure on a daily basis for 4 consecutive months.

    Kalanchoe in home cosmetics

    Facial cleansing

    Begin facial treatment with a cleansing procedure. After removing the peel from the leaf of the Kalanchoe, wipe the face with it. Help the healing juice to soak into the skin, tapping it with your fingertips. After apply your usual nourishing cream. Already after the first procedures you will feel the toning effect of this simple remedy: the skin will noticeably refresh. By the way, based on Kalanchoe, ready-made cosmetics are also produced. Cream "Kalanchoe" contains 15% of the juice of the plant and is designed to treat fading skin and prevent its aging.

    If the facial skin is prone to redness and dilated capillaries, a similar procedure helps. In the morning or evening, the well-cleansed dry skin of the face and neck is smeared with juice or a piece of Kalanchoe leaf that is kept in a dark cool place. Previously, you need to remove the cuticle from the leaf or cut it. Then, within 1-2 minutes, tapping the pads of the fingers with a light finger should inject the juice into the skin of the face, after which a nourishing cream is applied to the moist skin.

    After the first procedure, a burning or tingling sensation may appear, but it passes through to the third session. The procedure is carried out 10-12 times in a day or two. You can also squeeze 8-10 drops of freshly cut Kalanchoe leaves before applying the nourishing cream and apply it with your fingers to face and neck.

    Fighting wrinkles

    You can prolong the youth of your skin if you use the toning lotion recipe. Prepare it as follows: mix 1 teaspoon of honey( preferably not too thick) with water diluted with Kalanchoe juice( 2 tablespoons juice to 0.6 cup boiled water).With this mixture, wipe the face immediately after washing. This wonderful product nourishes and moisturizes the skin, helps to maintain its elasticity and elasticity.

    Anti-acne remedy

    2 tablespoons finely chopped Kalanchoe leaves pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2 hours. After that, strain. With the lotion obtained, wipe the face after each wash. It eliminates excess fat, tones, tightens pores.

    Dark circles under the eyes

    You can try to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon by applying to them the leaves of the Kalanchoe, from which the skin is removed. Another way: do before the bed lotions with cotton swabs, moistened with juice.

    Neck and neckline care

    Mix 1 tablespoon of Kalanchoe juice with 2 tablespoons of thick sour cream or cream. Apply to the skin and hold for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. There is another way to care for the most sensitive areas - daily rub the neck skin and the decollete area with plant juice.

    Hand Care

    Add a few drops of freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice to your hand cream, apply a thick layer on your hands and put on cotton gloves. The procedure is best done at night. Juice of Kalanchoe also helps to improve the condition of nails. Before you put on gloves, wrap around each nail pieces of gauze dipped in the Kalanchoe juice.

    With freckles and age spots

    In these cases, folk cosmetologists advise applying to the area of ​​pigmentation the crushed leaves of the Kalanchoe. The effect manifests itself gradually, after prolonged regular application. It should only be remembered that any bleaching and exfoliating agents can not be applied around the eyes and do such procedures just before going out.

    Medicinal preparations based on Kalanchoe

    In domestic pharmaceuticals Kalanchoe preparations are produced mainly in two forms - in the form of juice and as an ointment. They belong to the group of dermatotropic pharmacological substances. They have antiseptic and disinfectant properties.

    In addition, preparations based on our "tree of life" are biogenic stimulants. In addition to direct pharmacological effects on the local cause of the disease, they activate the immune system of the body as a whole, increase its nonspecific resistance to various ailments.

    Juice of Kalanchoe( Succus kalanchoes)

    It is made from fresh leaves and a green part of stems of Kalanchoe pinnate. To do this, freshly picked green mass is washed in running water and kept at a temperature of 5-10 ° C in a dark place for about 7 days, ground to a homogeneous liquid mass, squeezed, the juice is left to stand at 4-10 ° C, filtered and sterilized, can be preserved with alcohol up to 20%, poured into ampoules or into vials.

    Finished juice is a clear or slightly opalescent liquid of yellow color with an orange tinge and aromatic odor. Contains a fine suspension that breaks easily when shaken.

    Kalanchoe juice has a local anti-inflammatory effect, helps purify wounds from necrotic( necrosis), stimulates their healing.

    This drug is applied topically in the treatment of trophic ulcers( slowly healing skin defects), non-healing wounds, burns, decubitus( tissue necrosis caused by prolonged pressure due to involuntary immobility), nipple cracks in nursing mothers, aphthous stomatitis( inflammation of the oral mucosa), gingivitis( inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums), etc. lesions.

    The drug is usually well tolerated. In case of burning in the wound, it is diluted with an equal amount of 1-2% solution of novocaine.

    Ointment Kalanchoe This drug, in addition to the Kalanchoe juice, contains furazolidone, novocaine, and the ointment base is anhydrous lanolin. Method of application: after surgical treatment of the wound on the wound surface, a thin layer of ointment is applied once a day or a gauze pad impregnated with the drug is applied and the bandage is closed with a bandage. To suppress infection, the action of the ointment, if necessary, is combined with antiseptics or antimicrobial therapy. The course of treatment with ointment is 10-15 days.

    Kalanchoe preparation for internal use( "Kalanchin")

    Recently, pharmacies can find a preparation based on Kalanchoe, designed for oral administration. It is issued under the name "Kalanchin" in the form of granules. This means of combined action, has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the processes of regeneration of epithelial tissues. When ingestion has a protective effect with ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines."Kalanchin" is practically non-toxic, does not irritate the epithelium. Granules are recommended for the treatment of gastritis, gastroduodenitis, chronic enterocolitis. Of contraindications, usually only a hypersensitivity to the drug is given. With individual intolerance, the appearance of such symptoms as heartburn, diarrhea( diarrhea), allergic reactions.

    Liniment "Kalanchin" - is available for external use. It helps to cleanse wounds from purulent discharge, eliminates inflammation, speeds up healing processes. Like other products with Kalanchoe, almost non-toxic. Assign for burns of the 2-3rd degree, frostbite, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, pressure sores, cracks of the nipples of the mammary glands, cervicitis( inflammatory diseases of the cervical canal).Contraindications: hypersensitivity, allergic reactions. The method of application is the same as the Kalanchoe ointment.

    How to prepare funds from calanchoe at home

    For the preparation of juice, the leaves and green parts of the stems of the Kalanchoe pinnate are cut, washed thoroughly and placed for 5-7 days in a dark cool( 5-10 ° C) place. Then the raw material is passed through a meat grinder, squeezed the juice and allowed to stand. After the green sediment accumulates below, the upper transparent part is drained off. The juice can be preserved, for this, it is bred with alcohol - so that the final alcohol concentration is 20%, covered with a rubber stopper or an aluminum cap.

    Store at a temperature of no higher than 10 ° C - for example, in a refrigerator. Shelf life of juice - no more than a year.

    To prepare an ointment from the Kalanchoe juice, you will need a porcelain cup with a round bottom. It is wiped with alcohol or vodka and mix in it 300 ml of juice from 50 g. Of anhydrous lanolin, gradually introducing 50 g of petroleum jelly. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

    Infusion of Kalanchoe. It can be used for lotions for skin diseases, inflammation of the eyelids, gums, and also for rinsing the mouth and throat. To prepare the infusion, fresh leaves are ground, poured into water in a ratio of 1: 5, insisted for an hour, then the mixture is boiled for 2-3 minutes and filtered through gauze, folded in half.

    Application in medicine Kalanchoe

    Kalanchoe juice is used as an external agent in the treatment of:

    purulent-necrotic processes;

    trophic ulcers of the lower leg;



    burns, frostbite, cracks and other skin damage.

    Treat them and other types of wounds and ulcers - with various injuries, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

    Widely used Kalanchoe in surgical practice in the form of tampons and bandages moistened with juice:

    with skin transplant;

    for preparation of wounds for the application of secondary seams;

    with purulent wounds after opening abscesses, panariciums, boils.

    Kalanchoe - an indispensable assistant dermatologist. The juice of its fresh leaves is prescribed to stop bleeding from wounds, in the treatment of furuncles, skin rashes and eczema.

    Kalanchoe preparations took their worthy place in other branches of medicine: in dentistry, otolaryngology, obstetrics and gynecology;in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eye diseases. And all this thanks to its unique ability to quickly remove dead tissue and stimulate the restoration of affected areas.

    Goethe, the author of "Faust", ate "children" Kalanchoe not in vain. This is a great tool for restoring strength and maintaining vivacity.

    Outer leaves can be applied and fresh,

    and after keeping them in a dark place. We know that in doing so, they produce a large number of biologically active substances.

    Fresh mashed leaves quickly stop bleeding.

    With inflammation in the throat, with a cold, flu, you can also use Kalanchoe leaves( the sheet is chewed in the mouth).Several such procedures - and painful symptoms recede.

    The leaves of this plant, which pass through the meat grinder, help with burns. For several hours, attach them to the burned skin area: the juice promotes early healing, besides it protects against infection. Kashitsa from fresh leaves Kalanchoe also helps with frostbite, purulent wounds, ulcers.

    Kalanchoe leaves are useful when weakening the body after a serious illness. They purify the blood, neutralize harmful substances and help to protect themselves from the common cold.

    With the preventive purpose it is possible to add fresh leaves in vinaigrettes and potato salads, preliminary having washed out and finely cutting. This is especially useful for people suffering from inflammation of the periodontal tissues - periodontitis.