
Daily diuresis in pregnancy: what is it, how does it affect health and how to count it?

  • Daily diuresis in pregnancy: what is it, how does it affect health and how to count it?

    In medicine, diuresis is the release of urine over a certain period of time. Accordingly, daily diuresis - the release of urine during the day. The volume of diuresis in healthy people ranged from 500 to 2000 ml.

    Daily diuresis allows you to judge the intensity of the kidneys throughout the day. Its number depends on several internal and external factors. The volume of daily diuresis is affected by the amount of fluid drunk, the intensity of sweat secretion, air temperature, and kidney function.

    Why do I need to know diuresis during pregnancy?

    Bladder during pregnancy

    Urinary incontinence or swelling is a fairly common phenomenon during pregnancy. Why is this happening?

    During pregnancy, the volume of urine output increases. The growing uterus gradually "rings the bladder and its volume decreases. The uterus during pregnancy shifts internal organs and they have to cramp and adapt to the new positions. Because of the decrease in the volume of the bladder, part of the urine remains in the ureters.

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    Urine during pregnancy can stand out spontaneously - with physical exertion, or if the baby accidentally touches the mother's bladder.

    Swelling during pregnancy

    In recent months, pregnancy is very common in pregnant women swelling. With swelling, you should always see a doctor. External swelling can indicate the presence of internal swelling, which already threaten the normal development of the baby.

    Daily diuresis

    Daily diuresis helps to find out the amount of fluid that is retained in the mother's body.

    To calculate the amount of water that got into the body, and how much it came out, you need to cut a piece of paper in half and draw a table.

    In the first column we fix the amount of water drunk, in the second - how much her body has allocated. When counting, it is necessary to consider soups and fruits.

    The table needs to be filled in for a few days to have a complete picture. In the normal state, the amount of fluid consumed must be equal to the amount of fluid dispensed.

    Daily diuresis is an important indicator of the health of the mother and should be given special attention. He can tell a lot about the course of pregnancy and warn about serious illnesses.

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