
With how many years you can read Pushkin's fairy tales to a child, how to explain to the child incomprehensible words and the most beloved videos on the fairy tales of the poet

  • With how many years you can read Pushkin's fairy tales to a child, how to explain to the child incomprehensible words and the most beloved videos on the fairy tales of the poet

    Children's literature is rich in various tales, poems, songs for all ages and tastes. A lot of authors, well known to grandmothers and grandfathers, and completely new. The choice is huge, and to understand it is not so easy.

    On each book it is written, on what age category it is calculated, but after all each child has also the predilections. One child almost in infancy wants to listen to articles from the encyclopedia, and the second in his teens begins to read "Carlson."For example, for how many years can you read Pushkin's fairy tales to a child? And when do you begin to read the child?

    When to start reading books for a child?

    The answer to this question is not so straightforward as it may seem. What can a child understand if he does not know how to speak, and does not yet understand the words? But on the other hand, the sooner you start reading, the better. Moreover, there are books especially for the youngest, with beautiful pictures and rhymes of only two lines. The child can not understand anything, but he will be pleased to listen to the rhythm of the verse.

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    By the way, to the question: "At what age can you start reading fairy tales to a child", many teachers advise: "As soon as possible."Verses and Pushkin's tales are very musical, and the rhythm of the verse is very beautiful. A child can listen to Pushkin's tales as songs, like lullabies.

    Do children understand the fairy tales of Pushkin

    Here is another question that arises in front of parents. The language of Pushkin is somewhat outdated, and whether children can understand what is said in these tales. Teaching and parental experience shows that children understand the language of Pushkin's fairy tales. Of course, they do not understand all the words, some words sound like "abracadabra" for them, but the children perceive the plot and the semantic line of Pushkin's fairy tales quite well.

    Ask questions about the meaning of certain words children begin already at school age. So, you can read Pushkin's fairy tales from a very young age.

    Favorite cartoons about Pushkin's fairy tales

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