  • Protection of medicinal raw materials

    The stocks of medicinal raw materials in our country are huge, but they are not unlimited, they can not be taken to the end, without worrying about future generations on Earth.

    Active activities of people aimed at draining swamps, developing new lands, huge rates of industrial development, rapid urban growth and other activities directly or indirectly cause depletion of natural resources. Some species of plants are now found in much smaller quantities than before. To preserve these species, as well as rare plants that are on the verge of extinction, they are included in the Red Book. Among the wild flora of the USSR that need protection, there are many medicinal plants: mountain arnica, colchicum, gentian yellow, spring horsetail, belladonna, Caucasian dioscorea, ginseng, hare-bering, high-pitched lion, safflower leaved, double-leaved, frostbites, woolly and large-flowered foxglove, spring primrose, snowdrops, peony "Marjin root", rhodiola rosea, carnioli scopolia, licorice, orchis and others. For this reason, some plants are excluded from the nomenclature of medicines.

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    Some of the rare medicinal plants introduced into the culture, and the harvesting of raw materials of these plants in the natural conditions of their growth is no longer produced. In the coming years, the number of such species will increase, and the areas that will be used for the cultivation of medicinal plants will increase.

    The thirty-year experience of growing medicinal plants in Mogilev( VI Popov, 1961, 1988) showed that under the conditions of Belarus can be cultivated a marshmallow, hawthorn, elephant tall, common oregano, laxative, calendula, lily of the valley, lefthia safflower, lemongrassChinese, Melissa officinalis, peppermint, Comfrey officinalis, spring primrose, rue fragrant, blue cyanosis, licorice nude and Urals, fennel ordinary, medicinal sage, thorns and many others.

    But not all species are still amenable to culture. Seeds of green spring, for example, shoot only after 10-12 years, and plants develop slowly. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly comply with the most important rules for the procurement of medicinal raw materials.

    In order to protect and rationally use available resources, a number of purposeful activities have been carried out in our country. The collection of medicinal raw materials is now allowed to persons holding a certificate of the established type, and on the lands of the state forestry fund - on a forest ticket issued by organizations leading forestry. These persons should be instructed on the rules for collection and protection of medicinal plants, as well as on compliance with safety rules.

    Collection of rare species of medicinal plants, including on the lands of the state forest fund, is carried out only under a license issued by the procuring entity. Collection of rare species of medicinal plants is allowed only after the inventory has been taken into account. Collection of medicinal plants

    on the territory of reserves is prohibited, and in the territory of the reserves it is allowed in accordance with the established mode.

    With the collectors of medicinal raw materials, procuring organizations conclude contracts, in some it indicates not only the amount of work performed, but also the duties of the collector in observing the established rules for the preparation and drying of medicinal raw materials, but rational use and conservation of natural medicinal raw materials and ensuring their reproduction.

    For many regions of our country are compiled, and for others, large-scale maps are designed for the management of blanks and containing information on biological stocks of raw materials. However, biological stocks are not equal!operational. In connection with the need to guarantee the billets that must be produced taking into account the restoration of the thickets, the operational reserves are usually 1/10 of the biological for the aerial organs and 1 / 50-1 / 100 for the underground ones.

    When harvesting annual plants should be left for 10 square meters.m at least 3-5 well-developed specimens for seed reproduction. When harvesting the underground organs of perennial plants, you need to shake off the existing seeds in the hole, cut part of the rhizome into parts and plant them on the site of the excavated plants. In this case, you can not dig out all the plants, a third or half of them must be left. Repeated procurement of raw materials at the same place should be made in 2-5 years, depending on the biological characteristics of the plants.

    When preparing aboveground organs of plants, especially perennials, in most cases they can be disrupted by hand. But it is better to use knives, scissors, sickles, secateurs, so as not to wrest from the roots. Do not cut them off with a hoe. From this curtain( a group of individuals that have grown roots and growing close to each other) are very affected.

    When starting to collect medicinal raw materials, it is first necessary to outline a plan of measures to restore the thickets( the reproduction of plants) and, when collecting raw materials, strictly follow it.