  • Aloe with honey

    Aloe with honey as laxative

    Cut and washed leaves put on a couple of days in the fridge. Then prepare the juice, as described above, and mix it in half with honey. Take one third of a glass in the morning on an empty stomach for two days. If necessary, treatment can be continued by reducing the dose.
    Store the cooked "nectar" in the refrigerator.

    Anti-inflammatory agent

    In inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, larynx, trachea, a mixture of honey and aloe juice is used in the ratio 1: 5.It is desirable for each reception to prepare a fresh mixture.
    Eat 1 teaspoon before eating 3 r.per day 1-2 months.

    To purify the body of

    , 1 kg of aloe is ground, add 1 kg of butter and honey. Stir the mixture, bring to a boil and leave the water bath for 20 minutes. Cool, store in the refrigerator.
    Eat half a glass of milk 0.5 times a day until the finished mixture is finished.

    Aloe with honey and wine

    Such a tasty medicine can be used for manifestations of colds, bronchitis, chronic stomach diseases, diseases of the gallbladder, liver, as well as a general decline in strength and to increase the body's resistance.

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    Grind 0,5 kg of aloe leaves and add to them an incomplete( 3/4) glass of honey and put in a dark place for 3 days. Then, there, pour a bottle of wine "Cahors"( 750 g) and again withstand in a dark place for 1-2 days.

    Take this compound 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.spoon about half an hour before eating.

    For the treatment of pneumonia

    The recipe is very similar to the previous one, but the proportions and the infusion time are different. For this I distinguish it as a hotel medical product. Just do not water for 2 weeks, finely chopped and put in a jar of aloe - 250 gr., Add the liquid quality honey. Where to buy, you should already know and take care in advance;Cahors only real, high-quality, by no means a shop fake. Fill all in one container and insist 14 days( 2 weeks) in a cool place. Through the allotted time, we extract and filter. Eat so - drink 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating for a month.

    Aloe, honey, Cahors for recuperation

    There are times when your hands fall on everything, make up your plans - but there is no realization, because after a short time you feel like "squeezed like a lemon".It is this recipe that will help you to find strength for a full life. Take the leaves of aloe and squeeze them, getting the juice. Ready-made aloe juice - 100 gr.pour 250 grams of fresh honey and add 350 grams to this mixture. Cahors and mix everything. We insist in a cold dark place( it is possible in the refrigerator at a temperature of 6-8 * C) for 6-9 days. We take out the prepared tincture and take 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. This mixture stimulates the appetite, helps the best digestion and within 2-3 weeks of consumption you should, well, just have to return to the force. If the positive effect is not achieved - it means better to pass the examination.

    Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

    The following prescription is very good in the treatment of chronic stomach, liver, gallbladder disease. Take 0.5 kg of aloe leaves and finely chop them. Add to them a glass of honey and put it for 3 days in a dark place. Then, in this mixture, pour another 750 gr.kagora( quality! !!!) and we maintain another 2-3 days. The mixture is ready. How to take: 3 times a day before meals for 30 minutes for 1 tablespoon for 1-1.5 months. At one time I was helped very much by the recipe for aloe with honey in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity. And here it is also Cahors. So the effect should be even higher. Recipe for aloe, honey, Cahors for the treatment of tuberculosis We take 150 gr.juice of aloe, 50 gr.liquid honey and 350 gr. Cahors. Mix everything and insist in a dark place for 7-9 days. Further, the ready tincture is taken for 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating for 1 month. A good recipe, well, better than the wax moth tincture, I did not see, since it only destroys the tubercle bacillus, which is very important in treatment. Therefore, if the question concerns tuberculosis, you are treated only with wax moth medicines.

    Aloe vera with honey

    Prepare a tincture of aloe with honey is not difficult, for this you will need to take six hundred milliliters of May honey, three hundred and seventy five milliliters of aloe juice( four) and six hundred and seventy five milliliters of red wine( such as the "Cabernet" grape).Do not water the aloe vera leaf for four days.
    This mixture must be mixed well and allowed to stand for at least five days. After that, the first five days take half an hour before meals for one spoon( canteen).The next ten days( and so until two months can be) take the same, but already three times a day for a tablespoon of the prepared mixture.
    Aloe vera with honey, an excellent remedy for treatment - hypertension, vascular sclerosis( brain), cancer. It is also effective for the prevention of pulmonary diseases, bronchial asthma, thrombophlebitis, sinusitis and gout.

    For burns

    For the treatment of small burns, abrasions, bruises and ulcers, mix aloe vera juice and liquid honey in equal proportions. Lubricate the affected skin with this mixture twice a day.

    To strengthen the immunity of

    After rinsing carefully the leaves of aloe, it is necessary to squeeze out the juice from them. Then it is necessary to mix aloe with honey in proportion 1 to 5. The received medicine is taken on a teaspoon three times a day. It is advisable to take this remedy within 2-3 months.

    Aloe with honey will strengthen immunity and improve overall health. This tool is suitable for almost everyone. The exception is people who are allergic to honey.
    The remedy is excellent, but there is still an exception this is pregnant. Aloe can cause miscarriage, so be careful before using such folk remedies. But after giving birth, you can easily start using this medicine.

    Bee honey is one of the oldest medical products used by man for several thousand years. Perhaps there is not a single outstanding doctor of the Ancient World or the Middle Ages, a representative of Europe or the East, who would not devote special attention to the unique curative product.

    Poets of all times and peoples glorified the healing properties of honey in verses, ode and epic.

    Information on the use of honey in the treatment of a variety of diseases and ailments are in abundance in Russian chronicles and manuscript medical institutions.

    Currently, honey is one of the most common remedies in folk medicine in the treatment of a huge number of diseases of a very different nature. Sometimes, in addition to honey, additional ingredients are required to prepare the medicine, for example - aloe.

    Instruction 1. Use only the lower leaves of aloe for the preparation of various medications. Choose leaves with a dried tip. Do not store the torn sheet outdoors for more than 3-4 hours, otherwise it will lose many useful properties.
    2. Squeeze aloe juice with a juicer or manually with gauze. For some recipes, you may need aloe juice along with the pulp, to scroll through the aloe leaf through the meat grinder to obtain the required mass.
    3. Make a laxative remedy for this prescription. Tear off the leaves of aloe, put for several days in the fridge. Then squeeze out the juice from them and mix with honey in a ratio of 1: 1.If necessary, take this medication on an empty stomach for 4 tablespoons for two days.
    4. Prepare a medicine for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, throat and trachea according to this prescription. Mix honey and aloe juice in a ratio of 1: 5.The resulting mixture take before eating 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. Prepare this medicine in small volumes, becauseit is better to use it freshly prepared.
    5. Pay attention to the medicine for removing toxins from the body. Take 1 kg of aloe leaves, grind them, add 1 kg of honey and 1 kg of butter. The resulting mixture put on a fire, bring to a boil and cook in a water bath for 20 minutes. Take half an hour before meals 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon, washing down with milk. It is necessary to use all the resulting mixture for one course of treatment.
    6. For bronchitis, colds, chronic diseases of the stomach, gall bladder or liver, use the medicine made with the following prescription. Grind 0.5 kg of aloe leaves, add ¾ cups of honey to them and put them in a dark place for three days. After this, add 750 ml of red wine and leave for another two days. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. This medicine is also used as a tonic.