  • Bleached black

    Some poisonous plants synthesize biologically active compounds - alkaloids - and in strictly defined doses are used as medicines.

    Such a plant is bleached, which is used to treat patients since ancient times. But in high doses, bleach can cause poisoning.

    Two-year herbaceous plant up to 50-90 cm high, with an unpleasant odor. Root stem, branching. Stem is straight, branched, glandularly pubescent, gluey. Leaves are alternate ovate, vyemchastoperistonad-cut, petiolate, upper-sessile, stalking. Flowers are dirty yellow with purple veins in wavy curls. Fruit - a two-cavity box( krynochka), opening the lid. Seeds are numerous, dark brown or black. The plant in the first year gives only a rosette of leaves, the stems grow for the second year. Blossoms from June to September. Stem straight, pubescent with soft glandular hairs. Leaves are regular, elongated-oval, notch-toothed. Basal leaves - petiolate. Flowers are collected on the tips of the stems, large and have a dirty yellow with a dark purple veins corolla. Fruit - boxes with small brownish-gray seeds.

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    Growing bleached in weedy places, in kitchen gardens, gardens, roadsides. Wild plants for medicinal purposes are not harvested. In all parts of the plant there are poisonous alkaloids of the atropine group. Seeds also contain bitter glycoside, resins, fatty oils. It is the seeds, pleasant to taste and resembling poppy seeds, most often cause poisoning.

    The first sign of poisoning is the dilatation of the pupils, dizziness, redness of the face, excessive excitement, accompanied by delirium and hallucinations.

    Belen black is found throughout the European part of Russia. It grows everywhere around housing, in abandoned places, along roads, in deposits and fields as a weed. Sometimes it forms rather large thickets over deposits.

    Medicinal raw materials are leaves and seeds, sometimes the tips of stems with flowers.

    It is necessary to observe the rules for storage of poisonous plants, because the plant is very poisonous!

    Seeds are harvested at the end of August and beginning of September, and the leaves are harvested during flowering, and in dry weather. Store the raw material in a dry, dark place. Shelf life - 2 years. The leaves of bleached contain alkaloids - hyoscyamine, atropine and scopolamine.

    Black alkaline alkaloids have atropine-like action, ie they have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles, dilate the pupils, increase the intraocular pressure, cause paralysis of accommodation, suppress the secretion of the glandular apparatus, and the contractions of the heart increase. The actions of alkaloids of bleached on the central nervous system are different: hyioscyamine raises the excitability of the nervous system, and scopolamine - lowers. In medical practice, bleach and its drugs are prescribed both inside and outside. Inside - as a means of spasmolytic and analgesic;External use of bleached oil as an anesthetic

    in the rubbing in neuralgia, myositis, arthritis and rheumatic pain.

    Powder from the leaves of bleached is a part of asthmatol used for bronchial asthma.

    Alcoholic tinctures of bleached are used in combination with sunflower oil for rubbing with joint and muscle pain.

    A mixture of dry leaves of bleached, datura and sage is used for smoking in bronchial asthma.

    In folk medicine, this plant is recommended for dysentery, wittic dance( shaking), convulsive vomiting, with cramps of various origins.

    Externally used leaves and seeds of bleached for fumigation with toothache, different types of neuralgia, and oil from it - with gout and bruises( as an analgesic).

    Original method of fumigation with toothache, popularly known: in a metal kettle put burning coals, they fill in bleached seeds, cover with a lid, and the tip of the kettle from which the smoke comes from the seeds, is brought to the sick tooth. The pain subsides.


    Extract: 0.25 g of dry leaves of bleached to 100 ml of boiling water, long evaporated until the mass becomes thick;or 1/20 of a teaspoon into half a cup of water. Take inside 2 drops of extract per 1 tbsp.a spoonful of water 3 times a day.

    Tincture: 15 g of crushed leaves of bleached to 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, take 2 drops per 1 tbsp.a spoonful of water 3 times a day.

    Powder: 0.03 g( at the tip of a penknife) 3 times a day.

    Oil: 15 or 30 parts of crushed seeds per 100 parts of oil( sunflower) are insisted for 8-10 days.

    Another kind of whitened - Czech whitened - an annual plant. It differs from the previous one by the absence of rosette leaves, a simple stalk, a thin unbranched root, weakly excreted leaves and late flowering at the end of summer. It also grows on vacant lots.

    In medical practice, thick and dry extracts of leaves and herb bleaches are used as an antispasmodic and analgesic remedy - as well as bleached black.

    The picture of bleach poisoning and help with it are the same as in case of poisoning with dope. See Datura ordinary.

    Indication: is used in powders, pills, potions as an anti-spasmodic and analgesic for diseases associated with spasms of the smooth muscles of the stomach, intestines.

    Stock preparation and storage: medicinal raw materials are leaves that require immediate drying. In the first year of vegetation, they are harvested at the end of summer, in the second year - at the beginning of flowering, harvested in dry weather with precautionary measures( gloves, goggles).Dry immediately after collection at 40 ° C.Drying is considered complete if the leaf petiole breaks when folded. Store in a closed container for 2 years.

    Dosage form: all bleach preparations are very biologically active, therefore, they require caution. Use them with a therapeutic purpose can only be under the supervision of a doctor.

    Pharmacy form: "Dry whitened extract" - single dose for adults 0.1 g, daily dose 0.3 g;"Oil bleached" - used as an external for grinding with myositis, neuralgia.