
Otitis in adults: symptoms and treatment of the middle ear in the home

  • Otitis in adults: symptoms and treatment of the middle ear in the home

    So that we can know this world, we must take care of the health of our ears.

    Everything in our body is interconnected. The health of the internal organs greatly affects the health of the ears and vice versa.

    Otitis - an inflammation of the ears, is one of the most actual diseases for today. This ailment does not occur at any particular time of year, although we note that the autumn-winter time is most popular for otitis symptoms.

    In summer, too, when the heat is hot, many patients are treated with otitis media due to ingress of water from ponds and reservoirs into the ear passage. Even the word "swimmer's ear" appeared in the otolaryngologists. Even external otitis cause such diseases as tonsillitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, colds. In this case, the outer part of the ear is inflamed, the auditory meatus, an abscess or a boil appears.

    With the external form of otitis it is necessary to fight without fail, as the local process of inflammation with reddening and swelling of the external ear may lead to a further inflammatory process in the middle ear.
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    Reasons for otitis and risk factors for

    The main causes of otitis in adults, as well as provoking factors are the following:

    • lack of immunity.
    • predisposition.
    • inadequate nutrition, for example, vitamin A deficiency.
    • structural and anatomical features of the ear.
    • bacterial and viral infection: streptococci, hemophilic rods, moraxelles, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza viruses.
    • bronchial asthma and rhinitis.
    • diseases of the nose, sinuses, throat, skew of the nasal septum.
    • adenoids.
    Provoking factors can be epidemics, stress and hypothermia of the body.

    Ear structure

    Our ears are made up of two parts: central and peripheral. Peripheral - this is the outer, inner and middle ear;the central part is the nerve fibers that create the conductive pathways ending in the cerebral cortex and in the temples.

    The outer part of the ear is represented by the auricle and the ear canal. Between the middle and outer ear is the tympanic membrane. In young children up to two months, the membrane is located almost horizontally.

    The middle ear is three components: the drum cavity, the Eustachian tube and the cave with the cells of the mastoid process. The drum cavity is a hammer, an anvil and a stirrup, which jointly transfer sounds from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear.

    The inner ear is located in the depth of the temporal bone. It consists of a cochlea, semicircular canals, having a special apparatus that perceives sounds and nerve cells.

    Symptoms of otitis in adults

    Clinical symptoms will differ depending on the form of otitis.

    To suspect the development of the first symptoms of otitis in adults can be according to the classic picture of the disease, which is characterized by such signs:

    • shooting pain in the ear, stuffiness, discomfort. Children with pain are crying, because they can not otherwise express painful sensations.
    • rupture of the tympanic membrane and suppuration( with average otitis).
    • elevated body temperature.
    In chronic otitis media, the following symptoms occur: hearing impairment, the periodic appearance of pus from the ear, sometimes tinnitus or dizziness. Soreness occurs only during an exacerbation of the disease, sometimes there is hyperthermia. Often, the patient does not feel the suppuration, the patients do not often worry.

    Purulent discharge for patients is normal. These patients during interviews do not talk at all about ear disease. And with respect to hearing loss, which is not uncommon, the patient can consult a doctor only if the hearing is sufficiently severe.

    Symptoms of internal otitis media - severe and severe dizziness, appearing a couple of weeks after the onset of an infectious disease. The attack often happens together with nausea and vomiting. Sometimes there is a noise in the ears and hearing impairment.

    Treatment of otitis media

    If you have worrisome symptoms of otitis, always consult a doctor. The otolaryngologist has a special tool - a reflector with a backlight, which allows you to inspect the entire cavity of the ears. In addition, the ENT should examine the nose and throat, check the accuracy of the hearing. In case of an unclear picture, an additional examination, in particular an X-ray, a general blood test, will be required.

    Sometimes audiometry is conducted with additional studies of air and bone conduction. When pus appears, it can be sent to an immunological and microbiological examination.

    Treatment of acute otitis in adults begins with compliance with bed rest, as well as leaving the patient in complete rest. Antibiotics are prescribed for indications, in particular, the most topical ones:

    • cefixime;
    • erythromycin;
    • amoxicillin;
    • cefaclor and others.
    Amoxicillin is recommended for most patients. It kills the main number of bacteria-pathogens of the disease, rarely causes allergic reactions and other side effects, it is inexpensive. Often the treatment regimen lasts at least 7-10 days. It all depends on the severity of the otitis. Also, doctors prescribe sulfanilamides and, in addition, antihistamines.

    As a local treatment for otitis in adults, warming compresses and warmers are used. Effective physiotherapy - currents of UHF and Sollux. To reduce pain in the affected eye drop drops of 5% carbolic acid in glycerin, but they can not be used if there is suppuration. Local treatment with anti-inflammatory drops is also effective.

    In some cases, with abundant accumulation of exudate in the ear canal make mirinothomia. This is an artificial penetration of the ear cavity. This method can be done only after anesthesia with a doctor.

    In the nose, vasoconstrictive drugs are instilled. If treatment does not become effective, make a paracentesis. In order that the pus normally departed, it is recommended to ensure a good outflow. When purulent discharge ceases, the hearing should be checked, if necessary, pneumatic massage and blowing of the diseased organ is used.

    Treatment of acute otitis at home

    If you prefer traditional medicine, you can try the following recipes that will help in the treatment of otitis in the home.

    1. 1) To eliminate the acute form of otitis media, use the simplest method: dry heat. Attach a dry towel to your sore ear, and cover it with a hot water bottle. Do not interfere with hot salt, heated in a frying pan and wrapped in a pouch or sock.
    2. 2) Reduce the pain will help such folk remedy: take clay, put it on the fabric more than 2 cm. Clay should be in sufficient quantity so that it can absorb harmful components. Cover the ear with cotton wool, and put a compress on top of it for 2 hours.
    3. 3) The juice of a traditional onion will help get rid of the disease. Take the onion, after cutting off the top of the bulb. In the upper fossa, pour one teaspoon of cumin seeds, cut with a "lid" from the onions, cover the onion pot. In the oven, bake the onion for 30 minutes. After that, squeeze out the juice from the onion, then drip it into the affected ear for 3 drops at night.
    4. 4) Excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect has tincture of birch buds. She does not have allergies, so you can safely use the prescription. Mix birch buds and vodka in the ratio 1:10.Insist it for 10-14 days. Periodically, the mixture must be shaken. In the heated form, it is necessary to drip the "bolt" on cotton wool, put such a cotton twist in your ear. Procedures should be at least 14. This method is quite effective. As a result, those who suffered from acute otitis, go through pain, inflammation, reduce the secretion of pus and restore hearing.
    5. 5) Acute otitis is also treated with 10% tincture of calendula or tincture of mint. To prepare the solution, take two tablespoons of dry herb collection, pour 200 ml of vodka, insist for 1 week. Then strain the mixture. In the affected ear, bury the mixture every 3 hours for 3 drops.

    Treatment of chronic otitis

    A few simple ways can help cope with this unpleasant ailment at home:

    1. 1) External applications. Take the flour, it should be mixed on camphor alcohol. The latter should be previously diluted with water in a ratio of one to two. In the mixture add 1 egg and 1 spoonful of flaxseed oil. Top with a compress paper and a warm handkerchief. Since this application is very soft, you can use it until you get rid of the pain in your ears.
    2. 2) Therapy for chronic purulent otitis can be supplemented with treatment with raspberry roots. Take the roots of this berry, clean them well from the remnants of the earth, rinse and dry. Then finely chop.2 tbsp. Spoons of roots chop, brew them with a liter of hot water, after which the mixture is infused for half a day. Drink lard inside three quarters of the glass twice a day for a month. It is interesting that even the old problems associated with the tympanic membrane pass through this period of time.
    3. 3) Lemon juice. Take two medium lemons, squeeze out the juice from them, pour the juice a couple of times through the layer of gauze. Pour the juice into a container of glass, put it in a dark cold place. In an ear that bothers, bury the mixture 5 drops twice a day. This procedure will remove the inflammatory process, remove pain and even restore hearing. To treat the ear you need to recover, then prophylactically bury your ear twice a week.

    Middle ear otitis - symptoms and treatment

    Middle ear infection is otitis media. The secretory otitis media of the middle ear occurs when the fluid in the ear that appears due to a cold or allergy gets into the ear through the Eustachian tube.

    Serous acute otitis occurs due to the ingestion and development of a bacterial and viral infection when additional fluid appears.

    Acute purulent otitis occurs due to accumulation of pus due to bacterial infection. Otitis of the middle ear of a chronic form worries the patient due to a constant bacterial infection, after adenoids( see how to treat adenoids) or the appearance of pathology in the Eustachian tube.

    Average otitis can be chronic, acute, it is characterized by rapid strong pains in the ear or ears, which can give to the neck, head, even in the teeth. The patient has a fever, a pulse in his ear. Note that the cause of otitis media can even be a common cold.

    Because of rhinitis, inflammation very easily spreads from the nasopharynx into the ear. In this case, you can give the following advice: you can not blow your nose, because the mucus from the nose through the auditory tube can get into the tympanum, provoke an otitis media. Also, the inflammatory process can appear after the transferred flu, diphtheria, scarlet fever, then the tympanic membrane is destroyed.

    Acute otitis media can bring a lot of discomfort and pain to patients: pains are felt, deep and piercing, giving to the head, there is also noise in the patient's ear, the body temperature rises. Perhaps the appearance of pus or turbid fluid from the patient's ear. Most often, with acute otitis, complications such as hearing loss and hearing loss occur. Chronic otitis media of the middle ear is no less dangerous, as it provokes hearing loss.

    External Otitis

    Otitis externa is the most harmless kind of otitis, so to speak. In this case, the external passage is inflamed. Today the disease is divided into 2 types of otitis - diffuse and limited.

    Limited otitis media disturbs the patient with boils in the external auditory canal, it appears in the form of an inflammatory process in the hair follicle. Above visually the furuncle is not visible, but the patient can assume the presence of the disease due to soreness, which is enhanced by chewing and touching the ear. After a certain number of days, the abscesses will burst, while the pain decreases.

    Diffuse outward appearance of otitis is more complicated, as the inflammation penetrates completely into the ear canal. Such otitis can be allergic, bacterial or fungal. Often this type of otitis occurs due to inflammation caused by BHSA - streptococcus.

    A disease occurs when bacteria or viruses enter the skin of the external ear canal. The skin becomes hyperemic, there is swelling, as a result of which the passage narrows. Often there are translucent discharge.

    Treatment of external otitis

    With external otitis, the chemotherapy drug Romazulan, which is perfectly suitable for rinsing the throat and washing the patient's ear, is very helpful. The drug includes chamomile and its essential oil. The medicine seems to have been created by mother-nature for a speedy recovery!

    If there is external otitis, patients in the first place are recommended to get rid of a boil or boil. In addition to purely individual procedures, people's means are also prescribed to patients. To boil it is recommended to apply baked onions, as well as crushed leaves of plantain. When the abscess starts to go away, make a sore bath on the sore spot.

    There is such a recipe for warming up: boil water in the kettle. Cover the teapot with a towel, substituting the ear for a warm couple, but at a distance of not less than fifty centimeters. So, warm your ear 3 minutes, then cool your face with a cool damp towel. Repeat these steps 7-10 times. Soreness in the ears, nose and throat should pass.

    Natural drops from broth of bay leaf are effective. Prepare a solution easily: take a deep or a mug, pour a glass of water into it, dip 5 laurel leaves into the water, boil it. When removing the mug from the stove, wrap it for a while. In the affected ear, drip ten drops, drink a little solution inside. Do this procedure three times a few days in a row.

    Internal otitis

    Inflammation of the inner ear or labyrinthitis is not the most frequent ailment, this disease is very difficult. In itself, internal otitis occurs rarely, much more often it occurs in the form of complications of chronic or acute middle type of otitis, appears after a serious illness, for example, tuberculosis, sometimes due to trauma.

    The bacteria enter the cochlea or the inner ear by different methods. With purulent middle otitis through the middle ear, during meningitis - through the meninges, by the blood in a variety of infectious diseases.

    Often the disease begins with noise in the ears, there is a strong twisting of the head, vomiting and nausea. Balance can be disturbed, hearing is often reduced. If treated on time, exudate or inflammatory fluid will quickly go away and resolve. Otherwise, hearing loss occurs in full.

    If you have any of the symptoms listed in the article, contact LOR immediately.

    Internal otitis is especially dangerous, the patient is often hospitalized, conducts blood tests, X-rays of the temporal sinuses. Based on the complexity of the disease, antibiotics, drip fluid administration, and sometimes surgical intervention in the middle ear and labyrinth are recommended.

    Treatment of internal otitis

    This disease is the most insidious. If you can not cope with the otitis media of the middle ear, then the inflammatory process will go further. The infection enters the inner ear with blood flow, the inflammation spreads from the side of the brain membranes. The patient has an imbalance, a hearing loss, and sometimes a complete loss of hearing.

    To cure otitis of the inner ear, drink this infusion for 4 weeks. It is necessary to take on four parts of flowers of calendula and travki of a turn, on two components of a grass of a yarrow and licorice, three parts of eucalyptus leaves. One tablespoon of the prepared mixture should be poured with boiling water a quarter of a liter, insist 30 minutes, then tincture to drink throughout the day.

    We note an important point: these folk recipes are effective mainly in combination with traditional medicine, treatment for each patient is individual.

    Complications of otitis

    Any illness should be treated in time to avoid unpleasant consequences. The average acute otitis is complicated by mastoiditis - inflammation of the mastoid process, sepsis. Cholesteatoma is another uneasy complication that destroys the temporal bone.

    The most dangerous consequences of otitis can be a brain abscess, meningitis, labyrinthitis, facial paresis, and even deafness. Therefore, without fail, come to the doctor at the appearance of the initial symptoms!

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