
Ureaplasma in men: symptoms and treatment of ureaplasmosis

  • Ureaplasma in men: symptoms and treatment of ureaplasmosis

    Ureaplasmosis is a sexually transmitted disease and is characterized by the development of an active inflammatory process in the genito-urinary organs.

    The causative agents of the pathological process are the microorganisms Ureaplasma urealyticum and Ureaplasma parvum.

    It should be noted that these bacteria belong to the group of conditionally pathogenic microflora, they can be found on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract and genital organs of perfectly healthy people.

    Among the male population, ureaplasmosis is less common than in women.

    Causes of ureaplasma in men

    Because ureaplasma is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism, the main cause of the development of the disease is considered to be a shift in the ratio of normal and pathogenic microflora( the reasons for this phenomenon can be: long-term use of antibacterial drugs, dysbiosis, reduction of body defenses).

    To provoking factors that can cause the development of ureaplasmosis in men, include the following:
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    1. 1) Frequent change of sexual partners, promiscuous sexual intercourse, unprotected sexual intercourse;
    2. 2) Non-observance of personal hygiene, use of personal care products of another person( it is not excluded, although there is rarely a household way of transmission of infection);
    3. 3) Postponed infectious diseases, leading to a decrease in the body's immune forces;
    4. 4) Admission of hormonal drugs;
    5. 5) Frequent stressful situations and psycho-emotional overstrain;
    6. 6) Unbalanced nutrition and bad habits.

    Symptoms of ureaplasma in men

    Clinical symptoms of ureaplasma in men do not appear immediately after infection.

    Since the activation of the infectious agent, it can take from several days to several weeks. On average, the incubation period of varies within 4-14 days.

    After this period appears a clinical picture characteristic of ureaplasmosis, which consists of the following features:

    1. 1) Discharge of a pathological character from the urethra of a predominantly transparent color. When there are erosive lesions in the urethra, traces of blood may appear;
    2. 2) Painful sensations and rezi when urinating different degrees of severity;
    3. 3) Urethritis in men - characterized by abnormal mucous discharge from the urethra of a transparent color, a special abundance of which is noted in the morning. Characterized by soreness, both in the groin area and in the course of the urethra during urination. Resi are also characteristic for inflammation of the urethra;
    4. 4) When the inflammatory process changes to the prostate gland, symptoms appear that are characteristic of prostatitis: frequent urination, soreness in the process of urine release, as well as difficulty in its outflow, which results in a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
    5. 5) Epididymitis( spread of the inflammatory process to the epididymis) - the epididymis of the epididymis is noted, the appearance of soreness is possible;
    6. 6) Sometimes joint damage( arthritis) is noted, which is characterized by pain in the joints, hyperemia( redness) of the skin above them, an increase in skin temperature over the lesion.
    See also: symptoms and treatment of ureaplasma in women

    Complications of the disease

    The most serious complication in addition to the spread of infection outside the ureter( prostatitis, epididymitis) is male infertility.

    This is due to the fact that ureaplasma actively affects the spermatozoa( reduce their activity, cause self-destruction, disrupt the fluidity of the sperm).


    To identify the microorganism-pathogen and make the right diagnosis it is necessary to conduct and evaluate the results of such laboratory-instrumental research methods as:

    • bacteriological culture taken from the urethra of the material;
    • PCR( polymerase chain reaction) - a scraping from the urethra is investigated to determine the sequence of nucleotides of the pathogen;
    • method of gene probes;
    • method of activated particles;
    • ELISA( enzyme immunoassay);
    • DGC;
    • RIF( immunofluorescence reaction);
    • RPHA( passive hemagglutination reaction) - detection of antigens in serum.

    Treatment of ureaplasma in men

    For the treatment of ureaplasma in men can be used drugs of the "choice" group, as well as alternative medicines.

    The drugs of choice include: Azalides( Azithromycin) and tetracyclines( Doxycycline).Alternatives include: macrolides( Clarithromycin, Erythromycin, Roxithromycin) and fluoroquinolones( Ofloxacin, Pefloxacin).

    Dosage and treatment are strictly individual and should be determined by the attending physician. On average, antibiotic therapy does not exceed 10 days.

    Prevention of

    The main method of prevention of ureaplasmosis is the use of individual means of protection( condoms) from STIs and abstinence from accidental sexual contacts. In the event that personal protective equipment by a man has not been used, emergency measures should be taken.

    For this purpose, douching of the urethra is carried out with solutions of Chlorhexidine, Furacillin, Miramistin. However, it is worth remembering that these drugs should be used immediately after intercourse. The more time passes after it, the less effective the action of antiseptics.

    Special attention should be paid to urological patients with acute or chronic course of the pathological process with localization in the urinary system.

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