
Ureaplasma: symptoms, treatment, photo, as transmitted

  • Ureaplasma: symptoms, treatment, photo, as transmitted

    Ureaplasmosis is one of the most common diseases of the genitourinary tract in both women and men.

    It causes a special kind of microorganism called ureaplasma. Considering the fact that ureaplasmosis is a relatively "young" disease, since it was discovered only in the 70s of the last century, it causes many conflicting views on diagnosis and treatment.

    Pathogen and causes of ureaplasma

    The causative agent of ureaplasmosis is a bacterium belonging to the family Micoplasmataceae.

    In the home she is known as ureaplasma, although two types of this microorganism are known in medical circles that can cause disease, namely, Ureaplasma urealyticum and Ureaplasma parvum. Because of its microscopic size, ureaplasma is an intermediate state between the virus and the bacterium.

    In the body of a healthy person ureaplasma can be in a small amount and not cause any pathology at the same time. However, in case of any disturbances in the functioning of human systems of life, a pathogenic increase in the amount of this bacterium can occur. This, in turn, provokes irregularities in the work of the genito-urinary organs, causes various kinds of symptoms, can lead to a number of complications.
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    Ureaplasmosis belongs to infectious diseases and can be transmitted from person to person through several routes. The most common way of infection is sexual, during traditional sexual intercourse or oral sex. In this case, most people with good immunity will be carriers of the disease, which they transmit to their partners.

    And here already at the last presence of the same microorganisms can provoke ureaplasmosis. Also ureaplasma is transmitted from mother to child in the intrauterine period of development of the baby. Most often, infection occurs during natural childbirth.

    Some experts believe that a person can get ureaplasmosis through the household way of transmission, namely through the use of personal hygiene products, a common toilet or bathroom. However, this statement has no practical and theoretical confirmation, therefore the overwhelming majority of doctors do not consider this method of infection

    Symptoms of ureaplasma

    The clinical picture with ureaplasmosis shares similarities with such a disease as mycoplasmosis.

    In this case, there is a significant difference between the symptoms in the male and female part of the population.

    In men, ureaplasmosis, as a rule, manifests itself gradually. In most cases, the symptoms are blurred and mild. Usually at the beginning of the disease a person can feel a burning sensation near the urethra, which has the property of intensifying during urination. Sometimes, specific mucosal discharge may appear from the urethra. Symptoms of ureaplasmosis in men have the property of disappearing for a while, and then resume again.

    In women, the presence of ureaplasmosis manifests itself through various symptoms. First and foremost, vaginal discharge intensifies, their texture and color change: they become greenish or yellowish, possibly an unpleasant odor. A woman may feel a burning sensation or other discomfort while visiting the toilet.

    In some cases, pains in the lower abdomen may also be present, sometimes the sensation of discomfort can persecute a woman and during intercourse. If the infection occurred during oral sex, then there are symptoms of angina or pharyngitis.

    Ureaplasmosis and pregnancy

    Often, the presence of ureaplasmosis can cause pregnancy pathology, which is why doctors advise married couples to exclude the disease even at the planning stage.

    If a pregnant woman has been diagnosed and confirmed with ureaplasmosis, she is prescribed treatment with antibiotics that are safe for the fetus. As a rule, with timely diagnosis, there are very high chances for recovery and safe pregnancy.

    In the case of eating ureaplasmosis during pregnancy, it can lead to all sorts of complications. In the early stages, miscarriage may occur, since ureaplasmosis is a frequent cause of inflammatory processes in the uterus, which interfere with the full progression of pregnancy. On later traces the pathological presence of ureaplasma in a smear in a woman can provoke premature birth.

    In addition, there is a high risk of infection of the child during its passage through the birth canal.


    Diagnosis of ureaplasmosis is rather difficult task today. Given the fact that ureaplasma is considered part of the conditionally pathogenic flora of the body, the diagnosis requires a doctor's experience and high qualification.

    In case of suspected ureaplasmosis, first of all, the patient is examined. In women - this is an examination in the mirrors on a gynecological chair in a gynecologist, in men, a full-time examination with a urologist. Next is the collection of anamnesis. The doctor is wondering whether the patient has had cases of infection with genito-urinary or venereal infections, how many sexual partners he had, how the woman was pregnant.

    He then suggests making several mandatory tests. These include general laboratory laboratory tests, such as a flotation test, urinalysis and a general blood test.

    At the moment the best diagnostic method for determining ureaplasmosis is the use of the PCR method. This analysis is used to study samples of discharge and blood of the patient. The PCR method provides very high efficiency in the diagnosis of not only ureaplasmosis but also a large number of other sexually transmitted diseases. In case this analysis confirms the presence of ureaplasma in the smear, it is also necessary to carry out a sowing, which determines the amount of bacteria in the body.

    It is the sowing that makes it possible to find out whether the presence of ureaplasma in the secretions is pathology or this is the usual carrier. Sowing is often done together with an antibioticogram. Thus, the doctor can immediately determine to which types of antibacterial drugs sensitive this type of ureaplasma.

    Treatment of ureaplasma

    A gold standard for the treatment of ureaplasma is considered antibiotic therapy. As a rule, either macrolides or fluoroquinolones are used.

    Since ureaplasma tends to mutate and easily develops resistance to antibiotics, it is very important before the treatment to carry out an antibioticogram. Take a specific drug is advised full course, which, depending on individual characteristics, is from 2 weeks to a month. During the course of this course, it is also recommended to use drugs that protect the intestinal microflora, as well as hepatoprotectors.

    After the termination of a course of antibiotics it is necessary to retake the tests that will confirm or disprove the effectiveness of the chosen treatment regimen.

    Otherwise, you can only mute the infection, which, under any favorable case, will again make itself felt.

    Complications of

    Ureaplasmosis in neglected form can often provoke serious complications in both sexes. In men, this disease most often affects the testicles, causing their inflammation, known in medical circles called "orchitis". In the future, such a pathology can lead to prostatitis, and sometimes even cause male infertility.

    In the female part of the population, ureaplasmosis often becomes the cause of many inflammatory processes, both in the uterus and in the appendages. The defeat of the endometrium, the internal tissue of the uterus, can become a significant obstacle to normal implantation of a fertilized egg. This, in turn, provokes infertility or miscarriage of pregnancy.


    As most ureaplasmosis is transmitted sexually, the best prevention of this disease is the observance of a culture of sexual relations. Doctors recommend to beware of casual or promiscuous sexual intercourse.

    It is also recommended to use barrier contraceptives, such as a condom. It is with his help that you can protect not only from ureaplasmosis, but also from other STDs.

    To avoid re-infection, doctors usually attribute treatment to both partners. At the same time the entire period of therapy is recommended to avoid sexual contact, even with the use of contraception, up to a complete cure.

    After recovery, doctors are advised for prevention to strengthen immunity, improve their diet with the help of vitamin products.

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