  • Gonorrhea: symptoms, treatment, effects, photo

    In any corner of the world, STDs( sexually transmitted diseases) are among the most common infections.

    One such disease is gonorrhea. Has the status of a venereal disease related to urogenital infections.

    The first mention of the disease dates back to the time of Hippocrates. It has long been believed that gonorrhea and syphilis are one disease that manifests itself in different ways, depending on the stage of the disease. This myth was dispelled in 1837 by the founder of scientific venereology, the French surgeon Philip Ricor.

    In the course of research and through experiments, which resulted in the infection of more than 600 prisoners, it was proved to them that these two diseases have completely different etiologies.

    Gonorrhea is characterized by purulent inflammatory processes that affect the mucous of the genital organs. Infection is characterized by the defeat of the urethra( urethra), inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon, cervical canal of the uterus and vulva. It can be acute and chronic.
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    General description of

    The classification of the disease is determined by duration and clinical features. Following these parameters, the gonorrheal infection was divided into the following species:

    1. 1) Fresh gonorrhea infection - over the duration of the flow in two months. By the severity of the reaction has - a sharp, subacute and torpid - malosymptomatic stage of the disease.
    2. 2) Chronic form of infection - characterized by a sluggish course with a period exceeding two months, which has the property to exacerbate.
    3. 3) The asymptomatic form of the disease is rare, characterized by the duration of the incubation period with characteristic symptoms. This form does not cause inflammatory exudative reactions to mucosal areas, because the gonococcus is localized in the baggy inflammatory foci of deep tissues, where they are difficult to detect.
    In accordance with the location and location of the pathogen, gonorrhea may manifest:

    • endocervate;
    • with epididymitis;
    • by adnexitis;
    • by urethritis.
    The clinical classification marks three varieties of gonorrhea for its initial introduction:

    1. 1) Genital - initial localization - urogenital system.
    2. 2) Gonorrhea extragenital form - multifocal infection.
    3. 3) Disseminated type of gonorrhea( metastatic) - manifests itself in the form of complications.
    The causative agent of the disease is a bacterium, named after the discoverer - Gonococcus s. Di-plococcus Neisseri. At its core is pyogenic, obligate, inhabiting, both inside cells and the extracellular space of the human body - the gonococcal parasite. It has the ability to penetrate into blood cells( leukocytes), and into leukocytes of a larger size, white blood cells - monocytes.

    The parasite's body is protected by a three-layer protein membrane and is covered with a dense six-layered membrane - a kind of protection against destruction by the immune system and from the influence of unfavorable external factors. With the help of microscopic tubular pilings( strings), the genococcus adheres to the single-layered epithelium of the urethral mucosa.

    Fixed and spread on its surface, gonococcus, moving along the intercellular matrix of connective tissue, causes the development of inflammatory processes. Specifically, the duration of the development stage of such processes is taken as the basis for determining the latent or latent period of the disease( incubation period), which can last from a week to a month.

    The further route of the bacterium lies in the distant organs. By itself, the gonococcus is not capable of independent movement. Forming and creating entire colonies, it destroys the epithelial layer, penetrating the interstitial channels of lymphatic capillaries and the vascular system, affects the genitourinary tract, causing:

    • inguinal adenitis;
    • lesion of paraurethral glands;
    • of the seed hillock and lacunae in men;
    • penetration of the parasite into the appendage causes inflammation of the testicles;
    • is a rapid process of development of female adnexitis.

      Oral contact:

      • possible gonorrheal pharyngitis and stomatitis:
      • marked sore throat with difficulty swallowing;
      • the throat and tonsils are inflamed and covered with a purulent coating;
      • the temple of the palate and the palatal tongue swell.
      Anal contact:

      • simultaneously affects the urethra and rectum, proctitis develops:
      • a purulent substrate emerges from the rectum;

      How does gonorrhea affect pregnancy?

      Gonorrhea during pregnancy is primarily dangerous to the fetus, the bacterium can provoke:

      • premature birth.
      • infection of amniotic fluid.
      • spontaneous abortion.
      • cause a rupture of the placenta.
      The disease can become completely unexpected for the pregnant woman, as sometimes it shows no symptoms. Manifestations of symptoms are expressed:

      • with fever and general impairment;
      • joint pain;
      • with pustular and papular rash;
      • pseudo reflux monoarthritis and tenosynovitis.

      Diagnosis of gonorrhea

      The basis of the diagnostic examination is the prophylactic examination of the patient for the purpose of revealing obvious signs of inflammation and studying the features of intimate life.

      Gynecological smear of secreted secret is taken on the cytogram of inflammation and detection of the pathogen. Detection of infection in women. The following are investigated:

      • bartholin gland;
      • paraurethral ducts - tubules, located on the sides of the woman's urethra;
      • lower segment and walls of the vagina.
      In men, the following are examined:

      • urogenital system for urogenital infections;
      • secret of the male gonads;
      • are taken for microscopic examination of the washings of intestinal walls.
      Diagnosis is confirmed when a pathogen is detected.

      Treatment of gonorrhea

      Treatment is not limited to the patient.

      All his sexual relations are revealed in the coming months, and the partners are thoroughly examined, sometimes involved in a compulsory form of treatment.

      During the treatment course are not recommended:

      • sexual relations;
      • drinking alcohol;
      • and reception of the final food.
      As a remedy for the control of the gonococcus, a combination of trimethoprim preparations with sulfonamides with a broad spectrum of antibacterial and bactericidal action is used.

      Treatment of patients with fresh forms of acute and subacute gonorrhea is limited to therapy, acting primarily on the cause of the onset. The chronic recurrent form, with the development of complications, is treated by a complex method.

      Treatment of mixed forms of gonorrheal infection occurs with the involvement of:

      • drugs, specifically activating immune cells;
      • uses a general strengthening physiotherapy and local, general treatment procedure.
      After the disappearance of all the main symptoms, at the end of the treatment course, a control examination of the patient is performed using provocative methods.

      Possible complications of gonorrhea

      Do not treat the disease yourself, this leads to the neglect of the disease, and the emergence of a chronic form of gonorrhea, fraught with multiple complications.


      • development of obstruction in the fallopian tubes. And as a result - infertility.
      • inflammatory process with accumulation of pus, with the formation of transudate - hydrosalpine;
      • inflammation can cause an increase in the fallopian tubes, up to the size of the tumor and cause their rupture;
      • ectopic pregnancy is not excluded;
      • appearance in the groin of purulent nodes - bartholinitis;
      • uterine bleeding.
      Complications in men may occur:

      • with prostatitis and inflammation of the epididymis and testicles - orchiepididymitis, which leads to a violation of sperm production, and bilateral orchidpididitis causes impotence and infertility.
      • formation of vesiculitis and stricture( narrowing of the urethral lumen).
      The launched form of gonorrhea promotes the spread of infection and can cause:

      • skin and joint disease;
      • of the brain and heart;
      • formation of gonococcal conjunctivitis.


      A timely, adequate treatment will help avoid possible complications, which usually leads to complete cure of even complicated forms of gonorrhea.

      Prevention of gonorrhea

      Propaganda of disease prevention plays a huge role. It includes recommendations:

      • for the prevention of infection;
      • on the use of certain means of protection;
      • is not the last role played by adherence to the norms of sexual life;
      • regular diagnostics and professional examinations;
      • examination of women during pregnancy;
      • educational activities.
      An important link in the life of society, which has social significance, is the upbringing and sexual education of the younger generation.

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    Leukocytes and phagocytes, striving to protect the body, rush to the bacteria, trying to destroy them. As a result, an active release of the urethra of exudate containing gonococci is caused, and an inflammatory infiltrate is formed in the connective tissue under the epithelium, which can persist for a long time.

    This threatens to replace the infiltration with scar tissue, which can cause narrowing of the urethra and serves as a prerequisite for infertility.

    In case of urogenital infection and spread of infection against the urine current( antiperistaltic contractions), the bacterium easily reaches the uterus cavity, its lower segment, fallopian tubes, peritoneal cavity and sexual glands( ovaries).

    When exposed to adverse conditions - a process of treatment, gonococcus can fall into a hibernation, waiting for danger. Then, resurrected, causes the resumption of the disease.

    Routes of infection with gonorrhea

    For gonorrhea, there is no gender difference in sex and age. It affects children, adolescents and adults alike. The most common risk factor is sexually anxious adolescents, non-traditional sex lovers, prostitutes, homosexuals.

    The source of infection can be a person with an asymptomatic form of the disease, often even unaware that he is sick.

    In homosexuals( passive), the gonococcal parasite affects the segment of the large intestine. In lovers of oral sex, the infectious flora infects the mucous membranes of the ENT organs. According to practitioners, the gonococcal bacteria can be contaminated with dirty hands, which is often observed in children with infectious rhinitis and stomatitis. And as there is damage to the eyes due to infection from the affected genitals.

    There is also an indirect path of infection - an infected bed or towel, washcloths and other personal care items.

    Symptoms of gonorrhea

    The incubation period of gonorrhea in men is from 2 to 5 days;in women - from 5 to 10 days. Then begins to develop a characteristic symptomatology.

    Symptoms of gonorrhea in men with genitourinary lesions:

    • is manifested by burning and pain during the process of urination;
    • stenosis of the urethra;
    • purulent, abundant, yellow-brown in color, excretion;
    • edema of the urethral opening, the appearance of sores;
    Defects of the epididymis and prostate :

    • frequent, painful, difficult urination;
    • with turbid urine with blood impurities;
    • chills or basal temperature rise;
    • pain in bowel movements and in the lower abdomen.

    Symptoms of gonorrhea in women with genitourinary lesions:

    • symptoms are manifested by thick yellow-white discharge;
    • by frequent and painful urination;
    • burning and itching in the vagina
    Lesion of internal female sexual organs:

    • is marked by inflammation and swelling of the lower segment of the uterus;
    • mucopurulent discharge covers the segment;
    • high fever, accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
    • marked the violation of the cycle of menstruation.
    Unconventional contact method: