  • Useful and healing properties of mallow

    Synonyms: mallow black, goitre.

    Description. Perennial herbaceous plant Malvaceae( Malvaceae) with a branchy long root. Stems single, three to five pieces in a bush, height up to 1.8-2.0 m;branches short, 20-30 cm long. Leaves alternate, round-cordate, crenate, yellowish-green, with pubescent pubescence, with finely toothed margins. The flowers are solitary, collected at the apex of the stem into the spicate inflorescence. Calyx is not falling, five-separate, slightly convex, black and red. Fruit is the seed. Blooms from July until late autumn.

    Medicinal raw materials: flowers.

    Biological features. Seeds of black mallow, in contrast to the althea medicinal, have the maximum germination in the first year of life. With each subsequent year, the germination decreases. So, in the first year, the germination rate is 89%, on the fourth - 54%, and on the fifth - 40.5%.

    Distribution. In the wild, the stock-rose grows in Greece and Turkey. Her motherland is the Balkans. In some countries of Western Europe it occurs in the wild.

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    The most favorable area of ​​stock-rose culture is the south of Ukraine. Several varieties of

    are cultivated, which differ in color and color.flowers: white, yellow, red, pink, purple, black and red, etc.

    Chemical composition. The flowers of mallow contain tannins and colorants, as well as mucus. There is much slime in the roots.

    Application. For medicinal and technical purposes, forms with dark red and black flowers are of greatest value. The flowers of black mallow are used in medicine as an emollient for diseases of the mountains.la. As a technical raw material, they are widely used in winemaking( especially in France and Germany) for the coloring of red wines. In addition, the mallow is also bred as an ornamental plant.

    Agrotechnics of cultivation. Agrotechnical methods for cultivating black mallow are basically the same as for althea medicinal.

    Reproduction. Malva can be sown in autumn, but it is best to do this in the early spring, around the middle of April, at a rate of 7-9 kg / ha in specially prepared beds. After 10-14 days, friendly shoots appear. As soon as two or three first leaves appear on the plant, it is dived at intervals of 18 cm, and at the same distance from each other planted in the garden. Approximately in mid-May of next year, plants are planted in a permanent place at a feeding area of ​​70x30 cm.

    . Plantation care consists in weeding and thinning out shoots.

    Harvesting. Flowers mallow collected from the first decade of July to the end of September in the morning after the fall of dew. For medicinal purposes, the flowers are collected together with a cup, and one petal is used to color the wines.

    Black mallow plantations produce products for four years. It is a fully acclimatized plant that requires widespread introduction into production. In this case, the most productive are non-marrow bushes.