  • Encephalitis: Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

    Encephalitis is a disease of an infectious, allergic, toxic nature, in which an inflammation of the brain substance occurs.

    It can be primary, that is, an independent disease, and secondary, that is, a complication of other diseases.

    Encephalitis is characterized by the emergence of general cerebral signs, symptoms of intoxication and lesions of one or more areas of the brain( each species often has a "favorite" localization).

    Treatment includes general measures: the treatment and protection regime for the brain, the adequate delivery of oxygen to it, the elimination of its edema, as well as specific drugs that are prescribed depending on the cause of the disease.

    Consider the main types of encephalitis.

    Tick-borne encephalitis

    Tick-borne encephalitis is a neuroviral infection in which the pathogen enters the human body with a bite of an infected ixodid tick.

    Typically, such ticks live in certain areas: the Far East, Siberia and the European part of Russia, the Urals, Belorussia, Ukraine, the Baltic countries, as well as in several European and Asian countries.
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    Wild and domestic animals and birds can also become sources of infection, and even form new natural foci of Tick-born-virus. Features of this particular encephalitis:

    • in its spring-summer seasonality;
    • a wide range of symptoms - from erased to extremely severe, with lethal outcomes;
    • , he can have a chronic course, in which the brain damage progresses, which ends with a person's disability;
    • distinguish tick-borne from other encephalitis only on symptoms is very difficult, requires serological confirmation of the diagnosis.

    Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis in adults

    Adults have several main clinical forms of this encephalitis, each of which has its own characteristic symptoms.

    We list them:

    • high body temperature;
    • is a severe headache that limits the physical and mental activity of a person, forcing him to lie;
    • a change in consciousness by type of delusions, hallucinations, motor excitation;
    • seizures;
    • paralysis, paresis of limbs;
    • spread of pain, movement disorders and numbness from the fingers and toes above.

    Treatment of tick-borne encephalitis in adults

    1. 1) Introduction of a specific immunoglobulin for 3 days. In some cases, a homologous donor polyglobulin can be used.
    2. 2) Interferon preparations( have antiviral activity).
    3. 3) Ribonuclease.
    4. 4) Providing adequate oxygen delivery to the body: inhaling oxygen through a mask, transferring to artificial ventilation.
    5. 5) Intravenous drip introduction of saline and colloidal solutions.
    6. 6) If necessary, anticonvulsant drugs.
    7. 7) Reduced cerebral edema with glucocorticoid hormones( "Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone").
    8. 8) Symptomatic treatment.

    Tick-borne encephalitis prevention

    Planned specific prophylaxis with various vaccines is provided to people living in and endemic to tick-borne encephalitis areas.

    Emergency specific prevention consists in the introduction of a specific immunoglobulin in the first 24 hours after a bite.

    Nonspecific prevention consists of the following measures:

    1. 1) Treatment before going to the wooded area of ​​clothes with repellents, abandoning trips with open legs or wearing special clothes( BioStop suits).
    2. 2) Do not lie on the grass in forests and park areas.
    3. 3) Boiling milk, processing of dairy products.
    4. 4) Removal of mites in medical institutions( where there are surgical departments).

    Epidemic encephalitis

    Encephalitis is an encephalitis, a primary encephalitis with a tendency after the acute stage to take a chronic lingering course. The disease is not very contagious, develops more often in adults than in children.

    Causes it is suspected to be a virus transmitted by airborne droplet or by contact routes, but it has not been possible to isolate and classify it yet.

    Encephalitis affects the central gray matter of the brain;viruses are carried quickly by the current of blood, causing damage to the internal organs, especially the liver.

    Symptoms of epidemic encephalitis

    The incubation period is from days to 2 weeks.

    The main signs that allow suspected Encephalo encephalitis are:

    1. 1) General symptoms: fever up to 38 ° C, headache, deterioration of well-being.
    2. 2) Severe drowsiness, up to sopor, which lasts from a week to a month or more. A person falls asleep even in the most uncomfortable position of the body. There may be drowsiness during the day, lack of sleep at night.
    3. 3) Disorders of nerves involved in movements of the eyeballs. In this case, there are: omission of the upper eyelid, double vision, different diameter of the pupils, immobility of the eyes. Sometimes these symptoms are associated with impaired movement or mimic, or chewing musculature. In the latter case, the symptom is accompanied by pain in the face, lacrimation, increased work of the sebaceous glands of the face, drooling, sometimes - convulsive twitching of the muscles.
    Further the disease develops according to one of the variants:

    • lethargic;
    • is oculocephalic;
    • is hyperkinetic;
    • endocrine;
    • to the vestibular;
    • outpatient and some others.
    In the transition of encephalitis into a chronic form( which is almost inevitable), one or more motor disorders are observed:

    • rapid involuntary impulsive movements;
    • rapid twitching that occurs in one or more muscle groups;
    • tick-shaped movements;
    • no movement;
    • lack of face mimicry when talking;
    • catatonia.
    In severe cases, the frequency and rhythm of breathing is disrupted, cardiovascular activity may be impaired, there is a poorly amenable hyperthermia above 39 ° C.

    Children are characterized by psychopathological symptoms, especially the night delusional state, accompanied by frightening hallucinations. In severe cases, verbal-motor excitement is observed continuously.

    Treatment of epidemic encephalitis

    There is no specific treatment. Are appointed:

    1. 1) Antiviral agents( interferons);
    2. 2) Gamma-globulin( intramuscular or intravenous);
    3. 3) Glucocorticoids;
    4. 4) Detoxification therapy;
    5. 5) Symptomatic treatment( anticonvulsant, antiparkinsonic and other agents).

    Prevention of epidemic encephalitis

    It consists in supporting immunity, taking anti-epidemic measures( isolation of the patient, disinfection of his room / room, wearing masks nursing sick people).There is no specific prevention.

    Malaria encephalitis

    This is a brain damage caused by a single-cell parasite - a malarial plasmodium( almost always a causative agent of tropical malaria, Pl. Falciparum), which is introduced into the human body with a mosquito bite.

    See also, symptoms and treatment of malaria.

    People are sick in endemic areas: in the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, on the Volga region, and also in Bashkortostan and Kasakhstan. Large endemic zones are observed in African countries.

    Symptoms of malarial encephalitis

    The onset of the disease is acute, with a rise in temperature to very high figures( around 40 ° C), a very severe headache.

    Developing also:

    • dizziness;
    • severe chills;
    • nausea / vomiting;
    • coordination disorder;
    • sensitivity disorders;
    • impaired playback or understanding of speech( the second - less often);
    • may be difficulty breathing, swallowing;
    • convulsions with loss of consciousness, delusional disorder precede the development of malarial coma, in which there is a high( up to 80%) level of mortality.

    Therapy of malarial encephalitis

    Treatment consists in the appointment of specific antimalarial drugs: "Quinine", "Primachin", "Coartem" and others. They can be given as in tablets, and injected, strictly according to the scheme that exists for each drug.

    Prevention of malarial encephalitis

    A specific malaria vaccine has not been developed. Before going to the endemic areas, it is proposed to take special anti-malarial drugs( Malaron, Quinine, Doxycycline, Lariam and others).

    In the endemic areas themselves, it is necessary to apply repellents on clothes, use anti-mosquito nets. At the state level, work is under way to drain the marshes, create genetically modified mosquitoes and so on.

    Influenza encephalitis

    This is a complication of influenza caused by A1-3 and B influenza viruses that develops after the onset of symptoms of the underlying disease.

    These viruses, not specifically toxic to nervous tissue, dilate the vessels and increase their permeability, as a result of which the liquid part of the blood swims into the surrounding tissue( in this case, the brain substance), forming hemorrhages in it;viruses and their metabolites have a toxic effect on nerve cells.

    Also, influenza pathogens increase the secretion of CSF, as a result of which cerebral edema develops.

    Read also, the symptoms and treatment of influenza in adults.

    Symptoms of influenza encephalitis

    The disease usually occurs when a person begins or even is almost cured of the flu. Against the background of already becoming non-severe condition suddenly develop such symptoms:

    • headache;
    • painful eye movements;
    • drowsiness or insomnia;
    • dizziness;
    • re-raising the temperature.
    Further one or another form of pathology develops:

    1. 1) When acute hemorrhagic influenza encephalitis even develops a sharp motor excitement, a hallucinosis that is replaced by the increase in drowsiness to soporus and coma.
    2. 2) The main symptom of toxic influenza meningoencephalitis is an anxious-depressive mood, patients feel that they are all badly treated and want to harm.
    3. 3) There is also a third form - limited meningoencephalitis, which in adults proceeds like an exacerbation of the flu, and in children it is accompanied by hallucinations, impaired perception of the surrounding space and own body.
    The forecast for the last two forms is favorable. Only in children with limited meningoencephalitis, any subsequent stronger intoxication or trauma can cause a recurrence of psychosensory disorders.

    Treatment of influenza encephalitis

    Antiviral therapy with Remantadine, Tamiflu, with interferon therapy( Laferon, Viferon) is used. Antibacterial agents must be prescribed to prevent bacterial complications.

    Therapy includes: antihistamines, vaso-strengthening medications( vitamin C, rutin, calcium gluconate or chloride), sedatives.

    Prevention of influenza encephalitis

    Specific prophylaxis is the preliminary( in September-October) vaccination against influenza. If one of the members of the family is ill, the others prophylactically take "Groprinosine", "Cycloferon" or "Arbidol", wear masks.

    It is also important to strengthen immunity( hardening, walking outdoors, proper nutrition), airing an apartment, taking multivitamin courses.

    Encephalitis in infections

    Inflammation of white or gray matter of the brain can be observed as a complication of many infections. These include: chicken pox, measles, rubella, mumps, some others.

    Pathologies are usually infected by airborne droplets, and it is almost impossible to predict whether encephalitis develops in this case or not.

    Symptoms of

    Rubber encephalitis develops on the third or fourth day of rashes. It is characterized by: high fever, headache, generalized convulsions, depression of consciousness( up to sopor or coma), movement disorders in the limbs.

    When measles encephalitis symptoms appear at the end of rashes: the temperature rises again, there is a headache, vomiting. Shortly there are violations of movements in the form of paralysis or, conversely, twitching;there is a shaky gait, impaired vision. A coma can quickly develop. This disease most often affects children 2-3 years old, causes high mortality.

    Ventricular encephalitis can develop both in the early days of rashes( its prognosis is better), and in later terms. There are: headache, nausea, vomiting, the child ceases to stand on its feet, it staggers;develop symptoms of cranial nerve damage. There may be convulsions, a violation of consciousness.

    Treatment of

    Measles, rubella and parotitic encephalitis are treated with post-symptomatic and symptomatic therapy. Thus, detoxification preparations are prescribed, antibiotics in preventive doses, anticonvulsants.

    varicella encephalitis treated with acyclovir drugs( "Zovirax", "Viroleks", "Medovir") in dose 10 mg / kg for 1 administration( administration of 3 per day) - only intravenously. A specific anti-solar immunoglobulin( "Zostevir") is also used. Complement therapy with drugs prescribed depending on the developed symptoms.

    Prevention of

    Avoiding measles, rubella and mumps( and also encephalitis in these infections) can be achieved with the timely vaccination of children. There is also an inoculation against varicella, but it is usually used in children older than 13 years who did not get sick in childhood.

    There is also an emergency prophylaxis of chicken pox, used in children with diseases of the nervous system, not later than the third day after contact with the source of infection( gives 90% guarantee that the child will not get sick).

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