
Orchitis, epidemitis and orchoepididymitis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Orchitis, epidemitis and orchoepididymitis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Before I tell you about such pathologies as orchitis and orchitis epididymitis( inflammation of the testicle and epididymis), I would like to write a little about the functions that they perform. Under certain conditions, these organs tend to become inflamed.

    Testicles - paired glands in which spermatozoa and the hormone testosterone are formed, regulating their maturation, their inflammation is called "orchitis".In the epididymis or epididymis ripening occurs sperm and participation in the fertilization of the egg, inflammation of the epididymis is called "epidemitis."

    Causes of orchitis and orhoepidymitis

    The causes of inflammation of the testicle and its appendage are traumas, infectious diseases such as parotitis, but I hope you will be told about these reasons by gentlemen urologists or infectious disease specialists. And we will talk about the most frequent, such as sexually transmitted diseases. This pathology is their complication.

    Many authors call the cause of chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma in mono or staphylococcus and streptococci. But my observations, as dealing with this pathology, this does not confirm. In the case of orchitis or orhoepidymitis, the main pathogens are gonococci or trichomonads or a combination of them, i.e., orhoepididymitis, usually a consequence of a complication of gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

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    The above microbes can also be secondary in this process. And the reason must be found necessarily. Incorrectly diagnosed - and, as a consequence, retsedivy and complications.

    Symptoms of orchitis and orhoepidymitis

    Orchitis and epididymitis often occur together, the process is called orhoepidymitis. Symptoms of orhoepidymitis will be a sharp soreness in the testicles, which increases with walking, irradiating in the lower back, abdomen, testicle nearly 2-3 times, hyperemia( redness), low-grade fever( above 38 ° C), rezi with urination, discharge from the urethra.

    It is much worse if the inflammatory process is bilateral. The above symptoms cause an extra!calls to the doctor , it is better that it was a dermatologist, who will, if necessary, send to the urologist. Emergency - this means that at whatever time of day and wherever it happens!

    Diagnosis of orchoepidymitis

    At the first treatment, a smear from the urethra should be given to the cito( urgently) for urogenital infections.

    It is also necessary to make ultrasound of the testicles, prostate, to determine the extent and the topic of the lesion and exclude testicular cancer.

    For the diagnosis of the severity of the process, a general blood test and a general urine test are taken.

    Sowing urine on the microflora with the definition of sensitivity to antibiotics, I believe, will not give us reliable results, since the microbe in the body and outside it are two different things and in any case antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed. But to examine the urine with a microscopic method to detect trichomonads and make them sowing, as well as gonococci, on nutrient media, where they will grow, even with a minimal amount - this is another matter.

    Your sexual partner must also be examined at the dermatovenerologist or gynecologist, since this situation is a marker of sexually transmitted diseases.

    It is good to donate blood for HIV, hepatitis B, C and syphilis.

    Treatment of orchoepidymitis

    To treat this pathology better in the hospital.

    The sooner the treatment is started, the better. The main thing is not to allow sclerosis of the testicles - replacement of normal tissue by cicatricial and the transition of the process to the second side.

    Treatment provides three tasks: removal of inflammation, resorption of the focus, restoration of the organ function and elimination of the pathogen from the body. To do this, immediately on the testicle area, a supporting bandage with Vishnevsky ointment is applied. After finding out the reason, antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action( summed, unidox), antimicrobial drugs( trichopolum), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( diclofenac sodium in injections), immunopreparations( gonovaccine, pyrogenal), resorbants( lidase, aloe), physiotherapy( UHF, ultrasound).If there was a gangrenic testis, then alas. ... its removal.

    The mode during the entire acute period should be semi-post. Strictly excluded is the use of alcoholic beverages, sex, physical activity, as well as sharp, smoked products.

    After successful treatment of orchitis or orhoepididymitis, even with normal health, control is taken for sexually transmitted diseases according to the "full program"( with provocation, crops).Only after that all restrictions are removed.

    Folk remedies, I will not be original here, as in other articles, can be administered together with the main treatment and only by your doctor. Otherwise, wait for complications or retsediva. For example propolis, which has antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties in the form of candles in the anus and locally as an ointment. Also used infusions of flowers of hops, birch leaves.

    Complications of orchitis and orhoepidymitis

    All complications of orchitis or orhoepididymitis can be divided into early or later. An early complication includes abscess, gangrene testis. By the time of infertility, atrophy. That is why it is important to undergo examination and treatment.

    Prevention of orchitis and orhoepidymitis

    Prevention is the annual screening for sexually transmitted infections and after accidental sexual intercourse, well, they themselves are directly preventive.

    Consultation of a doctor

    Question: If as a result of orchitis one testicle is removed, does this mean that a person will become impotent or sterile?
    Answer: Not a fact. As a rule, the second testicle assumes all the functions.

    Question: Can an inflammation of the testicle occur as a result of hypothermia?
    Answer: Subcooling is a provoking factor, it is necessary to have a microbe.

    Question: If orchitis is treated out-patient, is the sick leave sheet given?
    Answer: Yes, of course.

    Doctor dermatovenereologist Mansurov A.S.