  • Vesiculitis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Vesiculitis is an inflammation of seminal vesicles that are located near the prostate. During the normal functioning of the genitourinary system, this paired organ acts as a kind of reservoir where a prostatic secret produced directly in the gland itself is stored. Vesicles are connected to the seminal canal, according to which, as a matter of fact, spermatozoa enter the external environment.

    Vesiculitis is an inflammation of seminal vesicles that are located near the prostate. During the normal functioning of the genitourinary system, this paired organ acts as a kind of reservoir where a prostatic secret produced directly in the gland itself is stored. Vesicles are connected to the seminal canal, according to which, as a matter of fact, spermatozoa enter the external environment.

    Causes of inflammation of the vesicles

    To be spoken of, vesiculitis is a rare enough disease. This can be explained by the characteristic location of this organ in the depth of the small pelvis, where it is rather difficult to reach the infectious process or any other pathological agent.

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    Thus, cases when vesiculitis develops as a primary disease, it is considered to be academic, because they are found only in the pages of textbooks. Much more often you can see the inflammation of the seminal vesicles, which arose against the background of another inflammatory disease. Most often, vesiculitis is caused by chronic prostatitis, urethritis or epididymitis( inflammation of the testicular appendages).Also, vesiculitis can develop and against the background of a common infectious process, generally not involved in the organs of the genitourinary system. It can be banal flu, tonsillitis or osteomyelitis( inflammation of the bone marrow of large tubular bones).

    In addition, there are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of vesiculitis. After all, not always angina leads to inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Thus, frequent constipation, sedentary work, prolonged sexual abstinence, immobile lifestyle and suppression of the immune system are the moments against which the defeat of seminal vesicles develops.

    Anatomy of vesicles

    Symptoms of vesiculitis

    Inflammation of seminal vesicles quite often goes unnoticed, which makes this pathology even more dangerous. The fact is that during the course of the disease with chronic prostatitis, it is quite difficult to identify exactly those symptoms that indicate the lesion of the non-prostate gland, namely the seminal vesicles. As a rule, during the spread of inflammation to the vesicles, there is an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees, sharply increased pain in the perineal region and even more difficult process of urination. In addition, in the semen can appear droplets of blood, and the pain will increase during the act of defecation and with a filled bladder.

    If such symptoms start to bother you or someone from your loved ones, immediately lead him to a urologist. Vesiculitis is a very serious problem that can result in the most unpredictable and unexpected consequences. In no case should you neglect these symptoms. Especially, explain them by exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. Vesiculitis is a much more serious problem than inflammation of the prostate.

    Diagnosis of vesiculitis

    Definition of inflammation of seminal vesicles is simple, but at the same time, a very important task. For him, as a rule, at the initial stage, a rectal examination is performed, during which the soreness of the anterior wall of the ampulla of the rectum is determined. The matter is further behind the laboratory indicators, which must confirm or refute the diagnosis.

    The general or common analysis of a blood anything, except for signs of the general or common inflammation to give to the urologist can not. The same applies to the general analysis of urine. Therefore, in order to verify the diagnosis, seeding of the contents of the seminal vesicles is assigned. This material is taken into a clean test tube during a prostate massage - the manipulation performed by the doctor. Then the secret is sowed on a nutrient medium, where in a few days whole colonies of microbes grow, which indicate the presence of bacterial inflammation of seminal vesicles.

    While all laboratory tests are being prepared, as a rule, the patient undergoes ultrasound of pelvic organs. Using a special sensor, which is injected through the rectum, it is possible to clearly define the inflammation of the seminal vesicle wall quite clearly. Although this method is considered indirect, it is often enough to diagnose acute or chronic vesiculitis.

    Sensor for uzi, administered through the rectum

    Uzi vesiculitis

    Treatment of vesiculitis

    If pathology is defined at the initial stage of its development, then for its treatment, active antibacterial therapy is used. Naturally, it is carried out with a wide range of drugs, including penicillins, macrolides, fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins. Despite the fact that all these medicines can be purchased at the pharmacy without any prescription, it must be done only after the official confirmation of the diagnosis.

    Antibiotics are a treatment that only affects the causative agent of the disease, but does not remove its symptoms. For this purpose, as a rule, anesthetics and antipyretic agents are used, which can be taken in both injection and tablet form.

    It is highly justified to use laxatives, which significantly reduce pain in the perineum during the act of defecation. True, their reception is difficult to combine with bed rest, which is prescribed during the acute period of the disease.

    The present treatment concerns only acute vesiculitis. During the chronic course of the disease, a number of other therapeutic and surgical procedures are also used. For example, during purulent inflammation of the vesicles, the only method of treatment is operative drainage of the cavity of seminal vesicles. A more gentle method is to rinse the vesicle cavity, which is carried out through the urethra.

    Features of nutrition and lifestyle with vesiculitis

    Vesiculitis is a disease that can not be considered completely cured. Sooner or later you should expect a relapse, so you need to take care of your health. It must be remembered that the cause of vesiculitis was probably prostatitis, which means that it is worthwhile to throw large forces on the treatment of this pathology. In addition, it is better to avoid those factors that lead to this disease: a sedentary lifestyle, frequent constipation, sexual instability.

    No less important than chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, is the general condition of the body. People who once experienced vesiculitis, should remember that even the smallest hypothermia can lead to a relapse of the disease.

    Rehabilitation after illness

    Rehabilitation after vesicle is one of those factors that can prevent a relapse of the disease. Very often for the prevention of recurrent disease, urologists are prescribed sanatorium treatment with the use of mud baths. Also recommended are methods such as physiotherapy.
    Recently, even a study has been conducted that showed a greater effectiveness of the use of physiotherapy after recovery from vesiculitis as a warning of re-inflammation of seminal vesicles. According to the information of scientists, physiotherapy methods of treatment reduce the risk of recurrent disease almost twice.

    Traditional methods of treatment of vesiculitis

    Surprisingly, there are no folk methods for treating vesiculitis. Most likely, the reason for this is the fact that folk healers could not even guess about the existence of such an interesting and mysterious organ as seminal vesicles. Of course, a variety of herbal preparations and other natural preparations are available, but they are no different from those recommended during treatment of prostatitis. The explanation of this fact is very simple - folk healers simply did not distinguish between two data pathology.
    Probably, it is not necessary to talk about the "benefits" of such treatment, since even a person without any medical education becomes clear that getting rid of an infectious bacterial process is not really possible without antibiotics. A long time without the use of drugs will only exacerbate the picture of vesiculitis and lead to serious consequences. Complications of vesiculitis

    Complications of vesiculitis can be most terrible. As a rule, only one reason for their development is absence or delay of treatment. Purulent inflammation of the vesicles, requiring surgery, as mentioned above, is not the most serious problem that can await a patient with poorly treated vesiculitis. Much more serious consequences can be if the infection descends down the seminal canal. In this case, inflammation of the epididymis will be observed with a possible transition directly to the sex glands.

    Eggs are an organ that has a special barrier, which prevents the penetration of various substances in their blood parenchyma that are in the blood. These substances include not only infectious agents, but also medicines. Thus, if the bacterium nevertheless gets into the testicles by some roundabout way, then it will be very difficult to get it from there. You can even say that it is almost impossible. Of course, after a while the inflammation can stop on its own, only after it there will be the most serious consequences - the complete absence of genital function.

    Prevention of vesiculitis

    Preventing inflammation of seminal vesicles is difficult, because there is no underlying cause of its occurrence. But even so, urologists have developed two theories for the prevention of acute vesiculitis.

    The first prevention method is to eliminate the local causes of acute inflammation. As already mentioned, precursors of acute inflammation of vesicles can be chronic processes such as prostatitis and urethritis. Hence, in the first place is the sanation of foci of chronic infection. It can be achieved through the preventive use of antibacterial agents and the local administration of antiseptics.

    In addition, vesiculitis can occur due to a foci of infection located far from the seminal vesicles. This means that it is necessary to eliminate not only local, but all other foci of purulent infection. It's hard to believe, but even carious teeth can cause a disease like vesiculitis.

    In addition to all this, it must be remembered that even a complete absence of bacteria in the body can not guarantee you the absence of vesiculitis. For example, cases are described where after significant hypothermia against the background of absolute health in men there were symptoms of acute inflammation of seminal vesicles.

    Another important factor for preventing vesiculitis is the observance of personal hygiene rules. Regular toilet external genitalia and frequent change of underwear is an indispensable element in the prevention of any disease of the genitourinary system in men.

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov AN