  • Priapism - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    It's hard to believe, but there are men who do not try to regain their potency, but rather want to get rid of it. The problem of these people is called priapism and is nothing more than a permanent painful erection of the penis. In this case, the color of the penis itself can change due to prolonged blood stagnation in its cavernous bodies.

    The name of the disease comes from the name of the ancient god of fertility Priap, whose member was constantly on alert. Only in contrast to the clinical picture of a real patient, the mythical hero did not experience any painful sensations.

    Causes of priapism

    The disease occurs due to a violation of blood flow in the penis. This can be manifested as a violation of the influx of arterial blood, and a violation of the outflow of venous. In the first case, the problem will have the name of ischemic priapism, and in the second - non-ischemic. It is very important to distinguish between these two root causes of permanent erection, since the immediate tactics of treating the disease depend on them.

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    Naturally, blood circulation in the penis can not be disturbed on its own. For this, the organism must be subjected to at least some factors. Most often in the role of these agents are neurological diseases of the spinal cord and brain( multiple sclerosis, tumors, various craniocerebral trauma).

    Another group of causes leading to the development of priapism, is considered to be blood diseases. Most often this happens during leukemia, although there are cases of the emergence of a constant painful erection against the background of sickle-cell anemia.

    Diseases of the male genital organs, like nothing else, greatly affects the state of potency. Inflammations or tumors of the penis often lead to priapism, so you need to take these pathologies very seriously.

    Much attention in the history of the patient with priapism is given to the presence of trauma to the pelvic organs or perineum. For priapism, the so-called trauma of the rider is characteristic, the mechanism of which is a blunt blow to the perineal region, which leads to wedging of the femoral-genital nerve and the appearance of a painful erection.

    In addition to all this, there are a number of medical products, the use of which can lead to a similar state. These drugs include drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, antidepressants, psychotropic drugs, anti-anxiety and indirect anticoagulants such as warfarin or heparin. The use of drugs from these groups does not lead to the emergence of priapism, but significantly increases its risk. This does not mean that you can not accept them, you just need to read the insert very carefully and do not exceed the dose of the latter.

    Symptoms of priapism

    Priapism is not one of those diseases that can boast of an abundance of clinical symptoms. Rather, even on the contrary, since there is only one symptom of priapism, but it is 100%.

    It is extremely important to fix the moment of erection. Because after 8 hours of continuous sexual arousal irreversible processes begin to develop in the cavernous bodies of the penis.8 hours is a very safe period during which it is necessary to seek medical help.

    It's very bad, but less than half of all patients turn to medical help on time. There are many reasons for this. The first of these is that a person is simply ashamed of such a delicate problem. Plus, most patients simply do not know that is priapistically handled by the urologist .

    It is also very important to differentiate the normal action of Viagra from the occurrence of priapism. It is worth noting that the normal effect of this drug stops at a maximum of three hours after the onset of the clinical effect. This must be remembered in time to turn to a specialist and warn a very serious problem that can occur against the backdrop of a prolonged erection.

    Penis blood supply

    Diagnosis of priapism

    Clinical verification of diagnosis, as a rule, does not cause special difficulties. It is enough to see just a uniformly solid penis and find out that he has been in this condition for several hours, as the diagnosis of priapism becomes clear.

    But to make sure the final conclusion, doctors resort to some laboratory and instrumental research. For example, using a thin needle in the cavity of the cavernous body of the penis, a contrast agent is introduced and the patient is sent to the X-ray room.

    During the same piercing of the penis, the puncture needle not only introduces contrast, but also draws blood from the cavernous bodies. Her subsequent analysis allows you to determine the concentration of oxygen and find out what deficiency is experienced in the tissues of the sexual organ.

    In addition, the diagnosis of other diseases, which theoretically can lead to the development of such clinical symptoms. Even with the slightest trauma of the small pelvis, a complete radiographic examination of his bony and muscular apparatus is mandatory. It is necessary to check sensitive reflexes on the skin of the thigh and genitals, the decrease of which can speak of disorders of the nervous apparatus responsible for the genitals.

    Treatment of priapism

    The main direction in the treatment of priapism is its urgency. The earlier the measures to eradicate erections have been started, the more effective they will be and the better the "feel" of the sexual organ after the treatment. At admission to the hospital is an ambulance. It consists in the puncture of the cavernous bodies of the penis under local anesthesia followed by the sucking off of excess blood.

    In parallel, drugs are prescribed to lower blood pressure. True, they are contraindicated for persons suffering from hypotension, which must be taken into account in order to not then save the patient from collapse( a sharp drop in blood pressure).

    If such measures do not lead to normalization of the human condition, then resort to radical methods of treatment - surgery. The scope of surgical intervention is to create an anastomosis between the venous system of the penis and other veins, for example, the thigh. In this case, it is necessary to expect the emergence of temporary impotence, which is normalized after about two to three months.

    Among the whole algorithm of treatment should once again highlight its urgency, as a slow treatment in the hospital will certainly lead to the occurrence of the most serious consequences.

    Operation with priapism

    Features of diet and lifestyle with priapism

    A special diet, which would be intended during the excitation of the penis, has not yet been invented. But as for the general way of life, here there are some features. For example, if the patient knows exactly the cause of priapism, then it is necessary to try to prevent it from occurring in the future. Also if on the threshold of an attack of an erection the patient accepted any medical preparations, to their subsequent receptions it is necessary to concern with double care. In any case, you must take care of your intimate place from damage, in particular, riding.

    Rehabilitation after illness

    Very often people, especially teenagers who have had a seizure of priapism, develop a mental symptom complex, which is manifested by fear of the next sexual intercourse. Such patients need a sufficiently serious psychological rehabilitation, and the earlier it is started, the faster it will be able to get rid of all the consequences of an unpleasant situation. As a rule, this procedure is performed by psychologists, although in the most severe cases it may be necessary to consult a psychiatrist.

    Traditional methods of treating priapism

    It's hard to imagine how a variety of herbal preparations can help in a situation where even surgical intervention is not always effective. But, nevertheless, they exist and for a literate person should be a guide for avoidance. It can not be said that folk remedies will harm the patient, but at the same time there is no reason to say that they will be useful. And even the slightest confusion, as we know, leads to an instant deterioration of the situation and the emergence of irreversible processes. So, if you ever come across such a problem, then remember that only a timely application for qualified medical help can solve it.

    Complications of priapism

    The main complication is sexual dysfunction .Probably, erectile dysfunction does not need additional explanations, because the name itself already gives exhaustive information about the essence of the disease.

    The latest and most formidable complication of priapism is gangrene of the genital organ .By this term is meant the necrosis of the sections of the penis with the rejection of damaged particles. As a rule, such complication ends with a complete amputation of the organ. In more severe cases, when there is a blood infection, even amputation is unable to correct the situation. As a rule, it ends in a fatal outcome.

    Prophylaxis of priapism

    Prophylaxis of priapism is difficult. At least because often there are no prerequisites for its occurrence. Most patients note the fact that they have a seizure against a background of complete well-being. The only recommendations given by urologists are the avoidance of trauma in the genital area and the timely treatment of all inflammatory diseases and neoplasms of the penis. If all of the above conditions are met, you can only reduce the risk of priapism, but you can not completely prevent it, because there are many other reasons for its development.

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov А.N.