
Is it harmful to drink a lot of water and why?can or can not drink often

  • Is it harmful to drink a lot of water and why?can or can not drink often

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    Liquid is needed by the body, as two thirds of it consists of water. Doctors are convinced that for normal operation of the internal organs a day it is necessary to drink at least a liter of water. Without food, a person can live up to a month, but without water a few days, a maximum of a week. A reduced level of fluid leads to fatigue and reduced efficiency. In summer, the amount of water necessary for the body increases to 3-4 liters.

    Is it harmful to drink a lot of water? Nutritionists answered this difficult question. No, it's even useful. Clean water can dull the feeling of hunger, which helps people with obesity. It is also needed after physical exertion, to replenish the body's water balance and prevent cardiovascular diseases. In such cases, neither juices, teas, nor other beverages are suitable, because the body perceives them as food.

    It seems that everything is simple, and there are a lot of benefits and no calories, and water is available for everyone. But it is necessary to know that a large amount of water, more than 6 liters per day, will not have only a positive impact. Such a volume of water will begin to wash away minerals from the body, disrupt the salt balance, increase the burden on the kidneys, there will be a constant desire to visit the toilet, which at night will lead to sleep disturbance and, accordingly, brain damage. Is it necessary to torment your body so much in pursuit of illusory ideals?

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    There is another factor why you can not oversaturate yourself with water. From a large amount of fluid may occur hyponatremia or cerebral edema, because of the inability of the kidneys to treat all this water. Once there was a case when a woman, after drinking four to five hours more than ten liters of water, perished. Death did not come immediately, the first symptoms were dizziness, disorientation, convulsions, this was due to a sharp drop in the level of sodium in the blood.

    Most girls run to dietitians with questions, can you lose weight if you drink a lot of water? Water helps to reduce weight, removes toxins from the body, can regulate body temperature, improves the digestive system. To make the weight go away, water should be drunk properly.

    Water well quenches hunger, this phenomenon protects the body from overeating, because often the desire to drink the brain is confused with the desire to eat because of the nearby centers of perception.

    First two glasses of water should be drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach. At night, the body loses its fluid and needs to be restored. To improve the work of the intestine in water, you can add a slice of lemon. During breakfast, you can drink more water or herbal warm tea. Each time half an hour before a meal, you need to fill your stomach with a glass of water, this will reduce the feeling of hunger and help you get rid of kilograms faster.

    The frequent shortage of water provokes headaches that occur as a result of dehydration of the brain. Also, due to a lack of fluid in the body, there may be problems with the digestive tract. The necessary amount of water for the body per day quickly solves problems with constipation. Lack of water affects the skin and color of the face. Therefore, for the maintenance of the body, it is better to drink water as much as necessary for a specific organism, and then both the appearance and internal organs will be in order.
